What makes a creedmoor a creedmoor

When I bought my Crèéd all of the trophy animals I was planning on hunting strolled on over to their local fwp office to have my tag taped to them. They know when season opens to just lay down and die for me to “harvest”. They will even let me tell everyone I shot every single one of them at 650 yards.
I’m not even going to put powder in this next batch of handloads.
the 6.5 was developed in partnership by Hornady Senior Ballistics Scientist Dave Emary and Dennis DeMille, VP of product development for Creedmoor Sports, hence the name.
Rumor is before they settled on Creedmoor, they considered calling it the 6.5 DaveandDennis but thought better when a marketing exec said, "People will abbreviate that to the 6.5 DnD and then they will think this thing is for slaying dragons and will only be bought by nerds and geeks. Just call it the 6.5 Creedmoor, that will be more marketable to snobbish manbun types, we will lead them to believe it can slay dragons!"
Someone had to come up with a new buzz word, “Tactical” was getting mighty tiresome.
All insta babes have a fans only page, where you pay money to see slightly more provocative pics. Seems like a joke but apparently they make good money.
Mmmm...that’s not... but your the one making BYU jokes?
"Racist as all get out for sure, but great marketing nonetheless!":cool:
Wut??? Where do you come up with that?
My poor attempt at humor. Some "woke" person somewhere would construe it that way. I should have added a /s for sarcasm.
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