UN Gun Treaty


Care to admit that your 3.8% tax discussion was wrong or want to debate what is actually in the bill? Or do you enjoy the "debate" with Jose?


what was wrong? did I word something wrong?

The truth is that only a tiny percentage of home sellers will pay the tax. First of all, only those with incomes over $200,000 a year ($250,000 for married couples filing jointly) will be subject to it. And even for those who have such high incomes, the tax still won’t apply to the first $250,000 on profits from the sale of a personal residence — or to the first $500,000 in the case of a married couple selling their home.

am I missing something? says that some people will pay the 3.8% tax.
YeAh you said it applied to all sales. Either you lied oe are admitting you agree you are

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"YeAh you said it applied to all sales. apologies for not saying it right. unlike you, I make mistakes when typing. Either you lied calling someone you do not know a lair is quite ballsy, oe are admitting you agree ignorant" and have no idea what this is supposed to mean. but knowing your penchant for not making mistakes when you type, I am sure it's me. of course, after wanting to call me a liar or ignorant, if that's what that is supposed to mean, your opinon carries little weight after that typo. carry on all knowing one.

looks like you went back and edited your post. that's OK, got to it before you could make it look right.
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now. let's let you answer some questions.
are you upset that there is now a 3.8% tax on any house you sell?
. . . .
"YeAh you said it applied to all sales. apologies for not saying it right. unlike you, I make mistakes when typing. Either you lied calling someone you do not know a lair is quite ballsy, oe are admitting you agree ignorant" and have no idea what this is supposed to mean. but knowing your penchant for not making mistakes when you type, I am sure it's me. of course, after wanting to call me a liar or ignorant, if that's what that is supposed to mean, your opinon carries little weight after that typo. carry on all knowing one.
LMAO........ "not saying it right"...... That is some pretty much bullshit type of spin. You clearly stated that it was on "any house you sell", and, Nemont skool'd you on your ignorance. And now, instead of telling him thanks, and sending him a check for the tuition, you have the audacity to call him out??? That ain't a "typo", that is a completely ignorant statement you made. And, let's be honest, you still don't have a clue how it affects anybody. Spin away, spin away, and when you get done, you should send a tuition check to Nemont for the skoolin' you got. My guess is you have got more skoolin' in this thread than you have since 8th grade....
Yes firearms is a multi billion dollar industry and it might not make sence but then when has gun control and it"s attempts made sence. Actually when has very much that has came out of Washington made sence. The UN treaty is dangerous, not because it will take the guns out of your closet or safe. Its dangerous because it opens the door for them to prohibit the sale and transfers of firearms and ammunition inside of the US. Some of you may question wether or not that would be constitutional. Here is the problem, in a perfect world, if the treaty was used for such purposes we would then be launched into years of litigation before finally getting the case to the Supreme Court and would then have to depend upon them to set things right. In the meantime the government would be enforcing the bans and thus controling our rights. If you dont think that is possible than ask yourself how many years was the gun ban enforced in DC before being overturned. How many were arrested. Its a slippery slope and one I would much prefer to avoid all together.
Holy Crap. Next time I need to read the entire thread before making a post. LOL We came a long way of the subject the thread was started under. Sorry for being behind the conversation curve. LOL
now. let's let you answer some questions.
are you upset that there is now a 3.8% tax on any house you sell?

I think you stated that this tax applies to any house you sell. I showed you how that really works. Then you tried to say something totally different. If you want to debate let's have a debate but if you want to pretend to understand what is in the bill and just want to make bs lies then there is no point to discussing it with you.


