Caribou Gear Tarp

Virginia Gun Rights Rally

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"let people who have fewer teeth than the front row of a bluegrass concert & want to storm a state capitol in their GI JOE cosplay outfits define our collective position on gun violence, support of civilian firearms ownership or any other issue. "

"We're all in this together, and if we don't start acting like it, the nation is doomed."

Listen to my words but not my actions @Ben Lamb

"Gun violence is an issue across the US. Rural, white America has just as much of a problem with it as inner-cities with more diverse populations. Rural gun violence is driven by poverty, addiction, domestic abuse & lack of affordable mental health care. Inner city violence is driven by largely the same issues, and in both cases, you're unable to rise above unless you are one of the very few lucky ones."

From a cause perspective you are correct. From a statistical perspective you couldn't be more wrong.

Sorry, I'm not going to allow participation award winners like those idiots define me as a gun owner. I'm also not going to molly-coddle their idiocy for the sake of being politically correct.

And my statistical analysis says you're wrong.
Sorry, I'm not going to allow participation award winners like those idiots define me as a gun owner. I'm also not going to molly-coddle their idiocy for the sake of being politically correct.

And my statistical analysis says you're wrong.

Judging by the expensive tactical embellishment I deduce they also have adequate dental plans....
Someone explain to me again the definition of a law abiding citizen? Apparently some affluent Americans have redefined this definition...

A "show of force" is about trying to intimidate & bully other people into acquiescing to your demands. It's about using firearms to get your way. It's weakness trying to project power & authority when they know they can't win a debate based on ideas or policy c"

Show of force, my confederate friend, is when you are at a cash machine at night in a less traveled area and some thug shows up looking for an easy pay day. You pull back your jacket to reach your wallet and
he sees your carry pistol and decides there are easier marks.
Then you are bad at statistical analysis.

Here is a riddle that I can not answer directly because of the fembots that exist online. Who is 6% of the population and commits 50% of the homicides? There is a gender and race component to the answer. If you truly cared about the problem you would circle this area in red as your starting point. Don't be surprised when you get molly-whopped (I know a molly word too).

The actual problem and solution are: R's and D's participated in creating the harsh sentencing standards starting with the Clinton Crime Bill, or the modern slavery act as I call it. This was fueled by the War on Drugs mentality. What it really did was lock up entire generations of non violent offenders. This of course takes up room and resources from housing violent offenders. Stop the war on drugs, stop locking up people for non violent offenses, address the gun violence in inner cities where it is happening.

Or point the finger at funny looking rednecks, your current strategy.

Sorry, I'm not going to allow participation award winners like those idiots define me as a gun owner. I'm also not going to molly-coddle their idiocy for the sake of being politically correct.

And my statistical analysis says you're wrong.

This ignores the entirty of the argument in this thread for your quite quip. Well done, buddy.

Then you are bad at statistical analysis.

Here is a riddle that I can not answer directly because of the fembots that exist online. Who is 6% of the population and commits 50% of the homicides? There is a gender and race component to the answer. If you truly cared about the problem you would circle this area in red as your starting point. Don't be surprised when you get molly-whopped (I know a molly word too).

The actual problem and solution are: R's and D's participated in creating the harsh sentencing standards starting with the Clinton Crime Bill, or the modern slavery act as I call it. This was fueled by the War on Drugs mentality. What it really did was lock up entire generations of non violent offenders. This of course takes up room and resources from housing violent offenders. Stop the war on drugs, stop locking up people for non violent offenses, address the gun violence in inner cities where it is happening.

Or point the finger at funny looking rednecks, your current strategy.

I'm pointing my finger at the idiots in KY for ruining the good press that gun owners were getting out of the VA rally. They're the ones who ruin the public image of gunowners. I can do that, while still recognizing the differences in crime stats.

But looking only at homicide is a silly thing. Look at domestic violence, hate crimes, etc. It's all violent crime/gun crime - not one simple thing. I know it's easy to cherry pick one stat to try and prove your point, but it's not how to solve the issue of gun violence, just like parading your crappy AK in the capitol halls is a ridiculously asinine strategy to prove how good gun owners are.

Totally in agreement with you on the Clinton Crime bill. One of the worst pieces of legislation in a long, long time.
I see VA passed legislation surrendering their EC votes to the popular vote. That should help the situation.

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Biden wins South Carolina and it could get interesting.

Biden wins South Carolina and it could get interesting.

The DNC is not going to let Bernie win the nomination, no way. If he does way to many senate seats will be lost. Besides it will not matter as Trump is gonna win easily. I know that hurts some of you guys plans as you can't wait to get a Dem in the big house so that solar and wind energy can start popping up everywhere on our BLM land.
He is toast man. Just a couple of days ago he called a female college student, a "dog faced pony soldier". Sadly this only one of these examples in the last few months. The chickens have come home to roost for this old gangster.

Biden wins South Carolina and it could get interesting.

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