UN Gun Treaty

I don't believe I read any favorable comments on the Republican Party by Ron in his post regarding BO and the Democratic Party! Knowing Ron for several years now, I believe he is a registered Independent like myself.

Question for Nemont---In your above post regarding the HCA, you make the statement to please read the bill first before commenting. It's my understanding that you're the guru of the site on health care (nothing negative intended in using that word) and I would ask if you have read the entire, very lengthy Bill yourself and if you have, how in the world did you have time to do it?

The biggest problem we face with the Democratic party and their Dali-Lama Obama, is that they honestly believe that the public isn't intelligent enough to know what's best for "we the people".

noharleyyet stated: "According to my own personal poll, half of them aren't."

***Probably well over half, but who's counting, LOL!
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Question for Nemont---In your above post regarding the HCA, you make the statement to please read the bill first before commenting. It's my understanding that you're the guru of the site on health care (nothing negative intended in using that word) and I would ask if you have read the entire, very lengthy Bill yourself and if you have, how in the world did you have time to do it?

I have spent countless hours in meetings, reading, discussing with others in my profession, attending seminars, updating my credentials and getting up to speed on what the bill does and doesn't do. I buried my head in the bill and read through over about a 3 to 4 week period. It was miserable, but my point is that you can't argue it is all bad or good without knowing what the law actually does or does not do. I don't love it but I don't love alot of what our government does and yet I still have to follow the law.

I am not going to be able to read all the administrative rules as they will run into the 10's of thousands of pages. I am not the only one of my peers to have have read the bill in it's entirety either.

Just to be clear, I don't agree with President Obama on many, many policy issues. In my heart I am a small government conservative that believes the Constitution is a limiting document and only the enumerated powers are given to the Federal Government, everything else is reserved for the States. It just so happens that the ACA was passed legally by the Legislative Branch, Signed by the Executive Branch and Found Constitutional By the Judicial Branch. If you claim you love our country and the Constitution how can you say the ACA was forced down your throat? If the question is policy then that it a different matter rather than is it legal and Constitutional.

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Jose - Other than you being a website troll for Obama's attackwatch, son your a monument to a dumbass.
Jose - Other than you being a website troll for Obama's attackwatch, son your a monument to a dumbass.

I love being called a "dumbass" by somebody that doesn't have a basic grasp of the English language......


Have you learned anything in this thread, or just kept your tinfoil hat cinched down?
Holy shit, there is a lot of stupid in here.....

And, if you really hate having it "forced down" your throat, please explain what parts you hate?

Are you now being forced to buy insurance that you didn't previously have?

nice try on the trick question. if someone says yes, then the obvious answer from you would be why do they not have insurance now. anyways, after seeing thru your obvious BS, the answer is yes. if I work for someone that provides insurance, and they decide to cancel it because it would be cheaper to pay the fines than it would be to keep the insurance, I would then be FORCED to buy insurance.
How is this a trick question? You either have insurance currently, or you don't. If you currently have insurance, then nothing is being "forced down" your throat. Simple question: Do you currently have health insurance?

Are you now upset that your kids can have insurance to age 26?

you mean before this law was passed, kids couldn't have insurance at that age? this law just says that the parents can keep the kids on their insurance to that age. nice way to teach kids to fend for themselves and be responsible. seems to be teaching them to be leeches.
Are you that stupid that you don't realise you are not forced to keep your kids on your insurance, and, you don't have to pay for their insurance. You can kick your kid to the curb at age 18 and let them venture off in the world without health insurance if that is your parenting style. Nobody gives a shit. Or, you can give your kid ACCESS to your policy and let them buy the insurance under the same terms and conditions of your group policy. Now, at least, there is a choice for parents, and, more importantly, a solution for young adults as they get started.

Are you now upset that there won't be any lifetime limits if you get sick?
You seem pretty happy with Obamacare.

Are you upset that you can't be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions?
You seem pretty happy with Obamacare.

now. let's let you answer some questions.
are you upset that there is now a 3.8% tax on any house you sell?
Please explain how this works, or are you just making up a bunch of bullshit that shows you don't have a clue. The median price for a home in my county is $104,900. Please explain how much the tax will be on the typical house in my county. (also, I don't plan to sell my house, in any event, so not really a concern, but, I await your math.)

are you upset that illegals and those that do not have insurance coverage can still be given free healthcare at emergency rooms?
How ignorant are you to the current situation? Have you ever seen any LIVING person be turned away from an Emergency Room? That is one of the main reasons for the need for health care reform is that people without insurance end up using the ER for the major part of their health care. And, treatments in the ER are the most expensive way to deliver medicine. I would LOVE for all the illegal aliens in my county to be buying health insurance. That seems like it would be a great thing for all my friends who work at Blue Cross, for all our local insurance agents, for all my Dr. friends that would like to get paid in full. And, even better, when I went to the ER for a real emergency, I wouldn't have to sit in with a bunch of poor people who are treating their babies for earaches in the ER.

