
UN Gun Treaty

Hornart- I know living in the past is a fun idea but you may wish to update your news articles...the one you posted is from 2009. I find it hard to believe that our local tinfoil hat wearing, ultra conservative, gun-nut in Missoula (one Gary Marbut) has come out and said this is nothing to worry about. Knowing his history with gun ownership and how much he worries about his guns being taken away...if it's not hitting his radar, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. It should do well with NRA membership, gun powder, brass, bullet, and firearm sales...I guess it's one way to keep people in jobs, so for that I guess it's a good thing...still BS...but good for sales.

Nemont- I agree with you, the treaty is a dead issue (even if it by chance hits the Senate). It's fun to see which wing-nuts come out of the woodwork on issues like this.

Hey hornart, I think there is a black helicopter over your house and men in black sunglasses on your porch, you better go buy some more guns and ammo!
"Think of the political fall-out from anything that would ban the sale or ownership of firearms."

Wait and see what happens if BO is re-elected and doesn't have any worries because he can't run for a third term. Anyone who has looked deeply into the Fast & Furious debacle whould know that BO and Holder were complicit from the start in running that project to gain a huge negative groundswell against private firearm ownership. Now Holder won't produce documents that would slit both their throats if they were forthcoming and BO signs another Executive Priviledge order to keep from producing the documents requested by Congress that would nail both their asses to the cross. How about the hundreds of thousands of our military firearms that South Korea gave back to the US recently and that are normally sold to legal US civilians under a program that has existed in this country for decades. BO signed another Executive Order precluding the sale of those firearms as being detrimental to the US if they got out into civilian ownership. This guy, if you look back into what little poiltical records are available, is about as anti gun as Sarah Brady herself and if he's re-elected IMHO some of you are going to be eating humble pie while others of us will be saying we told you so! This President is about as good as they get in being one sneaky SOB for creating Czars for everything under the sun and signing a number of Executive Orders that get around things that should go through Congress. Oh, and don't forget the great Obamacare Bill stuffed down our throats that the majority of the populace does not want or would not have voted for if allowed! Before anyone says that I'm voting for Romney to replace him they have another thought coming because he and the Republican Party sucks the big weenie just like the other major party in our country. I have said it before and I will say it again. Until there are campaign finance laws instituted that severely restrict how much a candidate can spend on an election and they are strictly enforced so that a third party candidate has a legitimate shot at the Presidency, our country will continue to be in deep dodo!

So you are saying that Democrats would allow a President from their own party to give the NRA and the Right enough ammo to defeat them and run them out of office? Don't know about that.

I don't think you understand how our form of government works. We the people elect member of congress, they vote on our behalf. Nothing got crammed down anyone's throat except down the House Democrats who had to vote for a bill that wasn't liberal enough for them.

Show me where Romney is so much better on guns. I think Obama and Romney are just two sides of the same coin.

Neither is much to write home about much less deserving of my vote.

Excuse me, but your reading comprehension of my post wasn't the best and a couple of your statements are off base! I said it won't be done until after the election and people forget a lot of things in four years when another candidate will be running instead of Obama. If you don't think that Health Care Bill was rammed down our throats, what do you call it? You also must not have read my entire post because I ended by saying that Romney sucks along with both major parties and the US needs to revamp its entire election procedure! You hit the nail on the head with your last two sentences Sir!!!
I quit reading when you started ranting. Once ranting starts reading the rest is just a waste time.

Where am I off base? Is the health care system working great now? Didn't something have to change? Whether or not you think the ACA was rammed down your throat or not the system is going to change. I am no fan of it but it was not rammed down your throat, it was passed by both the House and Senate and Signed into law. The Courts ruled on it and it is now law. That is how our system works, unless you don't think elections have consquences.

I don't support much of anything president Obama stands for but I don't believe he wakes up in the morning trying to figure out how to destroy the country and he was not elected king.

If he moves to restrict gun rights his party will pay a very, very steep political price and I suspect that those Democrats who want to remain in their office will have a thing or two to say about such a move, especially western Democrats.

Worry about something real rather than listen to the NRA talking points, their lunatic agenda has gone way into the weeds to get people to part with their hard earned money.

To whom it may concern,

Firearms are a multi-BILLION dollar industry in America. The industry employs a few HUNDRED THOUSAND Americans. No politician is dumb enough to seriously take it on.

No judge in the country, no matter how radical their political view, would establish the precedent that a United Nation's treaty superceeds the Constitution.

