
What are you currently reading?

"The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. Very compelling story about an atheist journalist who set out to prove that God doesn't exist. I enjoyed the book so much I bought the 3 DVD set (The Case for: Christ, Creator and Faith) and liked them even more than the book.
Just finished Boddington’s “favorite rifles and cartridges“. Didn’t know he was such a fan of the 7/08; The man has done a lot of hunting, I think the book would be a good resource to someone coming into the game trying to decide which cartridge/rifle to get.
The Legendary hunts of Theodore Roosevelt is up next
I'm reading this now. I've been watching the Viking Series and felt a strong urge to read about them - the settlement, hunting, civilization, and voyages.
I've also been fascinated by the concept of the mind and its functioning for a while. I'd started self-learning Psychology through Coursera and other platforms. Currently, I'm reading the works of the Swiss Psychologist Jean Piaget on Transductive Reasoning.
Mekong First Light by Joseph Calleway Jr. I Recently finished 13 Months by Bruce Bastien and Darkness Bravo : A Soldier Rembers by Edward Fedrick. I've been hooked on Viet Nam biographies the past couple months.
I finally finished David R Montgomery's "Dirt, The Erosion of Civilizations" .

Glad I got through it. Not what I would call an easy read, but important stuff.

Keeping pattern of non-fiction, then fiction. I'm starting C.J. Box's "Trophy Hunt" tomorrow.
I just finished a great one from Allen Morris Jones, A Quite Place of Violence. It looks at the ethics of hunting and applies them to a justification of hunting. I thought it was really good.
I just finished a great one from Allen Morris Jones, A Quite Place of Violence. It looks at the ethics of hunting and applies them to a justification of hunting. I thought it was really good.
I’m reading this now. Heard Alan on the BHA podcast and that was very interesting. Have you listened to it?
I finally finished David R Montgomery's "Dirt, The Erosion of Civilizations" .

Glad I got through it. Not what I would call an easy read, but important stuff.

Keeping pattern of non-fiction, then fiction. I'm starting C.J. Box's "Trophy Hunt" tomorrow.
Have you heard of this? Pretty interesting to see how centuries of technology can’t defeat dirt + water.

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