Ukraine / Russia

At least your honest, a lot of people talk a big game.

yeah and i even say that in jest.

if the ordinary citizens of this country were compelled or drafted by our government to take up arms in a time of crisis that's one thing.

luckily it's a mega hypothetical.

i like to think that given the size and theoretical effectiveness of our military and homeland defense forces, combined with the suicidal nature of invading the homeland of a country like the USA, and the fact that our military and commanders in chief would likely discourage citizens taking up arms for a variety of reasons, i suspect we don't have to worry about it.

but i would stay up all night staring out the window at my street with that AR loaded. no doubt.
Right? Every time I look and think I’ve got a goodly supply of various cals for shooting I also realize that if hunting turned to gun play I’d be using most my rifles as a bat within the hour!
No kidding have you ever fired full auto? First time I did one good tug of the trigger and the 30 round mag was empty.
Not directly related but this whole deal has my polish grandmother very sad. She was orphaned by the Russians in ww2, sent to a labor camp with her grandmother who died there. Doesn’t know her birth date or any blood relatives.

This is a news story of how my polish grandpas family was taken from their land and put in a labor camp:

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No kidding have you ever fired full auto? First time I did one good tug of the trigger and the 30 round mag was empty.

Have only done twice (was a meet up prior to a buddy’s bachelor party where we all took turns) the first an AR experience similar to yours and the second rig a Thompson .45 with a 50-round circular. Was floored how much that Thompson weighed! I think those few seconds of vibrations cost me about $100 lol.
Quite a few of em fought for a bunch of snot noses who ridiculed them....just sayin out loud
I’m sure there are some really smart and heroic veterans working in politics and the military, but Joe and Don are the figureheads and I don’t want to fight to the death for either one of them.
It is my privilege that allows me to say this, but the thought of industrialized nations fighting a war in 2022 is just ridiculous.
I’m sure there are some really smart and heroic veterans working in politics and the military, but Joe and Don are the figureheads and I don’t want to fight to the death for either one of them.
It is my privilege that allows me to say this, but the thought of industrialized nations fighting a war in 2022 is just ridiculous.
I don't think Ukraine is fighting for zelenskyy, there fighting for themselves.
I was pretty young, but I have never forgotten how Americans came together after Pearl Hatbor was bombed. I would like to believe we "Americans" would put our differences aside and fight side by side if our country was ever attacked again.
Quite a few of em fought for a bunch of snot noses who ridiculed them....just sayin out loud
And, thank you for doing so !

That’s a rough one @Wind Gypsy.
My best to your Grams.
I too wish your grandmother the very best
I think the hubris of the West is going to be our undoing, I could very easily be wrong but I think that Putin's actions while driven by a desire to return mother Russian to her former glory were not completely driven by territorial expansion but also by a desire to disrupt dollar hegemony
I think the hubris of the West is going to be our undoing, I could very easily be wrong but I think that Putin's actions while driven by a desire to return mother Russian to her former glory were not completely driven by territorial expansion but also by a desire to disrupt dollar hegemony
Hope you are wrong. Hope we wake up.

Fedorov says he was interrogated by five Russian soldiers who were completely unprepared and knew nothing about Melitopol or Ukraine.

"They said they wanted to liberate the town from the Nazis and where were they, and I told them in my 30 years in this town I've never seen a single Nazi," Fedorov said.

He said that after that the soldiers told him they wanted to defend the Russian language.

"I told them 95% of us speak Russian already and nobody's stopping us, so there's no problem," Fedorov said.

After that, they told Fedorov they had heard that veterans of World War II were beaten during the last commemoration day.

"I told them I know these men personally, because there aren't many of them left, and they're treated as heroes," he said.