Caribou Gear Tarp

Well Thanksgiving dinner is going to be interesting...


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2020
We're hosting an early Thanksgiving dinner with my husband's family since we are all together this weekend and can't be sure the weather will hold later in the month for everyone to travel. My in-laws are bringing the best smoked turkey in the world and we're supposed to provide the ham. Tradition reigns strong in this family, lots of good cooks and no one changes the menu.
Actually, I volunteered to supply the ham, because a couple of weeks ago my husband came home with a big chunk of frozen meat wrapped in tin foil and said that his boss at work gave it to him and told him it was a smoked fully cooked ham. So we put it in the fridge a day or two ago to start defrosting.
Tonight I was putting leftovers away and noticed that some blood had leaked out of the wrapping and dripped into the crisper drawer. I said to my husband "I don't think this ham was all the way cooked!" So we pull it out and start unwrapping. It's pretty dark meat. And it's definitely not cooked.
It's a bone-in antelope hind quarter. Still frozen in the middle.
We're discussing whether to go buy a ham for tomorrow's dinner, or get the quarter defrosted and wrap a big roast in bacon and throw it on the smoker first thing in the morning.
freakin’ ham purchase all the way.

a raw lope hind quarter wrapped in foil only and presented as a cooked, smoked, pork ham! throw that chit in the trash and fire the boss (or more likely whomever heard what they wanted to hear instead of what the boss actually said about what was in the foil.

Obvious case of miscommunication?
Maybe boss grabbed wrong package out of freezer? Maybe it was a joke? Doesnt sound like it was wrapped properly and not knowing how long it was in the freezer i would buy a ham. Especially so for something like thanksgiving when you are reliant on feeding a bunch of folks.
I’ve posted the link to this method before and assure you it’s as delicious, if not THE, most delicious way to prepare a hindquarter. Plus, it’s fantastically social for friends and family.

If you give it a try for Thanksgiving, bet it’ll be a legendary family tradition going forward.

Beg to differ - there’s no greater sin than overcooked meat.

Antelope steak cooked well done is a crime against humanity.
Overcooked meat in general is a crime...but if I am forced to eat an overcooked steak I'd rather have it be antelope meat than any other. :)
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