Typing on an iPad makes for a lot of typos.
Solohuntr, nice to hear input from someone else who can read the writing on the wall! Your last statement echoes the sentiment that I've vehemently been expressing!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm on your side, and when the self-appointed know it all begins calling you stupid like he has addressed Top and myself, you're welcome to the club!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least we know we've gotten under his pimp skin when he resorts to that type of comeback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the government refuses to arrest and deport illigall,s
refuses to allow states to purge illigal voters from the roles,
holds that a voter need not show ID to vote, but must show ID to get into a NAACP speach.
grants amnisty to millions who are here against out laws
refuses to defend our border,
refuses to allow oil imports via pipeline from canada ( our friends)
spends trilions on unproven, unworkable "green energy projects" at best costing 12 million per permanent job,
alllows purchase and transfer of assault weapons to Mexican drug gangs and when caught and questioned for the truth claims executive priviledge on a matter Obama claims he knew nothing about, never briefed on it and Eric Holder knew nothing about it or was ever briefed on, SO they would have nothing to hide eh?? seems they do and that information will get placed in the same vault as the Presidents "HI"school records, College records and transcripts, student loan applications, college thiesis papers, attorney license surender issue, ( both his and his wifes ;licenses)

His association with known terrorists and socialists make Bradly Manning loook innocent, Obama would not ba able topass a background check for a military "classified" entry level sucurity clearance, maybe thats why he pimped seal tean 6 out, degraded the intel they obtained by annoucing it on TV before the intel was read and acted on, team 6,s locartion in A- stan was comprised and lead to a major loss of operators later.

and anyone who thinks he is not a socialist is very wrong, one major part of socialism is conficating all weapons in slow steps, in a second term he would have free reign with his executive orders to implement gun ban,s and order the signing of the UN gun treaty.
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I think you stated that this tax applies to any house you sell. I showed you how that really works. Then you tried to say something totally different. If you want to debate let's have a debate but if you want to pretend to understand what is in the bill and just want to make bs lies then there is no point to discussing it with you.


Typing on an iPad makes for a lot of typos.

its an additional 3.8% to fund obama care.
Today, 01:35 PM
Senior Member Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: South of the Border
Posts: 12,877


Originally Posted by Solohuntr
its an additional 3.8% to fund obama care.

Please show your math..

"Always pull up survey stakes anywhere you find them. Always." - George Washington Hayduke

***Here we go again with you and your friggin C/Ping and asking questions! What don't you understand about what Nemont stated that some will pay 3.8% tax? It's right in the Bill STUPID, LOL! See, I can get down with ya if ya want to go there Bro, LOL!!!
***Here we go again with you and your friggin C/Ping and asking questions! What don't you understand about what Nemont stated that some will pay 3.8% tax? It's right in the Bill STUPID, LOL! See, I can get down with ya if ya want to go there Bro, LOL!!!

Do you think it applies to "any house you sell" like TLC does?

How will it apply to YOUR home?

How will it apply to the average house in my county ($104,900 value)?
Do you think it applies to "any house you sell" like TLC does?

How will it apply to YOUR home?

How will it apply to the average house in my county ($104,900 value)?

While I can appreciate the didacticism of a good derogatory interrogation, can't ya just 'Nemont up' a cut to the chase in lieu of the faux lefty shill schtick?::confused:
noharleyyet---For someone calling everyone else stupid like JC is and does all the time, how in the he** do you make it any plainer to the azzhole that the Bill will require "some" people that fall into that 3.8% category to pay it, while most will not fall under the provision! For all he knows I may be a millionare and be one of those few or maybe it's TLC or maybe rhomas! This guy JC is a friggin tool, troll, and clown all rolled into one and just appears to post in order to up his league leading 12,000+ others, LOL!
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My point is that he's not a troll if you don't fall for the button pushing. It's entirely up to the respondent to give anyone the power to manipulate response.. Gunner is as sharp as any knife in the drawer...
Jose, probably isn't a troll, but his posts also indicate that he is about as much a Republican as Obama. Anyone, who can find anything good about any of the imposter's policies and the current administration has an acute problem with reality!!!!!!!!!! I guess Jose's problems with reality are also Bush's fault, since the entire Obama occupation has been based on placing all blame on the previous administration (which was saddled with a Democratic controlled Congress)!!!!!!!!!!!

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