Kenetrek Boots

What are you currently reloading?

Just big, slow, Lever action Hammers.
Finally got around to doing a velocity ladder and working a load. Got up to 2350fps, Lever was a little sticky so I backed it off to the 2300 range. 2280 seems to be a sweet spot.
Need to confirm drops at 300 and I'll be good. I think that's about as far as I can manage with the 4x on there.20221015_082128.jpg20221015_141929.jpgScreenshot_20221015-142345_Digital Link.jpg
25-06 ladder with 117 SSTs. It'll shoot ragged holes with factory superformance, so I want to try and match the accuracy.

Also loaded up a bunch of old style 115gr partitions over IMR 4831
38 Special, 38 Special +P, 357 Magnum.
2 different bullets. 125gr Sierra JHP & 158gr Speer JHP.
3 different powders. Silhouette, Be-86, and H110.
Had to set up the dies twice for the different cartridge lengths.
I've often thought of buying a cheap .270 Win., converting it to .270AI and fireforming about 500 cases. Then I would be able to trim them to 2.494 and have 6.5-06 cases of the proper length. AI cases hardly ever grow in length once they're formed. I've never tried resizing .280AI cases, but the less you need to reduce neck diameter the better. Using .30-06 cases would be a 2 step process. .30 - .28 - .26
AI cases do in fact need trimmed.
I still don't know where this myth started or why it persists!

My practice is to check & trim as necessary at each reloading for all my bottle necked cartridges.
I use a Lee case length gauge for the parent case.
For the first couple of reloads it doesn't take any off.
After that, it will start trimming some off each time.
How much depends on the cartridge & how hot it's loaded.
Just got the last components for a 280ai. Got lucky and got to order 160g accubonds before they sold out in 24 min. I think with the 3 groove Lilja and long bearing surface of the Accubonds I will test 4831sc, RL23, and RL26. Last time I found RL23 to be the sweet spot in a 6 groove but this 3 groove tends to like a even slower powder.
38 Special, 38 Special +P, 357 Magnum.
2 different bullets. 125gr Sierra JHP & 158gr Speer JHP.
3 different powders. Silhouette, Be-86, and H110.
Had to set up the dies twice for the different cartridge lengths.
Nope. That insanity will not stand. I have two sets of dies for this type of tomfoolery. Never once loaded a round of .38spl….but I have the set of dies if I ever decide to. Until then, I just load .38spl loads in my .357 mag cases.
Ruger American 270 Win break-in. Shoot one, clean through first ten shots. Finally got scope figured out beginning with shot 5.

5 and 6 are 52 gr IMR 4350 and Speer Hot Cor 130's. 7-10 are 53 gr of same.


  • Ruger American - First 10 - IMR 4350.jpg
    Ruger American - First 10 - IMR 4350.jpg
    314.3 KB · Views: 7
Remington 7600 carbine in 30-06 with 85 rounds down the tube.

Top are foulers, bottom are 150 grain Hot Cors on top of 48.3 grains of IMR 4064 = ~2475 FPS. Scope was adjusted after fouling shots. 100 yards to target.

Takes a few shots to settle down but this will sit as is until rifle season is over although I may bump the scope left a click.

Appears to be a 150 yard zero and 3" MPBR of 200 yards which is plenty for this wooded, hilly area.


  • 150 grain Speer Hot Core - IMR 4064.jpg
    150 grain Speer Hot Core - IMR 4064.jpg
    585.6 KB · Views: 4
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