Virginia Gun Rights Rally

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I don't know how it went from talking about a rally in VA to national health care.

To think that the government can run anything well and in budget you much forget they overpay for everything. do you really think that this is going to be any different?
Yes the VA is doing better now, but a few years ago it was a different story.
Are you suggesting that the healthcare industry has 51+% profits? Not even close. Plus "profit" isn't magic or eviil, most of it gets re-invested into care improvements (new drugs, treatments etc) if that doesn't come from "profits" it would presumably come from government funds - history shows that market pressures do better than govt. direction to drive innovation and cost down over time. A relatively small portion gets paid out by dividend to shareholders which enriches the government tax receipts and turns into money for pensions and re-investment. If you are anti wall street profit then you are anti-public pension systems as they are some of the biggest investors - so if there is no more profit, then I guess more taxes to pay the pension short falls. Not sure how academy was able to turn half the country against "evil profit", but either private individuals invest by "profit motive" i.e., those things that will work, or investment is by government fiat - I prefer the former and so does most of history.
This is exactly why the free market is the mother of innovation, because it drives people to do better.
I don't know how it went from talking about a rally in VA to national health care.

To think that the government can run anything well and in budget you much forget they overpay for everything. do you really think that this is going to be any different?
Yes the VA is doing better now, but a few years ago it was a different story.

Oh I'm sure we'll hit godwin's law before this thread makes it to 250.
I don't know how it went from talking about a rally in VA to national health care.

To think that the government can run anything well and in budget you much forget they overpay for everything. do you really think that this is going to be any different?
Yes the VA is doing better now, but a few years ago it was a different story.

it’s crazy, a recent Gallup poll found that only 17% of Americans trust the government, yet to so many the answer is always more government. Americans are like crack heads, we know what they are giving us isn’t good for us, but we gotta have more.
Here in WA I now possess two assault weapons despite the fact that I would never own anything like that. "We" passed a law that made all semi auto's assault weapons. We also passed one a couple of years ago saying I can't loan a hunting shotgun to a coworker to go shoot some chukar.

Two really ridiculous guns laws.

However, I feel the best way to combat these bad laws and to prevent future ones are simply to spend more time talking to people who voted for them and describing what the law actually does. I've found the most people who vote for gun restrictions are not stupid people, they just don't understand what the law actually says or means.

I find this is also true with about every law ever passed by voters

It’s to late to “educate” those that voted. There is no going back. Just take, take, take.
#77 and #79
I think that you end up getting to keep more of your money in the long run if you teach a man to fish instead of giving him one.

I’m simply suggesting improving system to make it easier for people to improve their own communities. The conversation about free college education is pretty much the same as the one about free public primary education that occurred a hundred years ago, it just seems jarring because of the current paradigm.
My first question is who is going to pay for it?
Secondly, people value things they have to work for much more than handouts, it means more to you. When I was 16 my dad gave me his old beat up pickup, I beat on that thing, sure I changed the oil in it but I didnt really appreciate it. The next jeep I had I worked and paid for, I knew what it took me to get it, it was babied. Theres a huge needed for trade and skilled labor workers today, and many people with a 4 year degree cant find a job in their field.
So you agree that it is NOT a fact that most Vets would not recommend it. Your speaking for all of us and making assumptions from a statistical non existent pool of friends. In Fact in recent press releases the VA is doing quite well with its customer base.

So if your going to make those assumptions without doing any homework. Why should anyone on here put any faith in what your saying.
Oh it's good to see that a government survey says the government is doing better. Have you heard of the afghanistan papers? Released very recently.
what don’t you like about the pic? you have a problem with someone standing up for what they believe is right?

Perhaps you missed the Ron Burgundy nuance. Do you have a problem with my opinion of the media? Read post #61.
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Everyone supports private health insurance until they get hosed by it.

Having just about watched a child birth drive my sister to bankruptcy I would strongly disagree. Only a very small fraction of the health care industry provides care, the vast majority are in the business of sucking every ounce of money they can for the care.

If you haven't had a bad experience then good for you. But if you live the middle class our current health care system couldn't be worse. Especially if you're a small business owner.

I have some experience on several sides of it. Right now I'm a small business owner who doesn't qualify for any subsidies. Insurance through would cost my family of 5 approximately $1,000/month for a very basic plan ($13,000 deductible, 70-80% coinsurance, etc.). So far it has been significantly cheaper to pay for all medical costs out of pocket than to maintain insurance. We've been cash payers for about 3 years now.

My first two babies were had while I had private insurance through a prior job. It cost my wife and I less than $1,000 total for each. Matter of fact, the bill for the first one was lowered when we asked what the hospital could do it we paid in full at once. I think we paid $600 total that time.

My third baby was born while my wife qualified for pregnancy medicaid during my first year of being self employed. I'm pretty sure the birth was covered completely. However, we had purchased a policy for just my wife before she qualified for Medicaid and had prepaid an estimated $2,000 for the birth. Assuming there were no significant complications, that would have been the extent of it.

One of the things that many people forget is that you can negotiate, or at least ask, if any costs can be lowered, especially so if you're a cash payer. I know that not every place is willing to negotiate, but most will at least go on payments. And being in the finance world right now, we give quite a bit of leniency to collections and liens that are medically related when it comes to considering loan requests. I think a lot of people have sympathy for each other when it comes down to it.

I'm not saying this is your sister's case by any stretch, but if someone is considering having a child, he/she should really be prepared to pay $10K - $20K over a 12-24 month term. We all hope that there are no complications, but the fact of the matter is that it costs a lot of money to have a baby and that decision needs to be made responsibly not emotionally.
Oh it's good to see that a government survey says the government is doing better. Have you heard of the afghanistan papers? Released very recently.
Yes, Zach, the US gubment is the worst in the world in so many ways. It is good that it is evolving into a dictatorship with truth, brilliance, and integrity at the top ... promoting and cherishing uber wealthiness as the highest human standard.
But wait ... there is an election looming and the possibility of more gun control proposals and increased enforcement. If that happens we need to consider to where we must relocate, where our 2A liberties are more upheld. But wait ... where would that be? Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, somewhere in Africa? No elk there! Let's rethink this and help our gubment improve through our representative democracy and the power of the pen and the vote ... rather than merely continuing to bitch and bash.
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