What kind of access would you like in the Breaks?

Do I have the right guy?
He's a very interesting individual based on what I've been told. Did have a positive interaction with him once in that he allowed access to retrieve a deer my ex father in law shot. We didn't recover that deer I believe another hunter found him and put him down.
The property I hunt over that way borders some that he utilizes. "His" hunters have pushed a lot of game to us.
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There’s more to every story.

Allegedly the guy on the four wheeler has been cited by enforcement for driving off road this fall, due to better evidence.
Hmmm the guy on the wheeler is an ex-game warden and is a big part of the the Mule Deer Foundation in Montana, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t cited for driving off-road, but I haven’t heard anything about that, and it seems like you’re trying to spread misinformation about him to cloud this incident showing an outfitter trying to keep public land to himself and intimidate a public user who accessed it. I assume the guy on the wheeler firmly believed he accessed it via legal means, and was also pointing out all the places the outfitter had driven off-road on public lands while guiding hunters.
When I was a kid riding dirt bikes with my grandpa some old dope grower popped out of a timber patch and had me stopped. He was telling me it was private and we needed to leave. Grandpa comes around the corner on his bike this guys started screaming at him telling us we need to leave its private. About the time he stepped infront of gramps bike like that and realized he had made a mistake when my grandpa pulled his pistol out. We rode in there for a long time after that and never once saw that guy again.
Don’t know either party, but if outfitter guy continues to act like that, he’s gonna need to upgrade to the premium dental plan.
This made me chuckle. Currently the motorized access is limited to an outfitter through a couple billionaire brothers private.

geewhiz, your comment wasn’t the chuckle part.😁

View attachment 311771
Soo…..what are you trying to start here? Seems like you are trying to cause discontent. Seems odd coming from a BLM employee…when it actually took place on BLM. Isn’t that somewhat unprofessional? Conflict of interest? It’s so laughable that you bring this up. If your peanut gallery enjoyed “Season 1; Episode 1”…..pay attention to “Season 2; Episode 1”! Let’s see if you want to keep running your soup coolers then….! Just saying….
Soo…..what are you trying to start here? Seems like you are trying to cause discontent. Seems odd coming from a BLM employee…when it actually took place on BLM. Isn’t that somewhat unprofessional? Conflict of interest? It’s so laughable that you bring this up. If your peanut gallery enjoyed “Season 1; Episode 1”…..pay attention to “Season 2; Episode 1”! Let’s see if you want to keep running your soup coolers then….! Just saying….
FFS, grow up. There is no conflict of interest.

Faber's have been a PITA for decades, think they own the breaks and have a history of harassing hunters.
Soo…..what are you trying to start here? Seems like you are trying to cause discontent. Seems odd coming from a BLM employee…when it actually took place on BLM. Isn’t that somewhat unprofessional? Conflict of interest? It’s so laughable that you bring this up. If your peanut gallery enjoyed “Season 1; Episode 1”…..pay attention to “Season 2; Episode 1”! Let’s see if you want to keep running your soup coolers then….! Just saying….
I am trying to make the public aware of the comment period for allowing vehicular access to the Bullwhacker area. I realize the encounter was on BLM and I don't doubt that Chris was accurate with the trespass on a closed road. Don't know what that has to do with my professionalism. The road that was mentioned in the video is the same one that is out for public scoping.

I do think it is rich when both you and Eric both "thumbs up" a comment about Montana needs less access, when Chris does have vehicular assess to the BLM, but the public doesn't. Interesting to google all three of your names, hence the chuckle.

Is your "too much access" only for the public, commercial outfitting or both?

FWP thought public assess was important enough to enter into a PALA with the private landowners and now the BLM is soliciting public comment for access across BLM. I am in favor of equitable access, but of course I will remain "professional" and not participate in the scoping.

I am not asking folks on this thread to comment one way or the other, just making folks aware if they are interested.

I also find it interesting that Governor Gianforte selected you and Eric to the PLPW. Appreciate your efforts to be "more responsive to hunter's needs".
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Don’t know either party, but if outfitter guy continues to act like that, he’s gonna need to upgrade to the premium dental plan.
I’m not defending him by any means. I’ve dealt with Chris a time or two and while he isn’t the biggest man in the world, he’s not someone I’m throwing hands with. I can’t remember the details but I’m certain he was a stud college wrestler and he’s built like a bulldog. Not one of those little French ones either!

I’m fairly indifferent about the road access. It’s nice having some areas that have very little vehicle traffic and people have to put work in to hunt them. The few roads in that area get absolutely piss pounded with people. With that being said, Faber runs waaaaay to many deer hunters through and slaughters a bunch of those deer so it may as well be open to public access. I have personally witnessed his guides off roading in their jeeps down there and tearing things up when it’s wet.
I’m not defending him by any means. I’ve dealt with Chris a time or two and while he isn’t the biggest man in the world, he’s not someone I’m throwing hands with. I can’t remember the details but I’m certain he was a stud college wrestler and he’s built like a bulldog. Not one of those little French ones either!

I’m fairly indifferent about the road access. It’s nice having some areas that have very little vehicle traffic and people have to put work in to hunt them. The few roads in that area get absolutely piss pounded with people. With that being said, Faber runs waaaaay to many deer hunters through and slaughters a bunch of those deer so it may as well be open to public access. I have personally witnessed his guides off roading in their jeeps down there and tearing things up when it’s wet.
My experience too. Chris would blow a gasket if he saw someone else behaving the way he and his guides do.

I would like to see better access into the area in question.

An aside as I haven't been there for a long time, do they still own the bar at Cleveland?
I am trying to make the public aware of the comment period for allowing vehicular access to the Bullwhacker area. I realize the encounter was on BLM and I don't doubt that Chris was accurate with the trespass on a closed road. Don't know what that has to do with my professionalism. The road that was mentioned in the video is the same one that is out for public scoping.

I do think it is rich when both you and Eric both "thumbs up" a comment about Montana needs less access, when Chris does have vehicular assess to the BLM, but the public doesn't. Interesting to google all three of your names, hence the chuckle.

Is your "too much access" only for the public, commercial outfitting or both?

FWP thought public assess was important enough to enter into a PALA with the private landowners and now the BLM is soliciting public comment for access across BLM. I am in favor of equitable access, but of course I will remain "professional" and not participate in the scoping.

I am not asking folks on this thread to comment one way or the other, just making folks aware if they are interested.

I also find it interesting that Governor Gianforte selected you and Eric to the PLPW. Appreciate your efforts to be "more responsive to hunter's needs".
View attachment 311805
Great! I’m glad that you find it interesting. I also find it interesting that you needed to put up a video that shows one side in order to get your point across. What did you think you would accomplish by showing a one sided video?
I also find it interesting that you needed to put up a video that shows one side in order to get your point across.
I didn't give an opinion one way or the other on the video. In fact, I just mentioned that I thought Chris was probably accurate.

Only reason I put up the video is that it was specific the road being discussed.
My experience too. Chris would blow a gasket if he saw someone else behaving the way he and his guides do.

I would like to see better access into the area in question.

An aside as I haven't been there for a long time, do they still own the bar at Cleveland?
I can't say I've ever been to the bar in Cleveland so I'm not sure on that one.
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