What are you currently reloading?

This week I will load the following:
.327 Fed
.45 colt
.221 fireball
6mm ARC
maybe some .38-55 but not sure
need to load some .250-3000 but know I won't get to it
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.257 Weatherby

...but I know very little about reloading, my buddy has all the equipment so I bought the dies he and helped me work up a fast, accurate load. Once everything is figured out I just sit there and pull the lever like a trained monkey.
Currently loading:
.257 Ackley with 95gr. Hammer HHTs and Varget averaging 3218fps out of a 21" barrel, averaging .845 5-shot groups and .309 3-shot groups
6.5 Creed with 125gr. Hammer HHTs and H4350. Chrono was a no-go (my new DeadAir Nomad is *too* damn quiet) but averaged .571 5-shot groups and .280 3-shot groups.

Need to work up loads:
5.56NATO with 73gr. ELD-Ms. Bought some BL-C(2) to tinker with, also have Varget and Win748
25-7 PRC with 134gr. ELD-Ms and Hammer 127gr. HHTs. Probably load with H1000 or Retumbo but open to suggestion.
7.65 Belgian using Hornady 174gr. RNs. Not sure on powder yet but probably something in the Varget range.
338-06 with 190gr. Hammer HHTs if I can ever find a couple of pounds of H4895 on the shelf. If not, I'll probably make do with Varget.
10mm blasting ammo with 180gr. Speer CPFNs and 180gr. Berrys. Usually load those with BlueDot or Accurate No. 7.
Components tough to find by you?

It’s always an adventure. Powder has been better recently, but it sucks trying to find the bullet you want. You better buy it when you see it.

Black Sheep in Idaho is pretty solid. Washington is getting more interesting by the day.
.45-70s. I have hundreds done and the same amount to do. Just 79 gr of Swiss 2f and an LDPE wad for now. The 16:1 Pb:Sn 517 gr prolate paper-patched bullets come later.
Tons of brass prep.
Fixing to put together a bunch of range fodder 5.56
I have about 300 Speer 62Grn TBBC left to make my load which replicates the classic FBI load.

I am vowing to spend less this year and use up some of my component cache.
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I'm wanting to work up some 25-06 except for a couple issues. The new brass I ordered 12/30 hasn't shipped yet and the new Ruger Predator ain't here yet either. I'll probably work on the 22-250 load and a 6.5 load for my #1. I haven't found anything the 6.5 likes yet.
New set of dies and brass for 6.5x55 Swede are sitting on my bench, and I picked up some 130 gr Sierra TMK with a gift card. Now to find some time to put them all together with some Staball 6.5.
I'm sitting on about 5 pounds of IMR 4381 that used be for my 30-06 loads. Now it will be for the Swede.
No rush, my M96 a safe queen awaiting its turn at the PH Bunny Ranch in Fallon.

You can do magic in the Swede in a Number 1! What is your twist rate?
I'm sitting on about 5 pounds of IMR 4381 that used be for my 30-06 loads. Now it will be for the Swede.
No rush, my M96 a safe queen awaiting its turn at the PH Bunny Ranch in Fallon.

You can do magic in the Swede in a Number 1! What is your twist rate?

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