are you upset that insurance rates(healthcare)have increased so much since this was passed?
How much have they increased? I haven't seen them increase nearly as much as they have the prior 10 years. And, in fact, I just got a letter saying I was going to be getting a rebate. Please show how much they have increased since 2010 vs. how much they increased prior to 2010.

are you upset that the amount of people that will get free coverage is going to increase?
I think you are making shit up on that. Right now, most people without insurance get "free coverage" by going to the ER and getting expensive coverage, then not paying the bill to the hospital/Dr./Speicalists. That upsets me, because when I go to the Dr, my fees are raised to cover the current "free" medical coverage.

are you upset that you will have to pay for these people?

see, you want to throw the things that are decent. but, in typical BS fashion, you leave out the parts that are not good. wonder why?

I pay for them CURRENTLY. You obviously have never taken any classes in economics, but, a simple lesson is that there is no free lunch. Those people who were getting "free" were having it paid for by me with my premiums, copayments, and such. And, worse, they were getting the "free" that was the most expensive way to get health care (in the ER, after a simple problem has become a big problem.) You are a fool if you think you weren't paying for the uninsured before.
Jose---Not using the proper "you're" instead of "your" is a far cry from not having a basic grasp of the English language, so laugh your azz off all you want, but he hit the nail on the head with that post you friggin pot stirrer! Quick question for ya---Is that avatar of yours a self portrait, LOL?

Nemont stated: "Just to be clear, I don't agree with President Obama on many, many policy issues. In my heart I am a small government conservative that believes the Constitution is a limiting document and only the enumerated powers are given to the Federal Government, everything else is reserved for the States. It just so happens that the ACA was passed legally by the Legislative Branch, Signed by the Executive Branch and Found Constitutional By the Judicial Branch. If you claim you love our country and the Constitution how can you say the ACA was forced down your throat? If the question is policy then that it a different matter rather than was is legal and Constitutional."

I think I'm pretty much with you on your initial statement and, yes, I was speaking of it just as you concluded in your closing sentence. Thanks!
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Not using the proper "you're" instead of "your" is a far cry from not having a basic grasp of the English language, so laugh your azz off all you want, but he hit the nail on the head with that post you friggin pot stirrer! Quick question for ya---Is that avatar of yours a self portrait, LOL?

Well, let's talk about your lack of a basic grasp of 4th grade math. Have you figured out how much "well over 60%" is?

And, have you figured out what was "forced down" your throat? Hell, Nemont even gave you a 5th grade government lesson and you likely still can't figure it out.
"You cited an "online poll"? Lmao.

And, when did 56% become greater than "more than 60%"? Lmao"

Josie, you didn't give us your rules for what can and can not be used for proof of opposing views/results. not that it matters. and FYI, since when is a phone poll better than an online poll? because it favored you?

and please show where I said anything about 60%. that was a quote from someone else. know you can be slow at times, but posted the poll to show that opposite results are out there that oppose the numbers you posted.

don't have time to do your other post right now. but, if you could finish it up and answer the questions it would help. don't need to know that you disagree with me. or how much a house sells for where you live. they sell for much more here. and since you haven't grasped it yet, this is a nationwide bill that covers everywhere, not just your area. or are you saying since it doesn't effect you, you don't care?
Generally speaking, online polls are scientifically invalid. Any stats course in college should teach you that.
Generally speaking, online polls are scientifically invalid. Any stats course in college should teach you that.

***Any poll that isn't taken at random by someone, rather than the person taking a poll of his/her own choosing and at their own discretion is suspect. Actually most polls are suspect because they are normally designed and worded by the pollster to get a certain result that they want. I love the way Jose tried to twist the two percentage stats together that TLC and I mentioned in our posts when TLC didn't even correlate the two and then Jose comes back with more BS trying to make like both of us can't count instead of just addressing the issues asked of him, LOL! That's typical of BO and his new friggin math where he's trying to tell us we're in great shape economically now and to vote for him even though everyone should be able to see we're in the tank and the ship is sinking deeper!
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You just keep rolling out the stupid....

Generally speaking, online polls are scientifically invalid. Any stats course in college should teach you that.