Thanks for your time,
Obama doesnt have my vote, as his health care issue forced down our throat stinks too,even though romney seems to be an idiot too it makes it hard to figure out who to vote for,,,,Uncle ted?
Obama doesnt have my vote, as his health care issue forced down our throat stinks too,even though romney seems to be an idiot too it makes it hard to figure out who to vote for,,,,Uncle ted?

How was it "forced down" your throat? It was promised during the 2008 election, it was debated, discussed, voted, modified, reconciled, signed, and tested in the SCOTUS.

And, it is pretty much the same as the plan Romney "forced down" the throats of the Mass population.

And, if you really hate having it "forced down" your throat, please explain what parts you hate?

  • Are you now being forced to buy insurance that you didn't previously have?
  • Are you now upset that your kids can have insurance to age 26?
  • Are you now upset that there won't be any lifetime limits if you get sick?
  • Are you upset that you can't be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions?
  • Just, exactly, what got "forced down" your throat?
I call anything that well over 60% of the US population says they don't want and then Congress goes ahead and passes it "forced down our throats"! That's my opinion and you have yours, which I don't agree with, and I'm not going to get in a pissing match with you like you seem to try and do every friggin time you make a post!
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I call anything that well over 60% of the US population says they don't want and then Congress goes ahead and passes it "forced down our throats"! That's my opinion and you have yours, which I don't agree with, and I'm not going to get in a pissing match with you like you seem to try and do every friggin time you make a post!

So, you don't have a clue what you don't like, you just have your mind made up without any thought?

And where do you make up the nonsense about "that well over 60% of the US population says they don't want" when that has nothing to do with reality.

More Americans approve than disapprove of the Affordable Care Act, a new poll from Pew Research Center shows.

The poll, released Thursday, shows that 47 percent of respondents approve of the legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010, while 43 percent disapprove.

Like the old saying goes, you are entitled to your own opinion, just not your own facts.
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If people dont want to pay for it,they shouldnt be forced to buy it,,,this is usa,,,not a comunist dictatership,,,,on the other side though i dont understand that romney doesnt know why we have public lands out west!!! isnt that a no brainer,,,we can debate all day but with obama being so anti gun,,,heathcare issues,ect,,Im not votin for him,so jose i can cancel out your vote w mine,,,ha,ha,ha.
"Think of the political fall-out from anything that would ban the sale or ownership of firearms."

Wait and see what happens if BO is re-elected and doesn't have any worries because he can't run for a third term. Anyone who has looked deeply into the Fast & Furious debacle whould know that BO and Holder were complicit from the start in running that project to gain a huge negative groundswell against private firearm ownership. Now Holder won't produce documents that would slit both their throats if they were forthcoming and BO signs another Executive Priviledge order to keep from producing the documents requested by Congress that would nail both their asses to the cross. How about the hundreds of thousands of our military firearms that South Korea gave back to the US recently and that are normally sold to legal US civilians under a program that has existed in this country for decades. BO signed another Executive Order precluding the sale of those firearms as being detrimental to the US if they got out into civilian ownership. This guy, if you look back into what little poiltical records are available, is about as anti gun as Sarah Brady herself and if he's re-elected IMHO some of you are going to be eating humble pie while others of us will be saying we told you so! This President is about as good as they get in being one sneaky SOB for creating Czars for everything under the sun and signing a number of Executive Orders that get around things that should go through Congress. Oh, and don't forget the great Obamacare Bill stuffed down our throats that the majority of the populace does not want or would not have voted for if allowed! Before anyone says that I'm voting for Romney to replace him they have another thought coming because he and the Republican Party sucks the big weenie just like the other major party in our country. I have said it before and I will say it again. Until there are campaign finance laws instituted that severely restrict how much a candidate can spend on an election and they are strictly enforced so that a third party candidate has a legitimate shot at the Presidency, our country will continue to be in deep dodo!

looks like a complete about face from someone who voted for him...........imagine that.
anything you can show, I can show better.........

And where do you make up the nonsense about "that well over 60% of the US population says they don't want" when that has nothing to do with reality.

More Americans approve than disapprove of the Affordable Care Act, a new poll from Pew Research Center shows.

The poll, released Thursday, shows that 47 percent of respondents approve of the legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010, while 43 percent disapprove.

Like the old saying goes, you are entitled to your own opinion, just not your own facts.

take this - "(Reuters) - Most Americans oppose President Barack Obama's healthcare reform even though they strongly support most of its provisions, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Sunday, with the Supreme Court set to rule within days on whether the law should stand.

