
Do you like my elk hunt plan?

I think all that is really good prep and a good start. After years and years of this my plan has simplified to this:

Where are there no people. Thats where the elk will be. I literally just talked to a ODFW guy yesterday about my big hunt coming up. While there are only 20 tags I asked him where most people enter unit. Told me most will enter from X then span out. I told him perfect. I am going in from the other side. He tells is very steep and thick and its a hard entry.

PERFECT, thats where the elk will end up. ( I hope)
That's a perfect answer! After archery and muzzy seasons the elk move into the steep nasty gnarly places a hunter does not want to go! And that fringe area is where you should focus! The elk, if hunted hard, will come out to feed only at last light.
Have really appreciated this thread, tons of information and it's always great to get a few different perspectives.
Sorry I've been MIA for a few days on this fellas...really appreciate everyone who took the time to weigh in! It has definitely given me much food for thought and has me very thoughtfully considering backup options (some of which I think I am beginning to like better than the original idea). In any event, thank you all - I appreciate this community and the perspectives shared.

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