
What is your favorite wild game meat?

1. Sandhill Crane

2. Mule Deer

3. Elk

4. Pronghorn

5. Sage Grouse

6. Canvasback

7. Canada Goose

8. Pine Grouse

9. Redhead

10. Mallard
oryx, moose, elk, ewe bighorn, antelope. in that order....the one bear I harvested was very good too.

mule deer is a very distant last place.
Elk, Moose, Chukar, Deer, Antelope, Grouse, Quail (Valley,Gamble,Scale, and Mearns), wild pig, Pheasant, Dove, Mallard, Goose, and Bear. In that order. Hoping to add Roe Deer this summer when I join Devon Deer in England this July.
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1. Pronghorn
2. Musk ox
3. Moose
4. Elk
5. Oryx
6. Coues Whitetail
7. Whitetail
8. Mule Deer
9. Wild sheep (wayyy over-rated and no better or worse than a mule deer).

For non-natives all the Texas stuff is good...fallow, axis, sika, hogs, black buck

Birds...ruffed grouse, huns, pheasants, quail are my favorites. Duck, goose, swan, blue grouse, spruce grouse, sage grouse, sharp tails,'t break my heart to never eat another one.

Not a huge fan of bears or lions.
Sheep (any species), moose. elk, pheasant, caribou, antelope, rabbit, deer (any), bear(fall only), ducks, goose, squirrel GJ
Moose for me. Antelope and a nice young whitetail are close seconds. There is a special place in my heart for pan fried cottontails with homemade biscuits and gravy.
I like good acorn-fed whitetail, especially a young one

mule deer, elk, antelope, and moose are all good

caribou was ok but probably would donate it

bison is great

I like small game such as grey squirrel, and cottontail - young groundhog is quite good

I like quail,eastern ruffed grouse, pheasant...I'll skip the waterfowl - not a fan

snapping turtle makes a fine meal, and frog legs as well

If it runs, jumps, hops or swims around here, I've probably ate it at some point
Big Game (in order):
Bison, pronghorn, Sitka blacktail, elk, whitetail.........................................................................................................................mule deer.

Small Game (in order):
Fox squirrel, huns, pheasants, cottontail, chukar, sage grouse,

Exotics (in order):
Pigs..............................................................everthing else.
Toss up between elk and wild hog for me. I prefer antelope to whitetail or mule deer. I've only had bear once, prepared as breakfast sausage, but it was darned good.

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