What a mess this one is..

At a minimum I hope that this case leads to enough interest to reform the LAP tag system in Idaho. As I understand it, the program started because landowners in controlled hunt units complained about not being able to hunt on their own land despite their land providing habitat for the animals. The current program has gone much farther than letting a farmer/rancher hunt his family property. Not long ago there was a movement among some large landowners to be able to sell the LAP tags to the highest bidder. That was not the purpose of the program. Some argued it was necessary to recuperate losses due to depredation but there is already a mechanism in place for that and a new $5 annual fee that all Idaho hunters have to pay that went towards augmenting the depredation reimbursements.

Here is my short list of changes I'd like to see to the program that would go a long way towards preventing this type of abuse.
1. LAP tags can only be used on the specific private property to which it is issued, not unit wide.
2. LAP tags are only transferrable to first degree kindred of the landowner.

If I had to choose just one, I'd pick number 2. That one alone would do the most to eliminate the problem of selling the tags or selling trespass fees in exchange for a tag.
There is an even simpler way that gets us all the way there…
Even you have to admit this was a predictable outcome with the way the system of these tags was set up in Idaho. I’m not even slightly surprised by this outcome and suspect this activity is/was much more prevalent than just a one off group as the article alludes to.
Even you have to admit this was a predictable outcome with the way the system of these tags was set up in Idaho.

Yes, I do.

This reminds me of the War on Drugs. For 30 years, we chased our tail and wasted so much time and money- the right answer was right there in front of us all along: legalization and regulation (including taxation).

I have to admit… I’m steel reeling a bit at the thought of Idaho potentially having transferable landowner tags. I had no idea that was possibly on the table, and may need some smelling salt over here!

Anyone who has read the whole thing: was this dude actually charged with buying and/or filling an LAP tag?
Yes, I do.

This reminds me of the War on Drugs. For 30 years, we chased our tail and wasted so much time and money- the right answer was right there in front of us all along: legalization and regulation (including taxation).

I have to admit… I’m steel reeling a bit at the thought of Idaho potentially having transferable landowner tags. I had no idea that was possibly on the table, and may need some smelling salt over here!
If this truly offends you, which it should no matter what state you call home, Quanta Services is a massive corporation in the utility world. He is President of Electrical Services, which means he presides over Powerline construction and maintenance where rules and safety save lives. He obviously has no care for rules when it bothers him, and that should show the type of person he is in his work place. He built a company many years ago, sold it to Quanta, and basically got grandfathered into his new role, where obviously the large amount of money makes him think hes above the law. I personally will be sending an email to Quanta regarding having someone like this in charge of keeping people alive on a daily level. Probably wont go anywhere or do anything, but I will feel better knowing i tried.
The same thing has happened in Wyoming and is likely still happening. I know a guy that shot a B&C pronghorn in Wyoming with a "landowner tag" he took from a landowner he did business with.

Every once in a while the GF snabs some that get blatant about it. I suspect those that are more careful will likely never get caught.
I think he should get to pick between being tarred and feathered (hot tar, pink feathers) and having his ranch permanently opened to unrestricted public hunting.
Put the Landlords who sold the tags in Prison,and do away with those issued tags.
Landlords are the biggest criminals of all.
If this truly offends you, which it should no matter what state you call home, Quanta Services is a massive corporation in the utility world. He is President of Electrical Services, which means he presides over Powerline construction and maintenance where rules and safety save lives. He obviously has no care for rules when it bothers him, and that should show the type of person he is in his work place. He built a company many years ago, sold it to Quanta, and basically got grandfathered into his new role, where obviously the large amount of money makes him think hes above the law. I personally will be sending an email to Quanta regarding having someone like this in charge of keeping people alive on a daily level. Probably wont go anywhere or do anything, but I will feel better knowing i tried.
I worked for Quanta Services for 8 months, left because of poor & incompetent leadership ALL the WAY up to Duke Austin.
This case is a classic reminder of two things,

1. Don't get too prideful, don't think you're above the law, God will Humble you one day and it's not going to be pretty.
2. Be careful of the circle you associate with as there are others involved in this incident that work for Quanta that will probably get terminated.

In the end his sons may suffer with a lifetime loss of hunting privileges as they aided in this incident.
If Quanta terminates K.S. and gives him a severance package, my opinion of Quanta and their entire BOD would sink even further. Why would you reward someone with a severance that committed a felony?

Here's a screenshot of Quanta's Core Values regarding Integrity, from their website


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