Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Voting Hunters

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Active member
Mar 7, 2021
I read an article that said 48% of hunters actually get registered and vote!! That sounds terrible but its probably high compared to most groups. Unfortunately, we are pretty much looked down upon and hated by those who run the big tech machine and the media and election results, and public opinion is dictated buy these people. I truly believe that a candidate who is not favored by those in control, must win overwhelmingly to win by their stated 1% of the vote. People gotta get out and vote and make it impossible to manipulate, if that's even possible anymore:(!!
Always out of state bowhunting the rut so I have voted mail in for decades. Most should because stuff happens on election day.
Always out of state bowhunting the rut so I have voted mail in for decades. Most should because stuff happens on election day.
I've looked into it. Pain in the butt for me. Too many hoops to jump through constantly. It's almost like they don't want you to absentee vote.... 🧐
Voting should be a priority for every citizen over the age of 18, regardless of your past-times.

Being a well-informed voter should also be a priority, but we're Americans and we don't like to actually know what we're talking about.
Same Absentee ballot - No messing with lines, people, etc. Now using the UOCAVA setting.

They go to great lengths to assist Montanans to vote - wish more would become involved.
I think nobody should vote for one presidential election starting this November. Literally not one single citizen outside of those who hold office of some kind or are running. Message sent we can't stand you nozzles get your shit together! Of course that will never happen so I will he voting in person like always.
If they take your guns then nothing else would matter, would it?
Think about it.

I've thought about it, if it came to it, I'll hunt with a rock, I'm a hunter thru and thru.

However, there is a larger chance of losing public lands than losing all guns. A big difference is there isn't a land lobby that raises money 24/7 to fear monger the issue. It only pops up in some elections in states with significant public lands.
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