What are you currently reading?


Just finished up book 2 in the series. Every now and then escape to a little fiction like this but I like when it encompasses settings I’m familiar with- this series so far has centered around small town Montana; Ennis, Three Forks, Darby, etc. Kind of a blend from McCafferty’s time with Field & Stream into CJ Box like storytelling.
Finished Gunfight, really feel like there was an opportunity for it to be non-partisan and still talk about his story and his thoughts about gun control. However it just really turned into D good, R bad.

Moving on to a lighter book, Me Caribou is on fire; International Adventures of An Alaskan Hunting Guide by Pete Buist. Heard about it on the Tundra Talk podcast.
On book three “Dead Man’s Fancy”
I like McCafferty’s writing style, entertaining with some decent plot twists!
Glad you're enjoying them! It's been a few years since I read them, might give them another go as some camp reading this summer. Hopefully he has another in the works, as it's been a while since the last.
I just read "And No Birds Sang" by Farley Mowat. Documents his time serving for Canada in WW2 as they moved through Sicily and up the boot of Italy. Quick read, and a grueling, well written first hand account of WW2. Definitely worth a look if you're looking for a non-fiction/history/war book.
If anyone wants to read A Quite Place of Violence, by Allen Morris Jones , let me know and I'll post once I have finished it.

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