Virginia Gun Rights Rally

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Simply a payoff, most likely very common. The only reason a Trump or Obama can get into the office, is because the ability for compromise. Don't think there isn't another Epstein standing behind Trump.

What would the pay off to a porn star be??? Oh I got it, he does the womanizing for his political base.
I think the bunch of those debating need a few packages of soft tortillas to b-slap each other...

SNL couldn't top what the Dems do naturally.

brief edit: SNL has a hard time topping any political debate... R's and D's. This is due to the current debate focused on the Dems... ;)
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I guess I will resurrect this thread just to say a couple things that probably don't matter in the big picture. It is a 6 hour drive if you take the interstate from my front door to Richmond, right around 340 or so miles. I think I have been there 3 times. Once for this rally and once somewhere on the outskirts on it to buy a 18 foot deep V catfish/walleye/crappie boat and once dropping off one of my buddies to meet his parents after we went on Christmas block leave from Camp Lejeune.
Its cram packed full of people and you cant toss a dead cat without hitting two winos and a red light. The mentality and the mindset of most in that area are nothing like the vast majority of Virginia (which can be seen by the sheer amount of sanctuary cities and counties formed after and before all this junk) we basically have 2 or 3 counties up near DC making rules and regulations for the entire state. Most of Virginia is fairly rural especially in my neck of the woods far to the west of Roanoke which is basically nothing but mountains and coal mines and a whole lot of public land. (on that note and not to hijack my own post but we have a huge bear population that could use some thinning and really affordable non res OTC tags for them)
anyway...…. The rally had substantially more people there than what was reported. My county actually helped pay for buses to get us all there and held a small rally the night we left with the majority of our backwoods county politicians sending us off with coffee and sandwiches. We did not go to be violent but we did want to send a message to those that feel like they are in charge. I think that message was sent. It was that they only have the power that we allow them to have. It sucks to see a state that has always been very pro gun go the way it has lately. It could be your state next and we are hoping after November that we can get things turned around. I guess I am simply rambling at this point but I think in the end one thing we have in common on here is we are probably all gun owners. None of us want to see our liberties chipped away bit by bit. None of us care much for some tyrant hundreds of miles away telling us how to live our lives especially when the way we live them has no detrimental impact on others.
There is a saying that goes something like... you cant toss a frog in boiling water he will just hop out but you can warm the water up slowly and he will never know till its too late.
The whole gun thing is not about safety. Its about control, which is something that time and time again throughout history and literally repeated with the same outcome thousands of times over the eons always ends the same way.
For the record I don't really consider myself a Republican or a Democrat because I love my guns. I don't care if your gay or trans or anything else just don't force your beliefs on me and I will do the same. I love my woods and waters and feel like we should do everything we can to protect them and make sure our children and theirs have them available for all the things that we do today, even if that does mean we don't make money off a certain mineral or natural resource (I say that from a family of coal miners) I served my country proudly and would never take back my time in the USMC for anything. Yet, I now question why we went and what some of it had to do with us. I support immigration if its done correctly. I think we pay outrageous amounts of taxes and its all a load of crap when you really sit down and think about the fact you pay taxes multiple times on the same item sometimes.
I just want to be able to raise my family the way I choose and have them healthy and happy. I want to sit on my front porch and watch the fish break and sip coffee while I holler at my kids from time to time saying good toss or you missed a spot with the weed eater. I want to hunt and fish where I want with what I want and as long as its not hurting others from doing the same I don't see the issue. I also want the ability if it ever happens again to protect them and the ones I love against the things in this world that some of us too few of us know are out there. I have no illusions about life, it can be a bitter dark and mean place. I have been around the world and seen what its like to be in a country where you have no way to protect yourself or your family from those that mean you harm. Where you get pulled out of your house and shot in front of your children simply for having different viewpoints or religious ideas. I have seen places where only the elite or those who can afford it or have their own private land can hunt or fish. In the end the resounding thing I have taken from it all is that those that we allow to be in power are the catalysts for much of the bad. Those that are in power are there mostly for personal and monetary reasons and all of them who are in power for long enough forget that the people they represent are no different than themselves.
and on that note. I will get back to my ramblings on hunting and fishing and what this forum is about.


