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Scott Pruitt Opportunity for Action, Wk of Jan 23


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
OK, by request, here is an Opportunity for Action on trying to stop the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt in the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Work.

Reason Hunters don’t want Scott Pruitt, besides him being from Oklahoma…
The EPA is one of the agencies that is chiefly responsible for managing the Endangered Species Act enforcement. This is the Act that allows those of us in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon to have sustainable Salmon and Steelhead fishing seasons. It is also the ACT that helps keep Caribou populations in Idaho (dreaming, unrealistically, of someday hunting caribou in Idaho), along with the Sage Grouse, Wolf, and other more commonly known animals.

We have fishing areas where Women and Children are advised NOT to eat fish caught in the rivers and lakes because of Mercury levels. Pruitt has sued the EPA over the Mercury standards and has used “junk science” to attempt to overturn EPA regulations on Mercury.

Why Pruitt is bad: You can research as much as you want on Pruitt, but, this guy has been a pawn of the Oil Companies his entire time as AG in Oklahoma. He is such a dupe of the Industry, that he ACTUALLY just cuts and pastes the text from letters Devon Energy writes for him, and then forwards them on to Obama’s EPA, and then sues the EPA.

What to do: Look to see if your Senator is one of the GOP guys listed here. And call them at the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request. If your Senator, is not on the GOP list, contact Joni Ernst or Dan Sullivan. If your Senator is on the Democrat list, call them and let them know you support them blocking the nomination.

What to say: Introduce yourself and Ask for the Senator so that you can express your concerns, as a Hunter and a fisherman to Scott Pruitt’s nomination to head the EPA.

When told Senator is busy, ask to speak to the staffer handling comments regarding Scott Pruitt’s nomination. Then, politely explain that as a hunter and a fisherman, a father and a grandfather (mother / grandmother) who loves to hunt and fish, you object to Pruitt’s nomination, and you request the Senator vote against his nomination on behalf of you, your kids, and your grandkids who you love to hunt and fish with. "I urge you to oppose Scott Pruitt and demand an EPA Administrator who is guided by science, respects our environmental laws, and will place protecting public health first and protecting my hunting and fishing second."
Thank the staffer for their time and ask if they will get your message to the Senator of if you will need to call back tomorrow.

GOP Members
John Barrasso (Chairman) ------- Wyoming
James M. Inhofe ------- Oklahoma
Shelley Moore Capito ------- West Virginia
John Boozman ------- Arkansas
Roger F. Wicker ------- Mississippi
Deb Fischer ------- Nebraska
Jeff Sessions ------- Alabama
Jerry Moran ------- Kansas
Mike Rounds ------- South Dakota
Joni Ernst ------- Iowa
Dan Sullivan ------- Alaska

Democrat Members:
Thomas R. Carper (Ranking Member)
Benjamin L. Cardin
Bernard Sanders
Sheldon Whitehouse
Jeff Merkley
Kirsten Gillibrand
Cory A. Booker
Edward Markey
Tammy Duckworth
Kamala Harris

If you want to see how much of a pawn Scott Pruitt is, check out his "cut and paste" of the letter from Devon Energy that he slapped his letter head, changed 37 words, and fired off.


And, even if you don't call. Click on the link above and look at the amazingly brash nature that your elected officials allow Industry to do their work, spoon feed them their opinions, and write them checks. Scott Pruitt is truly one of the most brazen anti-hunters in office.

Good luck, and thanks in advance.

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