PEAX Equipment

What are you currently reading?

Just finished Day of Infamy and A Night to Remember, both by Walter Lord. Obviously the first was about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Night to Remember is an account of the Titanic's sinking. Both good reads.
I'm sure it has been mentioned somewhere in this thread but I like C.J. Box's Books. I am about halfway through the Joe Pickett (main character) series of books by Box.
I am currently reading my tablet, and my phone, and billboards! 5 days out of cataract surgery and I can see everything from 10" to infinity!

A fantastic book is "Sailing Alone Around the World", by Joshua Slocum (1896). First documented solo circumnavigation by boat. Incredible adventures and a social time capsule.
Just finished "The Living" again and pulled out the next couple years reading, "Great River" by Paul Horgan.
History of the Rio Grande and it's inhabitants. Took me 3 years to get through it the 1st time.
The in-laws got me a copy of Snow Bound by Ladd Hamilton. It’s about some rich dudes that went hunting and got lost in North Idaho back in the 1890’s. FIL recommended it saying I’d recognize a lot of the places written about.

We’ll see how it goes. Gordo really liked it and he’s never had a bad recommendation to me.

Next on my list is a re-read of Deep Dark - The Story of the Sunshine Mine Disaster. Although a very sad read, I grew up about 5 miles from the mine, it’s still something I come back to every couple of years.
My wifes dad was Frankie Sisk. He was 1 of the 91 miners that did not make home 5-2-72
Sunshine miners memorial every May 2nd is a reminder of all who lost loved ones.
These books have been mentioned several times. Somehow I had overlooked this series until now. I read the first book in 2 days. Bought the next two this week. I’m hoping the next books in the series live up to Open Season.

I just finished book #2 in the series. It’s a little overwhelming that there a 23 books in this series. I have the 3rd one too. I’m debating reading it or moving on to something else for a while.

Pandoras Lab. It’s about how scientific discoveries that were beneficial were eventually misused. Extremely interesting.
Recently finished
-Sometimes a Great Notion - Ken Kesey (for like the 5th time, damn it's a good book).
-A Good Day to Die - Jim Harrison (@Hem ), not his best work.

Next up:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
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