Ukraine / Russia

One problem it seems is some of our elected officials is they think its ok to make our country weaker so we dont have many bargaining chips we should have stayed energy independent being able to sell energy to countries that now get it from Russia so we could weaken Russia
Hell we are even buying oil from Iran now
A strong USA is part of the Solution and right now we are not their, Im worried for the next yrs more than ever
Speaking purely on the US domestic implications of all this, anybody feel like having a clear and threatening common enemy like Putin will diminish some of the partisan political bullshit and bring us together as a country a little bit?

I’ve always been an optimist.

One can only wish Randy but the old adage, “haters gonna hate” will more likely ring true unfortunately.
I wish there was a wider acknowledgement that this falls squarely on Putin and not what any other country may have done or not done.

My father was in the Air Force when the Cuban missile crisis transpired. I was 11 at the time, so aware, but not fully. The pucker factor feels comparable.

I do know that if there is something like a go fund me drive for Ukraine's military defense, I'm in.
I doubt it. In my travels I have found Americans be Incredibly egocentric, we tend to over estimate our influence on other counties actions. And because of that we discuss events from US dominated prospective. What we are forgetting is that in this situation and location we have actors that have a historical timeline that is older then the existence of the United States and all that history shapes their thoughts and action way more then what the current US domestic oil production trend is.

It’s way easier for us to default back to the current baseline partisan rancor and try to paint our domestic energy policy as a cause of the current situation. Not that it would be any different if we had the previous administration in power, then we would have opposite teams cheerleaders hinting at pro Russian stances.
America does have some egos that are oblivious to how out of touch they are.

"Now it's thawing, and his infrastructure is at risk,” Kerry added. “And the people of Russia are at risk. And so I hope President Putin will help us to stay on track with respect to what we need to do for the climate.”
How can any determent ( financial, domestic, political, military) stand up to Putin’s pride and ego now that he is this far in? Honestly. He won’t say, “Oops, my mistake. Changed my mind. We’ll go home.” He can’t personally allow himself be seen as weak at home or abroad. He’s put himself in a corner now with no way out. The only way to somewhat save face is to try to carve out eastern side and say that’s all he intended from the start.

Regime change from within, however unlikely, is what I hope for. Watching the streets of Moscow.
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I wish there was a wider acknowledgement that this falls squarely on Putin and not what any other country may have done or not done.

My father was in the Air Force when the Cuban missile crisis transpired. I was 11 at the time, so aware, but not fully. The pucker factor feels comparable.

I do know that if there is something like a go fund me drive for Ukraine's military defense, I'm in.
Ukraine could use more of this, Today.
Regime change from within, however unlikely, is what I hope for. Watching the streets of Moscow.
I hear you, just remember that regime change could mean someone worse not better. I think we forget that there are members of his party/ideology within Russia that are "like him only moreso" and his replacement might pursue this war more aggressively not less!
One problem it seems is some of our elected officials is they think its ok to make our country weaker so we dont have many bargaining chips we should have stayed energy independent being able to sell energy to countries that now get it from Russia so we could weaken Russia
Hell we are even buying oil from Iran now
A strong USA is part of the Solution and right now we are not their, Im worried for the next yrs more than ever
Not sure what you are talking about…
@Cheesehead yo thanks for posting this. I just woke up and was thinking of how I wish there was a space to discuss Russia and Ukraine on hunt talk and checked and found this.

Good warning re: let's avoid left-right stuff. It doesn't even help discussions like this anyway as so much Russian history and discussion of it confounds the left right paradigm.

I think the world writ large missed an opportunity to help both sides broker a deal for the contested land in Eastern Ukraine. Unpopular opinion but I think Russia had an argument, and it could've been met with negotiations that offered Ukraine a chance to part with some land in return for major financial compensation or other similar conditions.

But they never wanted a deal, they just wanted the land and now Russia has crossed the line with the scale and scope of their attack.

I'm like the others who don't think this ends well for Russia. But I'm concerned to see how much it emboldens other actors like a future version of Russia or a current version of China depending I guess on how things go from here.
I'm like the others who don't think this ends well for Russia. But I'm concerned to see how much it emboldens other actors like a future version of Russia or a current version of China depending I guess on how things go from here.

I agree, but I unfortunately don’t think it ends well for Russia or Ukraine, and let’s not forget to add our little basketball and missile fan in North Korea into that conversation as well.
Hopefully Sean Penn can talk some sense into them
For what it’s worth, and all joking aside, I was in Port-au-Prince in 2010, like before, during, and after the earthquake.

Sean Penn and his organization saved a lot of lives, and did a lot of good. They made mistakes, we all did - we were making it up as we went - but do not diminish the good that was done and the lives saved.
My recent message sent to the White House:

I strongly recommend immediate announcement and rapid construction start-up of US sponsored NATO Combined Arms and Airpower Base in Poland, with enhanced Naval Power projection in nearby waters.

In view of little apparent effect of sanctions and attempts at diplomacy, it's only the projection of strategic military power that affects the mindset of egocentric megalomaniacs such as V. Putin.

StraightArrow COL (Ret) US ARMY
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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