UN Gun Treaty

Since it's obvious that there are some liberals here, and even one or two extreme leftist present, it seems that any effort to prove and demonstrate the truths here are equivalent to expending energy trying to pound sense into Nancy Pelosi.

I believe that Jose Cuervo is in all probability one of those who uses his avatar as an expression of who and what he is...........which means that like most Democrats, only he knows the truth and facts (at least in his own small mind)!

BTW, JC ( which isn't an abbreviation of Jesus Christ), Tom answered your question about proof of fact based information on Obama's gun control agenda. All you have to do is google the reference provided.

If only we could send every liberal and democrat to a special camp. One where we'd put them to work so they'd be good citizens instead of the commie, fascist jerk faces they are.
Please explain how this works, or are you just making up a bunch of bullshit that shows you don't have a clue. The median price for a home in my county is $104,900. Please explain how much the tax will be on the typical house in my county. (also, I don't plan to sell my house, in any event, so not really a concern, but, I await your math.)
So is that median hurting or helping the value of the trailer park?? ;) :D
Senior Member Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Indiana
Posts: 7,999

Please explain how this works, or are you just making up a bunch of bullshit that shows you don't have a clue. The median price for a home in my county is $104,900. Please explain how much the tax will be on the typical house in my county. (also, I don't plan to sell my house, in any event, so not really a concern, but, I await your math.)

So is that median hurting or helping the value of the trailer park??

*** Now that is a really good one and I don't care who you are, LOL!

"If only we could send every liberal and democrat to a special camp. One where we'd put them to work so they'd be good citizens instead of the commie, fascist jerk faces they are."

*** I know who I would vote for as camp leader before he even got there, LOL!
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If only we could send every liberal and democrat to a special camp. One where we'd put them to work so they'd be good citizens instead of the commie, fascist jerk faces they are.

Fascists and Communists hated each other, take Stalin and Hitler for example.
I see you're back at the C/Ping again! Is that all you've got LMAO dipwad!!!

Yeppers, cut and pasted the crap you wrote, so you could see how ridiculous it was.

Any chance you understand all the allegations you make, or are you just repeating what you heard from the older kids on the school bus?
Nope; I got them from the bus driver herself, LOL! Why don't you go stick those 12,873 posts of yours up your smart azz and go away if you can't add anything meaningful to this thread?!!! You must either be retired like I am or are working a job like your avatar buddy to have as much time waiting on this website to try and cut people down as you do! People like yourself that are smartazzes on the net spouting all kinds of BS are probably little pipsqueaks that wouldn't say shit if they stepped in if they were in a face to face situation!
Since it's obvious that there are some liberals here, and even one or two extreme leftist present, it seems that any effort to prove and demonstrate the truths here are equivalent to expending energy trying to pound sense into Nancy Pelosi.

I believe that Jose Cuervo is in all probability one of those who uses his avatar as an expression of who and what he is...........which means that like most Democrats, only he knows the truth and facts (at least in his own small mind)!

BTW, JC ( which isn't an abbreviation of Jesus Christ), Tom answered your question about proof of fact based information on Obama's gun control agenda. All you have to do is google the reference provided.

You might share the same stupid disease that Topgun has.

Please show me anywhere that I asked anybody in this tread a question on Obama's gun control agenda.

Does wearing a tinfoil hat prevent any sort of logic and understanding from being formed?

Oh, and for your information, I am a registered Republican, and have been for as long as the state has required party identification. I am just not a looney-tune like you are, but, I am still a registered republican.
No kidding Dan! The guy now says he's a registered Republican like that means he has to vote that way, alll the while he's giving me shit saying I make stupid statements, LOL!
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I think the second term will be the <executive order years< as he has discussed,,, the UN scares me after serving in a NATO unit assigned to protect them,, once allowed to carry handgun and ammo on mil flight, was stopped as I was also carrying a folding buck knife,,,,,,,,,????????

this president will not declare his dislike for weapons himself but push his minions to do his bidddings,,
Holy shit, there is a lot of stupid in here.....Josie, I have known that fact about you since I joined this place. but please keep it coming as it is good entertainment.

