PEAX Equipment

2022 Hunting Plans

Well, got invited to hunt elk with a long time friend, so elk is definitely on. Except for the Nebraska deer hunt, all are somewhere in Wyoming where I am a resident. Updated plans as it stands right now (changes in bold):

Elk - both archery and rifle. Plan to use OTC any elk tag along with a type 6 cow tag

Bear - since there are a lot of black bear where I am elk hunting, I will buy an OTC tag and try my luck at bear again. Be nice to get very first Wyoming bear on top of the ones I got in Colorado when I was a resident there.

Moose - putting in for it but don't think I will draw yet on 3 points

Buffalo - putting in for once in lifetime hunt

Deer - this will be in Nebraska - going for the twofers they offer. I have not decided on whitetail river hunts or private land mulies. I definitely prefer mulies and I have shot both. I am going to try for a hunt on or near irrigated corn as those have always been the tastiest venison.

Antelope - I have not decided which area yet. After this years hunt, I need to evaluate things a bit. Both of my prime areas sufferred severe winter kills and bouts with EHD. I am leaning towards hunting antelope on base, FE Warren mostly as a fill the freezer hunt. These are easy hunts and with what I am investing in elk and deer hunts, prolly best route this year.

Praying that I don't experience as many conflicts or issues with hunting as I did this year LOL.

Ferral Hogs - this will be on family land in one or more of the following states: Florida, Texas or Arkansas

Bird hunting: turkey again if my scouting turns up a reliable place to do it. Then grouse and pheasant.

Small game hunting, mainly rabit and coyotes.

Fishing - special trips for the bigger trout with added hobby of recreational gold panning.
Colorado: Turkey (spring), Deer, Elk. PP Moose, Sheep, Goat
Wyoming: Deer, Antelope, maybe Cow Elk too
Nebraska: Deer
Utah: PP (Deer/Elk)
Montana: PP (Deer/Elk)

Been doing some waterfowl (Geese) already in 2022. Like Pheasant and shed hunting in the spring!
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Looking at potentially going out of state for the first time to hunk elk this year in Idaho Springs. Thinking logistically what is the best way to get the meat home if I drop it off at a local processor (granted I can find one)? I'll be flying out the next day so it won't be feasible to fly with it. Any tips and tricks are welcome. I'm a little nervous for the whole ordeal but excited about the prospect.

A. Any local processors that anyone recommends?
B. The best way to get meat home from ID to OH?
Looking at potentially going out of state for the first time to hunk elk this year in Idaho Springs. Thinking logistically what is the best way to get the meat home if I drop it off at a local processor (granted I can find one)? I'll be flying out the next day so it won't be feasible to fly with it. Any tips and tricks are welcome. I'm a little nervous for the whole ordeal but excited about the prospect.

A. Any local processors that anyone recommends?
B. The best way to get meat home from ID to OH?
Idaho Springs, Colorado? I used to live there and saw elk but not enough to hunt. If it is state of Idaho, check with the processor. Some of them will ship it for you. Usually goes via UPS on dry ice. I shipped a deer home from Texas in the 80s and it beat me home since I drove home rather than fly. You can also ship it yourself via UPS as long as you follow the rules. I would contact UPS for guidance if you do that. When I shipped that deer home it was in sealed coolers with dry ice and I had to lable it for carbon dioxide and there is a specific lable they require to be used. Good strong wax coated cardboard box can be used too.
All dependant on what is drawn and if/when our unit gets the call to head overseas. My luck it'll be the day before season starts.

In for KS antelope & elk.
KS OTC deer.
In for WY deer.
In for WY antelope.

Points for SD bison
Points for CO deer

I'm just shy of a heat attack every time I buy WY Moose & Big Horn points as a NR, but I'll do it and refuse to let them go. Ready to get back as a resident and cut the damn cost down.

I'll be heading to Texoma a few times chasing Stripers. Will have my new sonar on and ready to roll this year.
All dependant on what is drawn and if/when our unit gets the call to head overseas. My luck it'll be the day before season starts.

In for KS antelope & elk.
KS OTC deer.
In for WY deer.
In for WY antelope.