Fifty-six percent of people are against the healthcare overhaul and 44 percent favor it, according to the online poll conducted from Tuesday through Saturday." imagine that. a poll with different numbers. wonder how that happens?

Like the old saying goes, you are entitled to your own opinion, just not your own facts.
And, if you really hate having it "forced down" your throat, please explain what parts you hate?

Are you now being forced to buy insurance that you didn't previously have?
nice try on the trick question. if someone says yes, then the obvious answer from you would be why do they not have insurance now. anyways, after seeing thru your obvious BS, the answer is yes. if I work for someone that provides insurance, and they decide to cancel it because it would be cheaper to pay the fines than it would be to keep the insurance, I would then be FORCED to buy insurance.

Are you now upset that your kids can have insurance to age 26?
you mean before this law was passed, kids couldn't have insurance at that age? this law just says that the parents can keep the kids on their insurance to that age. nice way to teach kids to fend for themselves and be responsible. seems to be teaching them to be leeches.

Are you now upset that there won't be any lifetime limits if you get sick?

Are you upset that you can't be denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions?

now. let's let you answer some questions.
are you upset that there is now a 3.8% tax on any house you sell?
are you upset that illegals and those that do not have insurance coverage can still be given free healthcare at emergency rooms?
are you upset that insurance rates(healthcare)have increased so much since this was passed?
are you upset that the amount of people that will get free coverage is going to increase?
are you upset that you will have to pay for these people?

see, you want to throw the things that are decent. but, in typical BS fashion, you leave out the parts that are not good. wonder why?
TLC--- Yep, you guys on the other site were right and I will readily admit it---he got me once, but BO won''t fool me again!!! Affter several years of watching this boob in the big house it didn't take too long to see the light! Too bad a lot of us were duped and got the SOB elected, but that's not the first time stuff like that has happened in elections. As you just showed in your posts, a poll can be designed to get exactly what they want and if you had another one tomorrow worded a little differently there would be another set of contradicting results. When the members of Congress passed a Bill with so many pages that they had no idea what was in it and Pelosi went on camera and said to just pass it and then you can read it, it shows how this country has gone to he** in a handbasket! Hey, I hope you have a good time on your Wyoming elk hunt this Fall. My buddy and I drew 5 great tags for elk, deer, and antelope, and will buy a couple more OTC to keep us busy for 7 weeks out there starting the middle of September. Have a good one!
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anything you can show, I can show better.........

And where do you make up the nonsense about "that well over 60% of the US population says they don't want" when that has nothing to do with reality.

More Americans approve than disapprove of the Affordable Care Act, a new poll from Pew Research Center shows.

The poll, released Thursday, shows that 47 percent of respondents approve of the legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010, while 43 percent disapprove.

Like the old saying goes, you are entitled to your own opinion, just not your own facts.

take this - "(Reuters) - Most Americans oppose President Barack Obama's healthcare reform even though they strongly support most of its provisions, a Reuters/Ipsos poll showed on Sunday, with the Supreme Court set to rule within days on whether the law should stand.

Fifty-six percent of people are against the healthcare overhaul and 44 percent favor it, according to the online poll conducted from Tuesday through Saturday." imagine that. a poll with different numbers. wonder how that happens?

Like the old saying goes, you are entitled to your own opinion, just not your own facts.

You cited an "online poll"? Lmao.

And, when did 56% become greater than "more than 60%"? Lmao
The thing about polls is they're never legitimate until thay support the ideology of the reader...and just like buses, there will be a new one every hour.
The biggest problem we face with the Democratic party and their Dali-Lama Obama, is that they honestly believe that the public isn't intelligent enough to know what's best for "we the people". The HCB is only going to create higher costs to the majority of Americans, with a decline in service. All we have to do is look at Great Britain and Canada to see positive proof that such a program causes decline in medical care. Who will be the real beneficiaries of this bill? The welfare class! Think about the millions of struggling middle class families who depend on employer funded insurance. They are stretching their limits today, just trying to pay their portion while adjusting to inflation in every other category of their lives. By forcing tax payers to spend more or be fined and taxed, who is really paying for the deadbeats?? Hell, there were already laws on the books that guarantee free health care to immigrants and the welfare class, and that's one of the reasons the rest of America has to pay higher premiums, today. How many doctors will we lose and how many fewer medical students will we see due to this? Again, just look to the East and North. Socialized medicine in Great Britain alone, has increased the cost, the wait times, and the quality of medical services over there, to the point that most Brits who can manage, come to the US and pay cash for their medical treatments rather than face the problems in their own country.