How is this a trick question? already answered that for you. sorry if the words I used were to big for you. You either have insurance currently, or you don't. If you currently have insurance, then nothing is being "forced down" your throat. but if a person does NOT currently have insurance, then you are saying it IS being "forced down" your throat. very nice of you. Simple question: Do you currently have health insurance? not that it's any of your business, but yes I do.

Are you that stupid that you don't realise you are not forced to keep your kids on your insurance, and, you don't have to pay for their insurance. are you that stupid that you don't know that you can keep your kids on your insurance NOW if they are continuing their education? You can kick your kid to the curb at age 18 and let them venture off in the world without health insurance if that is your parenting style. you mean teaching them to be responsible adults is a bad thing? interesting point of view you have. Nobody gives a shit. Or, you can give your kid ACCESS to your policy and let them buy the insurance under the same terms and conditions of your group policy. Now, at least, there is a choice for parents, and, more importantly, a solution for young adults as they get started.

You seem pretty happy with Obamacare. agreeing with ONE thing makes me happy about the entire bill? you have such a small mind.

You seem pretty happy with Obamacare. see above.

Please explain how this works, or are you just making up a bunch of bullshit that shows you don't have a clue. pretty sure Nemonts post shows that I hit the nail on the head. guess you didn't like him posting that information since it proved I was right. The median price for a home in my county is $104,900. guessing the double wides aren't that big in your county? Please explain how much the tax will be on the typical house in my county. again, thanks to Nemont, that has already been done for you. (also, I don't plan to sell my house, in any event, so not really a concern, but, I await your math.)

How ignorant are you to the current situation? Have you ever seen any LIVING person be turned away from an Emergency Room? yes I have. the night I went to the ER after my accident, some drunk that had been in an accident was turned away. in addition, they had signs up saying they would NOT treat folks that did not have insurance. That is one of the main reasons for the need for health care reform is that people without insurance end up using the ER for the major part of their health care. And, treatments in the ER are the most expensive way to deliver medicine. I would LOVE for all the illegal aliens in my county to be buying health insurance. That seems like it would be a great thing for all my friends who work at Blue Cross, for all our local insurance agents, for all my Dr. friends that would like to get paid in full. And, even better, when I went to the ER for a real emergency, I wouldn't have to sit in with a bunch of poor people who are treating their babies for earaches in the ER. so you are upset that the illegals will still be able to get free health care. you must not be happy with the new law.

How much have they increased? I haven't seen them increase nearly as much as they have the prior 10 years. And, in fact, I just got a letter saying I was going to be getting a rebate. Please show how much they have increased since 2010 vs. how much they increased prior to 2010. will look them up tomorrow, later today, and get back to you. too late and too tired. seem to remember that they have gone up anywhere from 12.7% to a low of 5.7%. thinking it said humana was the 5.7?

I think you are making shit up on that. Right now, most people without insurance get "free coverage" by going to the ER and getting expensive coverage, then not paying the bill to the hospital/Dr./Speicalists. That upsets me, because when I go to the Dr, my fees are raised to cover the current "free" medical coverage. you must not be happy with the new health care bill then.

I pay for them CURRENTLY. so they are getting FREE health care on YOUR/EVERYONE, who has insurance, dime. You obviously have never taken any classes in economics, but, a simple lesson is that there is no free lunch. Those people who were getting "free" were having it paid for by me with my premiums, copayments, and such. And, worse, they were getting the "free" that was the most expensive way to get health care (in the ER, after a simple problem has become a big problem.) wait a minute. first you say because of your extensive economics education that there is no free lunch. then you proceed to tell us how they get a free lunch. which is it economics major? You are a fool if you think you weren't paying for the uninsured before. damn. another part of the health care bill you do not like. and can you please post where I said we were not paying for it before?[/QUOTE]

Care to admit that your 3.8% tax discussion was wrong or want to debate what is actually in the bill? Or do you enjoy the "debate" with Jose?

Solohuntr, nice to hear input from someone else who can read the writing on the wall! Your last statement echoes the sentiment that I've vehemently been expressing!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm on your side, and when the self-appointed know it all begins calling you stupid like he has addressed Top and myself, you're welcome to the club!!!!!!!!!!!!! At least we know we've gotten under his pimp skin when he resorts to that type of comeback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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