Ukraine / Russia

And Americans should be thrilled. Otherwise China and India have to purchase oil from the same places we do. This oil will find a home and it will help on the inflation front.
but also by a desire to disrupt dollar hegemony
Not sure about that theory, but if he did it didn't work. Dollar dominance will continue for a long time. Even settling oil transactions in yuan doesn't change the situation because yuan is soft-pegged to the dollar anyway.
And Americans should be thrilled. Otherwise China and India have to purchase oil from the same places we do. This oil will find a home and it will help on the inflation front.

Not sure about that theory, but if he did it didn't work. Dollar dominance will continue for a long time. Even settling oil transactions in yuan doesn't change the situation because yuan is soft-pegged to the dollar anyway.
I predicted (safe prediction) that China was going to get Russian oil at a discount. Why should I or any American be thrilled with this?
I predicted (safe prediction) that China was going to get Russian oil at a discount. Why should I or any American be thrilled with this?
Because if they didn't, China would have to buy oil on the open market which has constrained supply due to Russian oil coming off market. That would cause price to increase...more than it already has. Americans hate gasoline at $4/ga. Try $6, $7, $8? Maybe "thrilled" was a little much, but most Americans care more about gasoline prices than Ukraine sovereignty. Energy sanctions were never going to solve anything because global energy demand is a constant necessary for the world to operate. I'm sure the administration knew this would happen. Hell, I pointed out it would happen like 80 pages ago.
I predicted (safe prediction) that China was going to get Russian oil at a discount. Why should I or any American be thrilled with this?
Because hypothetically it gives China some leverage to tell Russia to pump the brakes, which the west can't really do because of 80 years of history?
I predicted (safe prediction) that China was going to get Russian oil at a discount. Why should I or any American be thrilled with this?

It also reduces or eliminates any profit from the crude for the Russians. None of this is going to be perfect, but there is always going to be a buyer somewhere, for some price for everything.
I’m sure there are some really smart and heroic veterans working in politics and the military, but Joe and Don are the figureheads and I don’t want to fight to the death for either one of them.
It is my privilege that allows me to say this, but the thought of industrialized nations fighting a war in 2022 is just ridiculous.

And in the roaring 20s (1920s) the young and educated were sure the party would last for ever - and WW1 was the end of war. A global Great Depression and 100 million deaths later the story turned out different than expected.

I share your view that it would be insane, but reading the last 500 years of human choices show we aren’t smart enough to save ourselves.
i guess sometimes a little news out of ukraine on a sunday morning can put a smile on your face.

Ouch! The brutality of war though that is... war. :(

There was a quote: Only the dead know the end of war.
War-Crimes Accusations: The U.S. Department of Justice is working with European authorities on a plan to gather evidence about atrocities in Ukraine, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Wednesday. Pope Francis decried “horrendous cruelties” in Ukraine, including in “the martyred city of Bucha,” where reports of atrocities have prompted allegations of Russian war crimes, which Moscow denies. China shifted its tone, calling images from Bucha extremely disturbing, while continuing to avoid casting blame on Moscow.

If true... ugly.

Heavy weight leaning on China... That's an interesting dynamic.