As for Obama's plans for gun control, let's face the facts. Socialism in it's truest form can only survive in a restrictive environment. We only have to look at Germany prior to WWII to see the truth of that. Would any of you prefer to live in France, Germany, England, or Australia, where guns are difficult and many times impossible to own? I find it reprehensible that people who claim to be hunters and outdoorsmen, would look favorably upon a man who has made back room deals and promises, not only with the anti-gun crowd, but also enemies of this country! What do we really know about Obama? Absolutely nothing that can actually be verified, that's what! Who is the money behind his meteoric rise in politics? George Soros, the same Soros who wants a one world government run by the UN, and a government that does not allow civilian ownership of guns, that's who!!!!!!! And guess who owns the company that will be tabulating a large portion of the votes in November, again it's Soros and one of Biden's sons is the operating manager of that company. F&F, and the Trayvon Martin case are just two of the situations that Holder and the DOJ have used to rally support for increased gun control in this country. Wake up, people. This isn't about the Republicans and the Democrats, it's about the survival of the Constitution, and the USA.

BTW, all one has to do in order to find a poll that proves their point, is look for it. Every poll that I've seen, without searching supports the numbers that a majority of AMERICANS do not approve or support the HCB or the ATT! Now polls that reflect the opinions of NON-Americans living in this country, as well as the percentage of bottom dwelling citizens show the opposite. Any poll can be worded to elicit the desired result, but I haven't talked with a single individual that supports either one, so does that make my poll any more accurate than Pew????????
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The biggest problem we face with the Democratic party and their Dali-Lama Obama, is that they honestly believe that the public isn't intelligent enough to know what's best for "we the people".

According to my own personal poll, half of them aren't.
rhomas said,

"I find it reprehensible that people who claim to be hunters and outdoorsmen, would look favorably upon a man who has made back room deals and promises, not only with the anti-gun crowd, but also enemies of this country!"


You mean like the shit that Republican Ronand Reagan pulled with Iran/Contra, the Mulford Act, and the Brady bill?

Or were you talking more about the Patriot Act passed by George W. Bush that eroded the constitutional rights of all Americans?

I guess the one main difference between Obama and his Republican counter-parts of the're speculating what Obama MAY be doing, while we absolutely know how Reagan and Bush gave the shaft to hunters, gun owners, and the constituation.

By the way, still waiting on that list of bills Obama has introduced to take away my firearms.......

Feel free to pull that list together anytime.
now. let's let you answer some questions.
are you upset that there is now a 3.8% tax on any house you sell?
are you upset that illegals and those that do not have insurance coverage can still be given free healthcare at emergency rooms?
are you upset that insurance rates(healthcare)have increased so much since this was passed?
are you upset that the amount of people that will get free coverage is going to increase?
are you upset that you will have to pay for these people?

see, you want to throw the things that are decent. but, in typical BS fashion, you leave out the parts that are not good. wonder why?

You need to understand the 3.8% tax before you can use it in arguement.
Understand that this tax WILL NOT be imposed on all real estate transactions,
a common misconception. Rather, when the legislation becomes eff ective in 2013,
it may impose a 3.8% tax on some (but not all) income from interest, dividends,
rents (less expenses) and capital gains (less capital losses). Th e tax will fall only
on individuals with an adjusted gross income (AGI) above $200,000 and couples
filing a joint return with more than $250,000 AGI.

In addition the first $250,000 for individuals and $500,000 couples of GAIN are exempt from a tax$FILE/government_affairs_invest_inc_tax_broch.pdf

Illegal aliens already use the ER and are treated every day in this country. The ACA specifically excluded illegals from being able to access the coverage.

Across the country insurance renewal rates for groups are lower than the previous 5 year average. Could be the economy, could be lower claims could be alot of things.

You need to read the SCOTUS rejection of the Medicaid expansion to see that States now have alot more freedom to not extend medicaid to those making up to 133% of the FPL. It will be an interesting political test for places like Texas that reject the medicaid expansion but will have the Federal Government offering those between 134% and 400% of the FPL a subsidy but not covering the poorest people. God bless Texas with over 24% uninsured and rejecting the Medicaid expansion. These people are still getting care.

If you want to argue the ins and outs of the ACA please read the bill first before commenting.

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