
What makes a creedmoor a creedmoor

The 6.5 Creedmoor was initially developed as a target round, but it was soon discovered that it made recoil sensitive hunters feel good about themselves. It is believed by some to possess mythical qualities, but others have difficulty speaking the word without grimacing. There appears to be a correlation between a certain hip hair style and the belief that it is an effective long range elk hunting round. Never-the-less the name is cool, which is what makes a Creedmoor a Creedmoor.- Webster1

1. Possibly not the Webster you are thinking.
I feel smug whenever “six five creedmoor” rolls off my tongue accompanied by a smirk and a twinkling eye. It signals to the right crowd the hipness of my only high power rifle, while simultaneously earning me a couple idiot points in everyone else’s book.

So “what makes a creedmoor a creedmoor”? Literally nothing as far as ballistic uniqueness goes. Many nearly identical cartridges existed before it did.
I think I've got the family tree figured out. There's the 6.5 Man-Bun, the WSM Chin-Strap-Beard, the RUM Soul-Patch-Tribal-Bicep-Tattoo, .260-Reverse-Mullet, .270-Sideburns, .308-Regulation-Length-Moustache, and 30/06-Flat-Top. Something like that? Maybe I missed the Mashburn-Barista-Doc Holiday-Handlebar-Moustache, or the 6.5x47L Ironic-Thick-Rimmed-Glasses branches somewhere in there...

I'm just sad that the 6.5PRC-Retired-Dentist-Harley-Davidson-Rider moniker hasn't caught on yet.
I think I've got the family tree figured out. There's the 6.5 Man-Bun, the WSM Chin-Strap-Beard, the RUM Soul-Patch-Tribal-Bicep-Tattoo, .260-Reverse-Mullet, .270-Sideburns, .308-Regulation-Length-Moustache, and 30/06-Flat-Top. Something like that? Maybe I missed the Mashburn-Barista-Doc Holiday-Handlebar-Moustache, or the 6.5x47L Ironic-Thick-Rimmed-Glasses branches somewhere in there...

I'm just sad that the 6.5PRC-Retired-Dentist-Harley-Davidson-Rider moniker hasn't caught on yet.

You missed me. I'm a .300 wby - sore shouldered, scope printed broke shooter.
This should be a good one. IMO, the Creed gets its laser like trajectory and near mythical abilities by drawing power from the shooters manbun, beard oil and flat brim hat. Any time said shooter says 'brah', the effective range increases by 100 yards.
Hey! My wide brim hat blocks the glare of the sun, my beard oil makes my beard luxurious and wife”happy.” I’m starting to go bald so no man bun. ... damn it. My 6.5 Tikka T3x Wideland shoots Hornady factory ammo in 1/2 inch groups all day. What are the benefits of your nascar dad hat, and Vaseline? My guess is you’re hairodynamic too. Just messin!!!
I thought it was named after Creedmoor Rifle Range in New York where a lot of the PRS stuff takes place. I realize this doesn't answer of what makes it a "Creedmoor" but I was told that's where Hornady came up with the name.

Here is the scoop. Site of probably the greatest victory by Americans in any shooting match ever.

Kind of an elitist Scottish Highlands Shooting Estate vibe going on there. Racist as all get out for sure, but great marketing nonetheless!:cool:
I don’t even have to take ammo with me hunting. I hike up the hill with the Creed and critters fall dead. Then everyone hates me for it.
When I bought my Crèéd all of the trophy animals I was planning on hunting strolled on over to their local fwp office to have my tag taped to them. They know when season opens to just lay down and die for me to “harvest”. They will even let me tell everyone I shot every single one of them at 650 yards.
Kind of an elitist Scottish Highlands Shooting Estate vibe going on there. Racist as all get out for sure, but great marketing nonetheless!:cool:
"Racist as all get out for sure, but great marketing nonetheless!":cool:
Wut??? Where do you come up with that?
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