Caribou Gear Tarp

URGENT! SB 414 Politics!

They had the big MEPA bill yesterday, so I would imagine that they were getting flooded with emails on that. I've heard of several members shutting down their hotmail or yahoo accounts because they can't keep up with the traffic. Lots of them are switching over to gmail.

The amount of public participation this session has been amazing to see. Conservation rallies for access had 400, for broaden conservation measures, 1,000. 1,000 people showed up for public employees. 2,000 showed up to protest the ridiculous cuts to services for the elderly, veterans, children and poor.

24 showed up for the tea party rally.
They had the big MEPA bill yesterday, so I would imagine that they were getting flooded with emails on that. I've heard of several members shutting down their hotmail or yahoo accounts because they can't keep up with the traffic. Lots of them are switching over to gmail.

The amount of public participation this session has been amazing to see. Conservation rallies for access had 400, for broaden conservation measures, 1,000. 1,000 people showed up for public employees. 2,000 showed up to protest the ridiculous cuts to services for the elderly, veterans, children and poor.

24 showed up for the tea party rally.

MEPA bills are one of the "quiet but horrible" bills (for sportsmen...and many other folks) that has been moving along. Montana's open for biness at a great cost bills. Other groups, which I'm sure alot of sportsmen have at best mixed feelings about, have been paying attention. If only there wasn't so much polarization and separation of ideals....pipe dream.
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Representative Mike Phillips (D- Bozeman), Represenative Pat Connell (R- Corvallis), Representative Ron Ehli (R-Hamilton) and Representative Ken Peterson (R-Billings) all spoke up and defended Montana's Wolf Management plan in the face of extreme pressure. These steady hands helped frame the debate in an intelligent, and articulate manner. Without their wisdom and historic understanding of the issue, we would have been one step closer to blowing up the deal on Simpson/Tester.

These men moved Montana forward today, and they helped ensure state management of wolves.
I was listening in and it was nerve racking. You could tell it was going to be close. Funny thing is the other guys I work with don't think anything of it when I talk to my computer.

Cuffe really didn't know what the bill would do. He kept pushing it as a delisting. Basically lets not wait for the CR, lets pass this and we will have control.
"Cuffe really didn't know what the bill would do"? That's hilarious but should really piss everyone off too. Although the honorable Chas Vincent was the primary "sponsor", Cuffe's name was on the sponsor list, too. If he indeed really didn't know what the bill would do, this is another case of our elected officials incompetence or dishonesty, ad nauseum. This is an already beaten dead horse, but HB 159's sponsor, Cary Smith, told me personally that his bill did not repeal the ban of use rifles for upland game and spring turkey.....which it did indeed do-in no uncertain terms. The hilarious fact is that they amended out a section of the bill that I was told never did exist, why was the amendment necessary??? Hilarious ,yes- but ignorance nor lies should be tolerated from the people elected to legislate. 8.5 million of MT taxpayers $$'s, three and a half month's of us battling this crap, incompetent bungling and vendetta driven politics.....tuck all this into the memory banks for next election.
You have to be kidding about Cuffe. If he read one of my emails, and everyone else from Eureka that I gave, basically a cut and paste email to send him, there is no excuse for that. WTH dude!!!!!! Makes me seriously question his intelligence.

What a flipping potlicker!!!
Got an email from a Rep. today saying SB414 passed 2nd reading.
Yep 53 47, I don't not understand.

We need to flip at least three.
Talked to a couple Reps today and they said they only got about 5 or 6 emails on SB414. We must be wearing down.
Once more in to the Breach...

Send it to the entire House. Tell them that Montana's Hunters don't want this, and that moving this bill forward jeopardizes our hard won battle in Congress.

CC [email protected]

Hit them hard.
gotta agree....hard to know how many legislators are even looking at all their emails. I happen to know a couple who aren't responding, that's for sure.
easy drahthaar, he meant each Rep. only got 5 or 6. I do know I get a handfull back saying the mailbox is full. Phone calls will be on tap first thing in the AM.
Hit up Rep. Edmunds hard. He has replied positively to all of my emails on this bill. I know nothing about him..but maybe he be one that would switch his vote??
Edmunds has an auto response to all his messages. He even sends out can lettersin the mail. Maybe he will switch, it won't hurt to hit him.

Here are the ones that flipped.

Duane Ankney
Kelly Flynn
Harry Klock
Walt McNutt
Mike Milburn
Mike Miller
Sterling Small
Wayne Stahl
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