Caribou Gear

What are you guys paying for gas?

I could have looked it up too I guess, but that's what I figured it was more for supply issues.
It is used as a signaling tool for political reasons mostly. The last administration bought oil for the SPR to try and prop up the price and help the oil industry. It rarely has much of a lasting impact on price.
Diesel actually dropped to $4.99 yesterday. I don't understand why the climate change folks are so bent on socking to us here in the US with regulations costing us so much money. As stated previously, are windmills, huge battery cars, and Chinese solar panels really "green" ?? Until Russia, China, India and others get on board, I don't think that what the US does will really have much of an impact. China is building how many new coal powered power plants ?!?
Too lazy to Google how much the increase was supposed to be. We'll just get it later. :( Don't forget, he's doing away "temporarily" with the 1% sales tax on groceries. Gee, I'll save a whole dollar on $100.
Prices still sky high in NM. I do not know how folks here can afford to drive to work on the wages I hear.
Luckily we are due to get a stipend to ease the hurt. $500 for gas, if you qualify. Married couples who file jointly get $1000.
2 $250 payments in a couple months, with maybe another later in the year.
That's what? A couple tanks?
Gee, thanks your gubberness.
The price of that wind energy is going up with one of the companies getting hammered for killing 100 Bald and Golden Eagles. Fine is going to something like $35m.

What gets me is the fact that we have emission controls on everything and adding new systems daily, yet you have countries like China, India, Pakistan, Russia and so forth who don't and yet the Dems are ramming this electric vehicle crap down our throats.
How exactly are they “ramming it down our throats”? I’m pretty sure you can still buy an ICE.
It is literally all they talk about. It is the answer to everything. Yet the "Big Guy" doesn't even own one.

Or better yet, when the climate czar Mrs. Heinz 57, starts traveling by EV or flying coach rather than his gas vehicles and private plane, maybe people will reconsider. The population is tired of the do as I say, not as I do leadership.
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