Points for SD bison
Points for CO deer

I'm just shy of a heat attack every time I buy WY Moose & Big Horn points as a NR, but I'll do it and refuse to let them go. Ready to get back as a resident and cut the damn cost down.

I'll be heading to Texoma a few times chasing Stripers. Will have my new sonar on and ready to roll this year.
I never realized how big them stripers can get compared to what I fished in Colorado until me and my dad flew out to Texas to visit my aunt/his sister who was very sick. My uncle took us to Galveston and rented a boat and we pulled in some huge stripers in the bay near Baytown. The salt water types get huge, some of them too heavy for a guy to bring in solo.
Iowa muzzleloader and archery deer.
Iowa turkey
Iowa pheasant
Depending on the draw Hopefully Wyoming antelope and Colorado muzzleloader cow elk.
ID Spring bear, depending how early season goes probably will end up with a second tag
AK Caribou for the last two weeks of August - DIY out of Kotz, unless it gets cancelled
Applying for a group tag with my FIL for ID cow Elk
ID archery Elk, will buy NR tag if I draw cow tag
Will apply for deer and antelope rifle tag, but no big deal if I don’t draw.
Extra White tail tag for this year since it sounds like we’re headed north for Thanksgiving.
Hawaii for axis deer in May
Adak Alaska for caribou in Sep.
Adak for waterfowl in Nov.
These are OTC, don't expect to draw anything in CA or AZ but I'll keep putting in the draw.
Hawaii is out because they won't let go of their covid restrictions.
Adak caribou is still on the table unless I draw something good.
Probably drive to New England for Black Duck and Eider instead of Adak in November.
Spring turkey in the sheyenne national grasslands. Archery season I'll be chasing mule deer around the badlands, rifle whitetail at home on the farm. Then probably squeeze in some late season pheasant hunts.
  • Archery Elk in WY, Rifle as well if I don't punch a tag with my bow.
  • Snow geese for a weekend in either of the Dakotas because I'm a masochist and hate myself.

That's all I have for big plans. Will do a lot of hunting in MN for waterfowl, white-tailed deer, and upland birds.
Adding pheasant to my plans. I have yet to get a Wyoming pheasant. Got plenty in Colorado.

Might do geese but without a dog, I won't be doing that over water. Might find someone who has hunted geese a quite a bit and tag along with them to find good places to do it at.
Being new to hunting, and skunking out last fall, I’m trying to make sure I’m more prepared this year. I’ve joined into a local hunters association to hopefully make some connections and pick a few brains, and have identified a few good looking nearby spots with OnX. Planning to go camp at a few of them and hunt for sheds once spring rolls in. I also bought a raffle ticket for a guided mule hunt in eastern Oregon, that winner should be announced at the end of March. After then I can plan out when I’ll need to take vacation. I’m not holding my breath, as I’m generally unlucky with this kind of thing, but I’ve got a 1:1500 chance, which is better than most lotteries.
Hopefully elk in MT, pronghorn in WY, and definitely MN whitetails.

Or a bunch of less than 1% odds apps that would displace a hunt above.
Hi All. This seems like mostly WY residents. I don't want to go off topic--if I am, do say so. // I and one friend are headed to WY this year from Alabama, my third year hunting antelope. Last two years in area 7. We have no points, so 7 looks tough this year if I'm reading it right. We're thinking about staying in Douglas to hunt 26. It's big, open, but has pretty limited accessible public. Any thoughts or advice on 26?
Well did not draw moose tag. Results for the big three are already out. Looks like I buy another preference point again. Putting in for the type 6 cow elk since I didn't draw moose for the extra meat. General tag will be used for a good respectable bull in archery and then my plan is focus on cows in rifle unless I see a big bull before I find a cow first.
I guess on thursday I will know a portion of my plans
I put in for all my points. Oregon, Colorado and Wyoming. If I draw nothing I will take someone elk hunting on my property, either someone who has never shot an elk( cow) or very few. Last couple years I have really enjoyed joyed taking new hunters ( or at least elk) hunting and being apart of their first elk experience.
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