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URGENT! SB 414 Politics!


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2005
Bitterroot Valley
I just got the word that the H (appropriations committee) is about ready to pass along SB 414, the wolf control bill. The word is, the R's want BS to use his VETO on the Bill and use that Politically. They are hoping the average Montanan isn't not smart enough to see that this Bill kills our chances at getting the wolf off the list. How well will this bill work then? . They may be right.

If your on the sidelines on this one, you need to step up NOW. There's no guarantee that BS will VETO this Bill.

We need letters to the editor to explain the situation to the general public.

This is one of the last Big bills we'll have this session.

Thanks to all
Just emailed the committee, floor next and will follow up with phone calls. It just won't end.
All these wolf bills that alter or amend the Montan Wolf Management Plan need to be dumped. The wolf plan is a management strategy built within the sideboard of Montana law. As Montana law changes with regards to wolves, the Montana Wolf Plan changes.

Here is some background.

That plan was crafted by a group of citizens appointed to the Montana Wolf Advisory Committee. Almost all ranchers and hunters. Hardly the flaming wolf loving crowd.

They spend two years taking public comment, listening to biologists, and arguing among themselves. It was a neat process to watch.

The plan had two objectives:

1. Prepare a stategy for management upon delisting.

2. Prepare safeguards to prevent RE-listing. (The objective affected by these current bills)

The plan that came from this is a great plan, reflective of the values held by Montanans. The plan was accepted by the legilsature at that time (Republican) and the Governor at that time (Republican), the FWP Director and the FWP Commission. It has passed the review of the USFWS, the courts, and everyone who has looked at it.

Here is the danger of making these "feel good" politically-motivated changes.

If the USFWS deems the changes created by these bills to be signficant, they will be required to take a new look at the Montana Wolf Plan. A lengthy process, regardless of the outcome.

When/if they do look at it, they may very well reverse their acceptance of the Montana Wolf Plan in light of these amendments. That puts us right back to 2003, when they started their first review of this plan. Hardly a useful outcome.

So, we have some self-appointed wolf experts in the legislature who will never, in their lives, hear one-tenth of the public testimony that was heard by those who crafted this plan. They want nothing more than to jeopardize the future of wolf management in Montana for their self-serving purposes of political grandstanding.

The height of hypocrisy and ingorance in Helena has exceeded any worst prediction.

The same groups that are trying to kill the Simpson-Tester language that we hope passes in Washington DC today, are the same group sponsoring these stupid wolf bills in the legislature. And they have some legislatures ignorant, egotistical, and spineless enough, to fall for the bait.

I have no use for this over abundance of wolves we now have. I know many who are working hard for Montana and Idaho to get control of wolves and manage under the citizen-crafted wolf management plans. We do not need to mess with what has allowed us to gain this hard fought ground - a very good Montana Wolf Management Plan.

Unfortunately, there are so many who want to torpedo those plans, all in the name of personal posturing and keeping the money train alive.

If you have the inclination, share some of this information with these legislators who think that twenty-minutes of testimorny in a hearing makes them wolf experts. The only thing they have become experts in would be the ability to complicate the simplest of ideas, and to destroy anything of value in their effort to claim the far-fringes of political real estate.
Entire House:

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Fin, I hate the ease at which you project yourself. Damn you! :D:I wish I could write so easy. Guess I should have spent more time in school, and less time in the hills.:eek:

Anyway, that post right there would work for a "letter to the editor". Short and to the point.

+1 SS....
I just sent an email off tot he list above.... with "most" of Fin's sentiments (I cut out some of the harshness to benefit the acceptance of the message by those "legislators ignorant, egotistical, and spineless enough")
Looked like this... thanks Randy...hopefully I didn't take too much justice with it?

All these wolf bills that alter or amend the Montan Wolf Management Plan need to be dumped. The wolf plan is a management strategy built within the sideboard of Montana law. As Montana law changes with regards to wolves, the Montana Wolf Plan changes.

All these wolf bills that alter or amend the Montana Wolf Management Plan need to be dumped. The wolf plan is a management strategy built within the sideboard of Montana law. As Montana law changes with regards to wolves, the Montana Wolf Plan changes.

Here is some background.

That plan was crafted by a group of citizens appointed to the Montana Wolf Advisory Committee. Almost all ranchers and hunters. Hardly the wolf loving crowd.

They spend two years taking public comment, listening to biologists, and arguing among themselves. It was a neat process to watch.

The plan had two objectives:

1. Prepare a stategy for management upon delisting.

2. Prepare safeguards to prevent RE-listing. (The objective affected by these current bills)

The plan that came from this is a great plan, reflective of the values held by Montanans. The plan was accepted by the legilsature at that time (Republican) and the Governor at that time (Republican), the FWP Director and the FWP Commission. It has passed the review of the USFWS, the courts, and everyone who has looked at it.

Here is the danger of making changes.

If the USFWS deems the changes created by these bills to be signficant, they will be required to take a new look at the Montana Wolf Plan. A lengthy process, regardless of the outcome.

When/if they do look at it, they may very well reverse their acceptance of the Montana Wolf Plan in light of these amendments. That puts us right back to 2003, when they started their first review of this plan. Hardly a useful outcome.

I have no use for this over abundance of wolves we now have. I know many who are working hard for Montana and Idaho to get control of wolves and manage under the citizen-crafted wolf management plans. We do not need to mess with what has allowed us to gain this hard fought ground - a very good Montana Wolf Management Plan.

Unfortunately, there are so many who want to torpedo those plans, all in the name of personal posturing and keeping the money train alive.

This bill would not help anything having to do with wolf management and could jeopardize all the hard work that has been done to get an acceptable plan together!!!

Thank you,

Ernie McKenzie
Billings, Montana
Fin posted "the height of hypocrisy and ignorance in Helena has exceeded any worst prediction". C'mon Fin, as if absolutely no one knew this was coming after the results of the 2010 MT election:D. If the 2010 election doesn't influence the results in 2012......
Sent what seems like my 1000th I exaggerate. Some seem to have helped, let's hope this one does as well.
I just got done visiting with my Uncle who is in town and thought to check my emails before turning in for the evening. Wow, seems I have struck a few nerves. Makes for great drama to see them be so worked up about someone providing a case against some of the positions taken.

Seems those in Helena feel they are entitled to comment about those of us who are non-paid lobbyists when they communicate with each other, but when voters provide opinions about these elected folks and share them with each other, the shoe has a completely different fit. My, my.

As Doc Holiday would say, "Why Ed does this mean we're not friends anymore? You know Ed, if I thought you weren't my friend... I just don't think I could bear it!"
I got feed back on my letter to all 100. I heard I was harsh, and threatening. There was no way in hell I was harsh.:D

I am sure they are tired of this session themselves, their nerves are frayed, anything is going to sound like a threat. This bill has them in a catch 22.

That is why I tried to empathize with Cuffe, even threw in a couple good quotes about courage.
The worst of it:
When word gets out, (and it will), you will all have some explaining to do. Especially if the Simpson/Tester rider passes before you vote on the floor. One day we'll have control, then this bill passes and the next we don't.

If Schweitzer VETO's the Bill, then he will look like a savor, and not the wolf lover, some of you hope for.

Not much there.:hump:
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