Caribou Gear

What are you currently reading?

I have decided that I hate Wallace Stegner novels.

It's not dark like some author's, it's just never happy, and you know, whenever anything good does happen, something terrible is about to happen. I mean he makes it so relatable even when it's not.

Just finished the Big Rock Candy Mountain. It's good for sure, but I didn't enjoy it. I need a change of flavor. Something I look forward to reading.
Only about 1/4 way thru it, but a pretty insightful read. I’ve spent the last 25 years combatting transnational financial crime, so maybe I’m the only person who finds this stuff fascinating. 😂

Interesting fact I didn’t know - the LLC corporate construct actually originated in WY! And WY continues to be a national leader in anonymous shell corporations (along with DE and NV) - often used as obfuscation fronts for laundering all sorts of illicit money from around the world. There are more LLC’s registered in WY than there are residents of the state!

If you like Michael Lewis books, you’ll probably like this. Very similar subject matter and style.
I have decided that I hate Wallace Stegner novels.

It's not dark like some author's, it's just never happy, and you know, whenever anything good does happen, something terrible is about to happen. I mean he makes it so relatable even when it's not.

Just finished the Big Rock Candy Mountain. It's good for sure, but I didn't enjoy it. I need a change of flavor. Something I look forward to reading.
There have been numerous times in my life when I just needed some escape reading... Clive Cussler is great, Ian Fleming, Ken Follet, Ludlum... a great serious that just sucked me in Red Rising, by Pierce Brown.

Fantasy/scifi/espionage tend to be where I head when I get in those places.
There have been numerous times in my life when I just needed some escape reading... Clive Cussler is great, Ian Fleming, Ken Follet, Ludlum... a great serious that just sucked me in Red Rising, by Pierce Brown.

Fantasy/scifi/espionage tend to be where I head when I get in those places.
If that’s your bag, the Expanse series would be gold for you.
I discovered that I have 1 Audible credit from a year or so ago when I forgot to cancel my trial membership. There's no way I can scroll through 49 pages of books.

Anyone want to suggest something light hearted to my list?
This is a lot more interesting than the clinical title would suggest. It’s the successor to George Marshall’s “Infantry in Battle,” and it contains three dozen examples of battles from the Second World War through Panama that illustrate successes or failures of various concepts. I got it more or less by accident but have enjoyed reading it.
Just started this. Looks interesting but the gal's grammar is atrocious. Overrun with past perfect continuous tense. I have visited several of the South African sites mentioned. Also, I have read all three volumes of Churchill's biography of the WWII years. A real fathead who never thought too little of himself. But he was intelligent and capable. A bit too stubborn, though eventually he learned to listen to advice. Perhaps we are related?

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I’ve been to happy lately, gonna circle back to The Comedians by Graham Greene.

Nothing like a little Haiti, mid Papa Doc era to drag down the mood.

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