
Help! Sb 414 now

Keep rallying. The committee could take action as soon as tomorrow morning on this bad bill.
Sent mine off.

I can't believe the politics going on behind the scenes. SFW is working overtime to screw us.

I know 5 guys sending SFW money, they are getting an ass chewing tomorrow. I am sick of this. This BS has got to stop.

Just watched "Young Guns" the other night. It just occured to me, I feel like this whole scene is like the final scene in "Young Guns". The SFW and BGF is Murphy Dolan gang, and Ben, onpoint, SS, and Fin, represent Billy the Kid, and all the rest of us(mainly those who aren't doing a damn thing, those not on internet sites), are represented as Charlie Bowdre, scared, upset, but not doing anything. Billy is yelling at Charlie, "If you don't stand up and start whooping some ass, you're never going to see her again". If we don't stand up and start whooping some ass, we aren't going to have crap to fight for.

Reap it- DKP,

well put Drathaar. And thanks, having a fellow sportsmen pay a compliment is a compliment of the highest order. We're in this together. Your'e either with us or your'e against YOURSELF.
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