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What are your 2020 plans?

What will you be putting in for?
UT: General Rifle Buck Deer (successful), General Rifle Antlerless Deer and Elk (applied, awaiting results) and General Rifle Elk (will apply in July)
MT: Big Game Combo (successful), Antlerless Deer (applied, awaiting results)
I entered the western hunting game way too late in life, so buying points for LE hunts is not something I’ve jumped into. I do buy preference points for the general tags I apply for

What else will you be hunting?
Coyote, Grouse, Squirrel - all opportunistic things to give me reasons to be in the woods when it’s not big game season. It’s really just hiking/scouting with a gun.
May pick up OTC Bear and/or Mountain Lion tags to have in my pocket during big game hunts, depending on how much sign I’m seeing when scouting

Other outdoor trips?
Lots of scouting, hiking, camping trips in UT, MT and WY. I’ll be a WY resident for next year, so plan to spend a lot of time there scouting general tag territory near my new place.
If you run out of freezer space for those two bulls let me know.
Ha...We’ll see about 2 bulls. Definitely a possibility, but I still have to do my part. honestly I have more confidence in getting one with my bow than with a rifle.
Ha...We’ll see about 2 bulls. Definitely a possibility, but I still have to do my part. honestly I have more confidence in getting one with my bow than with a rifle.
I feel the same way about my late rifle elk tag this year compared to the archery tag i had this past season. Either way those hunts will be pretty dang fun way to spend a week.
My latest version , and most likely this will be the final version
- MT Big game Combo ( 2 hunts , rifle opener for elk and 8-10 days 3rd week of November for deer)
- Applied for mule b tag and will buy some otc whitetail b tags per landowners request to thin out some doe’s
- ND elk tag for my wife , 3 month season so should be able to get it done
- ND archery deer
- ND rifle/landowner tag deer
- Maybe ND pronghorn tag , draw is in August

Plus a summer of fishing trips
Wyoming Mule Deer and Antelope hunt in October and Arizona Mule Deer in AZ in January, which will technically be 2021 but it will be the 2020/2021 hunting season so, I think that counts in this instance.
My plans have changed more times this year than ever before. Right now my plans are as follows:

Hopefully a good portion of opening week of archery deer season in Minnesota
Full week of shotgun deer season in Minnesota...not sure if I'll actually hunt with the shotgun or just use my bow
Will try for a first rifle season elk tag in Colorado in either the secondary draw or on the leftover/returned list

I was thinking OTC archery elk, but it doesn't really line up well with opening week of archery deer in MN...and my wife wouldn't be too happy with me being gone for 2 weeks....

I ended up building points in every state I apply this year.

It'll be a great year no matter where I go and what I hunt...I just enjoy spending the time with dad.
Going to amend my 2020 plans.

2020 - preference points only - one critter residents DO get preference points on
2021 - maybe I get lucky and draw

Someone sent me pictures of moose on the road near our planned campsite so that triggered me as some call it. Going to keep putting in until I draw. They hang in the river by where we camp during elk hunting.

I will not even pretend to be an expert on this one. I have never hunted or shot a moose. I have tasted moose backstrap and tenderloin and love it.
Well , my new updated version

- MT Big game Combo ( 2 hunts , rifle opener for elk and 8-10 days 3rd week of November for deer)
- Drew a mule b tag and will buy some otc whitetail b tags per landowners request to thin out some doe’s
- ND elk tag for my wife ,
- ND archery deer
- ND rifle buck tag
- ND Muzzleloader tag
- Will buy a point for ND pronghorn as I got enough going on now with all my tags
AZ decide to through my applications in the trash, it would seem.... I’m going to pickup a leftover coues tag and do week long bear hunt back packing trip
Wy type 3 whitetail tag,
whitetai 8 doe
Type 1 antelope
Type 6 cow tag and hopefully another in the leftover draw
General deer tag
General elk tag
Lion tag in pocket just in case
Coyotes in winter and maybe wolves at some point.
I will be spending less time on me this season and more time helping my dad locate and kill a big bull as he drew a good lq tag.
Also my 5 year old wants to hunt so we will be doing a small amount of rabbit hunting.
fishing and camping this summer. Hopefully a trip to sunlight basin and one up the gros ventre.
Putting in for:
CO cow elk (B) -already got the tag
CO bull elk (A) -hoping for secondary draw otherwise OTC
CO pronghorn - waiting on secondary draw
CO bear (got that tag)
CO deer - waiting on secondary draw

Also hunting:
CO fall turkey
Squirrel, grouse, coyote
Possible whitetail in either WI or MN
Possible Barbary sheep in NM

Other outdoor trips:
Lots of fishing through CO as well as camping and scouting for upcoming seasons! Just bought a new house a few months ago so I’m basically alternating weekends between getting out and doing projects around the house!
Amended plans:

putting in for:
Wyoming preference points elk/deer/antelope
Colorado preference points elk/deer/antelope

Tags drawn:

Kentucky E/S archery Elk
Illinois firearm/muzzeloader deer

Other hunting:

Illinois archery Deer/Dove/waterfowl and spring turkey
I think I am all panned out. Just not the way I wanted it to pan out. My orginal plan was AK in August, then draw either a moose, Elk or mule deer tag for Sept or early Oct. Back up plan was if I didn't draw anything I was going to go Alberta where I could get a tag with an outfitter. So between not drawing and a closed Canada boarder .. I had to improvise.
These are my bow hunts. For 2020

August: AK 40mile herd caribou
Sept: steelhead fishing at our camp
Oct bowhunting in NY
Nov: I put in for and drew a KS tag two days before the dead line.
Dec : Spend the month saying yes to everything my wife asks or wants.
Jan: Travel to WY with my best friend for a cat hunt, his first big game hunt. We been running hounds together in the NE for 20 years.
I hope everyone has safe, successfull and memorable fall in the outdoors.
I applied for 31 tags. I drew 5. This fall is shaping up to be fantastic. All diy hunts.... except the last one, lol.

I drew an Oct Elk tag in Colorado, but I'm turning it back it because I can't make it work.

My plans are:
Aug-Jan 1 - Deer hunting in SC
Sept - Early season high country rifle Mule Deer tag in Colorado
Sept - Southern Coastal Gator tag in SC
Oct - Bear Tag in SC
Oct - Rifle Elk Tag in SW New Mexico
Nov - Rifle Mule Deer tag in West New Mexico
Dec/Jan - Duck hunting idk where yet
Jan - Siberian Ibex in Tajikistan

I might try to squeeze in an out of state deer hunt in Kentucky or Arkansas if I can make it work.
Waiting to hear from the AZF&G about deer and crane tags. Leaving for OTC archery elk in CO. 8-24. That's coming up quick thankfully. Possible UP deer hunt in Nov.
Man reading some of these I thought my plate was full.

MT archery elk - going for a 9 day solo trip for the opener

Still waiting on: MT pronghorn with my 15yo son, had 4 points so should draw. Will pick up a youth deer combo too since youth deer is during antelope opener week.

MT mule deer in Nov with a couple friends and our dads. Seventh year in a row we’ve been able to make this trip happen.

Lots of back and forth from MN. Deer and a little waterfowl here at home if the MT stuff isn’t enough.