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Virginia Gun Rights Rally

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April 29-May 4 1992, 63 dead over 2300 injured. I recall a lot of Folks, pretty culturally diverse crowd, protecting themselves and their property with “assault weapons”. Took the military to restore order. Wonder how many would have died if the side that obey the law was defenseless? Are we past that?
April 29-May 4 1992, 63 dead over 2300 injured. I recall a lot of Folks, pretty culturally diverse crowd, protecting themselves and their property with “assault weapons”. Took the military to restore order. Wonder how many would have died if the side that obey the law was defenseless? Are we past that?

In case some HTers need a primer

Hopefully Virginians open their eyes and vote the bums out.
Not sure who you think is going to "open their eyes" and who we are going to vote out. Democrats running in the election last year staked out gun safety as one of the core messages of their platform, the top priority in some races, and their victories were the only mandate needed. Rural Virginia can rally around our symbolic "second amendment sanctuaries" all we want, the plain truth is that Virginia is a blue state with urban population centers that have shifted control away from the Republicans, possibly for good. A "majority" of Virginia supports this law and the rest of the firearms measures passed this session.

I do have doubts the assault weapons ban passes the Senate, but it is not beyond the realm of possibility.
One thing about Democrats that you can count on, is that for the most part, they campaign as Democrats, and then they govern like democrats. Unlike Republican, which campaign as libertarian anarchists, and govern as democrat lite/medium, as to not upset the people that did not, and never will vote for them.
In the 2018 mid terms 40% of the Virginia electorate didn't vote...72% voted in the 2016 General which went blue 50 to 44. VA tends to turn out >70% in the general.
Speaking of...

Bull Moose Party ftw!

Side note, I got a kick out of listening to James Carville tear apart his own party. 🤣😂

Back to 2A Virginians and blue taited electorates. 🧐
So true and it works both ways. A modern Republican is simply a centrist demoncrat. A modern Demoncrat is simply a moderate republican.

"The truth of the matter is that my policies are so mainstream that if I had set the same policies that I had back in the 1980s, I would be considered a moderate Republican," - Obummer

One thing about Democrats that you can count on, is that for the most part, they campaign as Democrats, and then they govern like democrats. Unlike Republican, which campaign as libertarian anarchists, and govern as democrat lite/medium, as to not upset the people that did not, and never will vote for them.
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