What would you do ... (2)

If he was less than 800 metres out, with little or no crosswind, I'd take the shot

Anyone that would shoot a bull elk out of season likely as not breaks all kinds of other game laws as well. I say try to shut the dude down before he fugs you out of a real nice trophy down the road. If there were any way to report it, I believe I'd be a tattle tale on this one.
ok.. ok.. HERE'S HOW IT WENT

The friend went as Fast as he could to the Shooter. the shooter was DAM Surprised that he came out of the Bushes. When the friend Confronted him he Babbled and said "I didn't Hit anything, I didn't Shoot anything". Just then the Friends son came down the mountain and said "BS, I walked up to the Spike you shot."

they demanded the Licence. The shooter didn't want to give it up but they played the "there is 3 of us, one of you, Hand it over. They told the Shooter He'd better debone and take out ALL the meat. And not leave 1 OZ behind or they were going to turn him in."

They finished thier hunt (And the Friend shot a Fuggin NICE bull BTW, I'll try to get a Picture soon.) And then when they got out they Called Fish/Game. Fish and Game went over to the Shooters house and Started the Interigation. The shooter Denied it at first. But then Caved in after they Showed him the licence that they Got from the Friend. And they saw he had the Spike at his place. The shooter was also busted for running Dual residences in Idaho and Washington. They fined him, Confinscated his gun, And Old piece of Chit one and set the court date, Ect.

They came back and Called the Friend and went into more detail for the court thing, Asking what gun he was Shooting, Etc. He told them it was a NICE new magnum with a Mounted rest on the Front. They in return went back to the shooters House with some Sort of Warrent and Confiscated the "REAL" gun he was useing too.

Now, I'm not sure what's coming out of Shooting before the Season, lieing and Claiming Resident in 2 states, lieing to Fish/Game and giving them the Wrong gun, But Roumor has it He's getting hit "HARD". When I find out (If I do), I'll let ya know !!

Remember, Be honest and Safe, even if you're 12 miles Back in !!!!!

That must have been a trophy spike, to shoot it 12 miles in.

Thats EXACTLY what I wass thinking .. I laughed My ASS off.. I could have Understood (Or Respected the guy in a Poaching way) if he;d Drop the Hammer on a big 6 or something. But to shoot a Spike (And no offence to people shooting cows and spikes) but to POACH one ? If I wanted the Meat, I'd sure as hell poach something closer to the road.

WHo in their Right mind Packs out a Spike 12 miles on an Illegal tag ?!?! MAybe it was a Trophy Spike
Reminds me of some serious spike killing that happened in southern wyoming a few years ago. The Wyoming game and fish got the idea to go to killing only branch bulls and saving the spikes. In one trip I was witness to 2 spike killings and found 2 other spikes dead. We called G&F, and they had an officer on it right away. We saw the dude who shot one spike and had a good idea where their camp was located. In informing the GF officer of the suspected camp, he went in and said he had witnesses and started accusing the fellows in the camp. They admitted to killing a spike and leaving it. Low and behold(?) , they took the GF officer to another little canyon to show him the evidence. ( not the canyon that we saw them shoot the spike.) The next day we went back into where the original spike lay dead, and the dudes who did the shooting were back in there. The GF just happened to accompany us in this time. Another bust for wanton destruction. It was a shame though, there were many many spikes killed that year and left to rot. GF did get smart and stopped the branches only hunting. It saddens me to think of the ethics involved. Shoot first and then go and see if its a legal bull.
just my two cents.

By the way , several posters have talked about stopping a poacher by gun point. I wonder, I say its a risky business at best. If a fellow has no problem shooting game illegally. Whos to say he wouldn't pull the trigger again if got into a predicament?Especially being in about 10-12 miles.

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