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Ukraine / Russia

I mean basically the whole segment, but specifically at that time stamp. His argument isn't "we shouldn't escalate for XYZ" it's "Biden sucks and Russia has legitimate cause."
Thanks for the link. That was Carlson's analysis. Apparently I viewed it differently than you did. Since this was posted the Biden Administration has changed their mind on allowing the Polish MiG's to be flown to Germany. Why? Maybe it was a half bake idea to begin with?
Carlson mentioned a conflict in Ethiopia that is getting scant attention in the media. Why are we not sending air support for that conflict? It's equally as brutal and horrific.

Because they aren't a superpower with nuclear weapons and don't supply Europe with the majority of its energy. If you can't tell the difference between these two events then you are slipping.
Carlson mentioned a conflict in Ethiopia that is getting scant attention in the media. Why are we not sending air support for that conflict? It's equally as brutal and horrific.

Do any of our politicians have children on the boards of large Ethiopian companies?
Given the obfuscation with Wuhan, I am not sure I want to give anyone a free pass on this.

Not handing out free passes, but there is a distinct difference between fact based reporting, "There are bio labs" or "There is evidence that this virus is lab based" and "There is a conspiracy of top democrats, don't believe their globalist conspiracy sheeple."

The latter has no place in a informed discourse IMHO.

And before someone whatabouts, yes it goes both ways 100%, other folks do it on the other team and it's equally as problematic.
I think Tulsi has been trying to reach across the spectrum.

Tucker was born into the fox hole. The blue blood one.

Mitt would fall off his horse in his yard, and his lawyer would handle it. But he is gaining on the T faction.
Not handing out free passes, but there is a distinct difference between fact based reporting, "There are bio labs" or "There is evidence that this virus is lab based" and "There is a conspiracy of top democrats, don't believe their globalist conspiracy sheeple."

The latter has no place in a informed discourse IMHO.

And before someone whatabouts, yes it goes both ways 100%, other folks do it on the other team and it's equally as problematic.
There was a lot of fact based reporting concerning Wuhan that did not stand up to the test of time. "Free pass" was a little strong, color me skeptical.
Something about Ukraine, the whole thing in general (more particularly the implications) has me wondering. I hate the fact that I need to say this; I am not supportive of the Russian invasion.
There was a lot of fact based reporting concerning Wuhan that did not stand up to the test of time. "Free pass" was a little strong, color me skeptical.
True journalist should be skeptical.

Carlson mentioned a conflict in Ethiopia that is getting scant attention in the media. Why are we not sending air support for that conflict? It's equally as brutal and horrific.

A number of pages back there was some discussion and lament that white Christians dying on TV evokes a whole other level of interest and outrage. Not flattering, but our current reality.
Remember when this thread was a great discussion about what's going on with Russia and Ukraine, not partisan squabbling about who said what?

Ya, good times. Those were the days.

That's just my sarcastic self trying to keep the train on the rails. I've enjoyed the discussion in this thread, I'd hate to see it locked down.
True journalist should be skeptical.

Ethiopia has had political instability/insurgency/civil war since 1974 arguably 100 years early. The war in Ukraine is not a civil war.
True. However more fighting has gone on, over this piece of soil , then most any other place in the world historically speaking.


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