In the beginning I liked Trump, I thought I could vote for Trump, but the closer we get to the election, I cannot vote for Trump. Despite what his son has said, it is a game of politics and it will be once he's elected whether you want to believe he is a politician or not. He has backtracked on issues, changes his opinions, contradicted himself at every turn, and has released news after news that shows just how bad for sportsmen he will be. Instead of making this thread about "he's better than Hillary" argument sit back and use some actual knowledge, common sense, and reasoning. Trumps plans would give away public lands to industry, sidetracking environmental laws helping keep our wildlife safe and ensuring we have clean water and air. With his choices of Supreme Court justices, a Trump presidency scares me with a republican congress. You will see public lands,hunters, and wildlife have to answer to the almighty dollar and not good management. If you want to trust the guy that he won't give your public lands away to states, be my guest but common sense and research shows just how much he lies. Hillary sucks, I'll admit that, but this post isn't about her, so don't bring up arguments of who sucks less. You should be voting for someone, if you vote for Trump, it may very well be a give away of our public lands and wildlife to industry and states. I just needed to vent a little.