Yeti GOBOX Collection

What do you shoot? Let's see 'em

Me: 6.5C, 6-250, 17 HMR (rifles)——22 LR, .40 S&W (handguns)
Kids: .243, 22 LR

I strive for efficiency, and have found I don’t have time to properly feed and care for more than I have at the moment, other than a few shotguns that have come and are currently gone.
My list is very small compared to a lot of you guys. I would say my 7mm RM is what I use for 99.9% of my big game hunting.

.177 air rifle
.22 wmr
7mm RM
.54 cal ML
20 ga.
12 ga
HUH, Haven't counted in a long time.

243 Mod 700
243 Mossberg Patriot
25-06 Mod 700
6.5x55 Mod 70
6.5x06 Mod 700
308 Mossberg Patriot
308 Mod 788
30-06 custom 03 Springfield
410s AyA SxS
28ga AyA SxS
16ga AyA SxS
16g mod 37
22RF S&W Combat masterpiece
32 long S&W mod 16
1917 Savage 32 ACP
38 spec 38/44 S&W Outdorsman
P89 Ruger 9mm
S&W Shield c9mm
22 RF mod 62 Win
22 mag marlin mod 783
22 RF High Standard HD Military heavy barrel
View attachment 128424

.22lr, 9mm, 22 Hornet, .223 Rem, 6.8 SPC, 300BLK, 7.62x39, .243 WIN, 7mm-08, 25-06, 7mm Mauser, .303 BRIT, .308 WIN, 7.62X54R, .270 WIN, 30-06, 8mm Mauser, .300 WIN, .450 Marlin, 20 Ga, 12 Ga, .50 cal Muzzleloader, Bowtech Realm SS

This was actually quite a bit of fun digging through everything. Now I'm in the mood to go shooting :)
I have the same Axion stabilizer!

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