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That pretty well captures your message. 'Wish I had the few moments back which were wasted on reading rambling!:(
Sorry I captured your attention or held your nose to the computer screen while you read it..... Seems to me you wasted your own time and could have stopped reading at your choosing. So is an honest opinion and first hand experience on the threads subject something you don't like? or do you simply not enjoy reading an opposing viewpoint? Either way it doesn't really matter seems like you just wanted to say something smart-ass since at no time were you bound by law to continue reading😕
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I guess I will resurrect this thread just to say a couple things that probably don't matter in the big picture. It is a 6 hour drive if you take the interstate from my front door to Richmond, right around 340 or so miles. I think I have been there 3 times. Once for this rally and once somewhere on the outskirts on it to buy a 18 foot deep V catfish/walleye/crappie boat and once dropping off one of my buddies to meet his parents after we went on Christmas block leave from Camp Lejeune.
Its cram packed full of people and you cant toss a dead cat without hitting two winos and a red light. The mentality and the mindset of most in that area are nothing like the vast majority of Virginia (which can be seen by the sheer amount of sanctuary cities and counties formed after and before all this junk) we basically have 2 or 3 counties up near DC making rules and regulations for the entire state. Most of Virginia is fairly rural especially in my neck of the woods far to the west of Roanoke which is basically nothing but mountains and coal mines and a whole lot of public land. (on that note and not to hijack my own post but we have a huge bear population that could use some thinning and really affordable non res OTC tags for them)
anyway...…. The rally had substantially more people there than what was reported. My county actually helped pay for buses to get us all there and held a small rally the night we left with the majority of our backwoods county politicians sending us off with coffee and sandwiches. We did not go to be violent but we did want to send a message to those that feel like they are in charge. I think that message was sent. It was that they only have the power that we allow them to have. It sucks to see a state that has always been very pro gun go the way it has lately. It could be your state next and we are hoping after November that we can get things turned around. I guess I am simply rambling at this point but I think in the end one thing we have in common on here is we are probably all gun owners. None of us want to see our liberties chipped away bit by bit. None of us care much for some tyrant hundreds of miles away telling us how to live our lives especially when the way we live them has no detrimental impact on others.
There is a saying that goes something like... you cant toss a frog in boiling water he will just hop out but you can warm the water up slowly and he will never know till its too late.
The whole gun thing is not about safety. Its about control, which is something that time and time again throughout history and literally repeated with the same outcome thousands of times over the eons always ends the same way.
For the record I don't really consider myself a Republican or a Democrat because I love my guns. I don't care if your gay or trans or anything else just don't force your beliefs on me and I will do the same. I love my woods and waters and feel like we should do everything we can to protect them and make sure our children and theirs have them available for all the things that we do today, even if that does mean we don't make money off a certain mineral or natural resource (I say that from a family of coal miners) I served my country proudly and would never take back my time in the USMC for anything. Yet, I now question why we went and what some of it had to do with us. I support immigration if its done correctly. I think we pay outrageous amounts of taxes and its all a load of crap when you really sit down and think about the fact you pay taxes multiple times on the same item sometimes.
I just want to be able to raise my family the way I choose and have them healthy and happy. I want to sit on my front porch and watch the fish break and sip coffee while I holler at my kids from time to time saying good toss or you missed a spot with the weed eater. I want to hunt and fish where I want with what I want and as long as its not hurting others from doing the same I don't see the issue. I also want the ability if it ever happens again to protect them and the ones I love against the things in this world that some of us too few of us know are out there. I have no illusions about life, it can be a bitter dark and mean place. I have been around the world and seen what its like to be in a country where you have no way to protect yourself or your family from those that mean you harm. Where you get pulled out of your house and shot in front of your children simply for having different viewpoints or religious ideas. I have seen places where only the elite or those who can afford it or have their own private land can hunt or fish. In the end the resounding thing I have taken from it all is that those that we allow to be in power are the catalysts for much of the bad. Those that are in power are there mostly for personal and monetary reasons and all of them who are in power for long enough forget that the people they represent are no different than themselves.
and on that note. I will get back to my ramblings on hunting and fishing and what this forum is about.

Great post. Thx
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