***Any poll that isn't taken at random by someone, rather than the person taking a poll of his/her own choosing and at their own discretion is suspect. Actually most polls are suspect because they are normally designed and worded by the pollster to get a certain result that they want. I love the way Jose tried to twist the two percentage stats together that TLC and I mentioned in our posts when TLC didn't even correlate the two and then Jose comes back with more BS trying to make like both of us can't count instead of just addressing the issues asked of him, LOL! That's typical of BO and his new friggin math where he's trying to tell us we're in great shape economically now and to vote for him even though everyone should be able to see we're in the tank and the ship is sinking deeper!

Let me guess, you have never sat in even a basic Stats class? Holy shit, you roll in stupid.

Why don't you answer your earlier nonsense instead of just doubling down, and then tripling down, and quadrupling down on your ignorance?

To remind you, here is what you originally stated, that, once you got called on your bullshit, you have ignored....

I call anything that well over 60% of the US population says they don't want and then Congress goes ahead and passes it "forced down our throats"!

Again, where is your "well over 60%" and what was "forced down our throats"?

And, if you really hate having it "forced down" your throat, please explain what parts you hate?

Are you now being forced to buy insurance that you didn't previously have?
  • Are you now being forced to buy insurance that you didn't previously have?
  • Are you now upset that your kids can have insurance to age 26?
  • Are you now upset that there won't be any lifetime limits if you get sick?
  • Are you upset that you can't be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions?
  • Just, exactly, what got "forced down" your throat?

You don't even have a clue what you don't like.
Generally speaking, online polls are scientifically invalid. Any stats course in college should teach you that.

***Any poll that isn't taken at random by someone, rather than the person taking a poll of his/her own choosing and at their own discretion is suspect. Actually most polls are suspect because they are normally designed and worded by the pollster to get a certain result that they want. I love the way Jose tried to twist the two percentage stats together that TLC and I mentioned in our posts when TLC didn't even correlate the two and then Jose comes back with more BS trying to make like both of us can't count instead of just addressing the issues asked of him, LOL! That's typical of BO and his new friggin math where he's trying to tell us we're in great shape economically now and to vote for him even though everyone should be able to see we're in the tank and the ship is sinking deeper!


You're talking about Push Polls wich are each to discredit. Most polling is done through a firm that will design the questions based on the clients input, yes, but in order to be statistically valid, and reproducible (meaning that it's true) the questions cannot be push questions. I've worked on enough polls to know the good ones from the bad, and the only poll that will work is one based off of clear, non-leading questions.

Push polls are an abomination. Honest polling is great. I hear from folks who get polled on things that I'm working on, and they always think that the poll comes from the opposition, rather than their allies. That's a sign of an honest poll.
Jose---I don't have to answer any f***ing thing you post and as I stated before, with your well known status on these Forums as being an ahole that merely wants to piss people off and start arguments you can go f*** off in a corner! You don't know me from a can of paint, just like you don't know anyone else's backgrounds or schooling on these Forums, so don't tell me what I like or dislike, or what I know or don't know! To make all of your ASSumptions about me and all the others that you differ with is pure BS when you merely go on the attack of a person, rather than the topic being discussed a good share of the time. You're real good at asking questions and twisting and turning things around. Why don't you answer a few questions asked of you from time to time, instead of your constant C/Ps? It's amazing that you seem to be the self-proclaimed expert on everything that comes up on these Forums . How do I know that, you may ask? It's because of your pompous, people demeaning posts that make you look like an azzhole! Please note that my spelling, punctuation, and use of the English language in this post was perfect, so now go find something else to talk about Mr. Smartazz!

Ben--I'm pretty familiar with how polls work and which ones are bogus and ones that are done properly. Thanks!!!
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***any poll that isn't taken at random by someone, rather than the person taking a poll of his/her own choosing and at their own discretion is suspect. Actually most polls are suspect because they are normally designed and worded by the pollster to get a certain result that they want.

ben--i'm pretty familiar with how polls work and which ones are bogus and ones that are done properly. Thanks!!!

Since it's obvious that there are some liberals here, and even one or two extreme leftist present, it seems that any effort to prove and demonstrate the truths here are equivalent to expending energy trying to pound sense into Nancy Pelosi.

I believe that Jose Cuervo is in all probability one of those who uses his avatar as an expression of who and what he is...........which means that like most Democrats, only he knows the truth and facts (at least in his own small mind)!

BTW, JC ( which isn't an abbreviation of Jesus Christ), Tom answered your question about proof of fact based information on Obama's gun control agenda. All you have to do is google the reference provided.
just like you don't know anyone else's backgrounds or schooling on these Forums, so don't tell me what I like or dislike, or what I know or don't know!
I'm pretty sure he knows a bit about some of the folks background and education on this site, including mine! :D

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