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Virginia Gun Rights Rally

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For the TLDR people out there, these are the most salient points.

“The common context among each of these cities – Richmond, Oakland, and San Francisco – is that they have adopted community-driven, non-law enforcement approaches, and they’ve been robustly funded,” said DeVone Boggan, who lead Richmond’s Office of Neighborhood Safety as it developed a nationally recognized fellowship program for men at highest risk of violence. Boggan now leads leads Advance Peace, an organization spreading that strategy to more cities.

“We have to extend the idea of what public safety is beyond policing and incarceration, to include these things like intervention, outreach and neighborhood empowerment,” Boggan said. “That’s the game changer. That’s the difference-maker.”
We disagree on plenty but man I'm with you on this. Theres better ways to deal with taking care of communities rather that by force. The broken window theory possibly. Pulled this off the net some time ago, I dont know who wrote it so I dont know the credibility of it.20190827_094933.jpg
We disagree on plenty but man I'm with you on this. Theres better ways to deal with taking care of communities rather that by force. The broken window theory possibly. Pulled this off the net some time ago, I dont know who wrote it so I dont know the credibility of it.

Interesting, there are several who attribute the nearly uniformly decrease in crime rates with some of the Community Policing programs that were rolled out in the crime bill. My buddy who was a Baltimore (Bawltimoor if you're Al Michaels on MNF) Police Office has talked about the positive elements too. Wider bans on the use of lead and Roe v. Wade have also been thrown out there for the decrease in crime rates.

I have some experience on several sides of it. Right now I'm a small business owner who doesn't qualify for any subsidies. Insurance through would cost my family of 5 approximately $1,000/month for a very basic plan ($13,000 deductible, 70-80% coinsurance, etc.). So far it has been significantly cheaper to pay for all medical costs out of pocket than to maintain insurance. We've been cash payers for about 3 years now.

My first two babies were had while I had private insurance through a prior job. It cost my wife and I less than $1,000 total for each. Matter of fact, the bill for the first one was lowered when we asked what the hospital could do it we paid in full at once. I think we paid $600 total that time.

My third baby was born while my wife qualified for pregnancy medicaid during my first year of being self employed. I'm pretty sure the birth was covered completely. However, we had purchased a policy for just my wife before she qualified for Medicaid and had prepaid an estimated $2,000 for the birth. Assuming there were no significant complications, that would have been the extent of it.

One of the things that many people forget is that you can negotiate, or at least ask, if any costs can be lowered, especially so if you're a cash payer. I know that not every place is willing to negotiate, but most will at least go on payments. And being in the finance world right now, we give quite a bit of leniency to collections and liens that are medically related when it comes to considering loan requests. I think a lot of people have sympathy for each other when it comes down to it.

I'm not saying this is your sister's case by any stretch, but if someone is considering having a child, he/she should really be prepared to pay $10K - $20K over a 12-24 month term. We all hope that there are no complications, but the fact of the matter is that it costs a lot of money to have a baby and that decision needs to be made responsibly not emotionally.
Costs a lot of money to have a baby? Not if you're an illegal alien or a dinn-doo from what I've seen.
🐘 in the room
Considering the number of Americans and the number of guns, America is an incredibly safe place. Whaa? Remove the suicides, remove the 6% of the population that commits 50% of the homicides and you are left with a success story.
Shoot your T.V.
Woooow they really both of my fav things in the state of Virginia, guns and birds. I never wanna go to that state.

The 4 years I had to live in the Hampton Roads area were some of the worst of my life. I have always kinda hoped it would just get swallowed up by the sea.
It's not the way I would have dressed, but do I have a right to criticize, when they showed up, and I didn't? I'm prior Army, guys dressing like that doesn't bother me as long as they dont have a military uniform with patches on.
I’ve been reading but have stayed out of this thread because like other gun rights threads here I’m afraid I might gets myself in trouble and I like it here.
That said, here is a a quote from Teddy

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

I didn’t go, and if I did I wouldn’t have brought a bunch of gear, I sold most everything anyway as I don’t have a day to day need for it anymore. The thing is though is many of those people took time off from work and life, spent money and time to travel to another state to stand up for what they believe in. Not many people do that these days.
Woooow they really hate both of my fav things in the state of Virginia, guns and birds. I never wanna go to that state.
The 4 years I had to live in the Hampton Roads area were some of the worst of my life. I have always kinda hoped it would just get swallowed up by the sea.

It's not all as bad as it seems...

If the intent was the ability to defend one's self against a tyrannical government, and the intent was to have parity and that is the interpretation we are going with then ipso facto I should be able to buy nuclear weapons.

As you state, obviously that is not feasible. I'm not sure where the line should... I waffle back and forth.

I think some on the left won't be satisfied until total confiscation, but that is a tiny tiny minority. They only countries in the world that totally ban guns are Cambodia and North Korea + some islands. The law of diminishing returns suggest there is a point at which "the left" will decide further pursuing gun legislation is no longer worth the cost. I actually think we are closer to this point then not, my guess is the slippery slope ends somewhere around New Zealand, and probably no further than Australia.

That is not to say that I want the US to have Australia's gun laws, I just think that is the actual worst case scenario.
That tiny tiny minority keeps making headway. Those are the groups to look out for.
That tiny tiny minority keeps making headway. Those are the groups to look out for.

"The law of diminishing returns suggest there is a point at which "the left" will decide further pursuing gun legislation is no longer worth the cost. "

Wider bans on the use of lead and Roe v. Wade have also been thrown out there for the decrease in crime rates.

No one has a really good explanation for why crime rates are falling, and the idea that abortion could have an effect on the crime rate is sad to me. Its likely an unintended benefit of the Supreme Court’s decision of Roe v Wade.

So many things came together in the 90's that its hard to pinpoint exactly what made the difference.
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