what does a 300p/t elk look like.


New member
Feb 3, 2005
You always see the great big ones in the mags and on the videos, but what does a 280 t0 300 p/t bull look like? Anybody got pictures? thanks coondog
I had a good friend bring a nice 6x6 home from Colorado last year that I'd have bet would be in the 330 range. It scored under 300. Field judging elk sized animals you don't often get to see, to me anyway, will be harder than it sounds.
A 300 class bull usually has eye guards and brow tines that are less that the diatance from his eyes to the end of his nose. The third tines are about the same as the brow tines and the fourth is generally 18 inches or less. (The distance from the antler pedicle to the end of the nose on a mature bull is about 16 to 18 inches.) The main beams will just barely reach his withers. The antlers are light in mass by comparison to an older larger bull. Generally, a bull with a 300 class rack will be 4 or 5 years old.

Well, I can post just what you need. Here's an elk I arrowed that gross scored 310" and netted 301" P&Y:


Here's another that grossed 340" and netted 330" P&Y:

Sorry for the bad picture it was the only one I had scanned. This bull grossed 305 and netted 298. The kicker about this bull is he is 52" wide at the widest points. His swords flared out.

Thanks guys those are some awesome bulls. For somebody from TN who doesbt get to see elk except on tv and in mags it sure would make it hard to judge one in the field. thanks coondog
Coondog, there are a few articles in some of the current gun/hunting rags regarding field judging. I just read one in September's Petersons.
for me.... a 300 bull needs to have the 5/6 points close to the same length as the 4th. notice the short 5/6 points on mtnman picture.
you need good distance between the 4th, 5th, and the end of the 6th point along the beam also. look at bowedark's first picture, uniform distance between 4th and 5th point along the beam and the end of the 6th point (main beam). don't know if that's the right way to do it but that's what I'm going to use in NM next month. I have also seen very few bull over 300 with a down turned brow tine but lots of 270-290 bulls with one turned down on the end. note cj's post, ugly brow tines..
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