Trudeau Puts Freeze On Handguns

I see no solution to the wacko problem and see it getting worse as more and more wackos are created due to the ever changing overly technological instant gratification or instant let down swipe left or right social media world we live in.
I pray for my young son daily that he will be able to navigate his way through this world as he grows up. I would hate to be a kid in this world and glad I grew up pre internet.
yeah maybe type of gun is irrelevant? I don't know. so what do you do? I agree the "root causes" are helpful in identifying why a person acts the way they did, and that those issues need correcting in our society asap. But that will not happen before 4 dozen more of these events occur. So what do you do in the mean time?
How about politicians start screaming about legislation to address mental health instead of guns? Is that not what they are supposed to do if they are so smart that they hold a seat? I know, we have the Hank Johnsons and AOC type that can't barely understand an island isn't floating or Ethanol is a farce but there are a few that might have some ideas. That is a perfect starting point. If they are worth 2 shits and have more than a couple firing brain cells they could start to look into what it would take to get someone committed easier like it was 30 years ago? How about instead of banning guns they say something like any first time gun owner has to have a gun safety, hunter safety, or some other coursework where people are hired to also interact to assess someone for red flags in mental health? I am just thinking out loud, but I am dead set against gun laws banning anything, but I would be willing to meet in the middle if some gun safety and mental health observations are talked about. I know 5 people who are hunter Ed teachers and everyone has said they have seen students come through that even though they passed the course there is no way they feel comfortable giving that certificate because the kid seems a little off and I am sure an adult gun safety instructor has similar stories. Yeah, I know someone is gonna say that is discriminating but I would rather discriminate towards someone acting weird about getting a gun safety permit over a blanket gun ban.
I am curious which parts you believe should go further? If this a good start, what would be a great ending in your mind?

I don't have any answers regarding dealing with mass shootings. I am not against new gun laws, I just don't believe in knee jerk/feel good legislation that addresses something so politically charged. No way that gets through the Senate with Joe Machin from WV.

I doubt Jerry Nadler knows one end of a gun from another.

Always appreciate your posts @Nemont, they always hit home. Also, We do need some more honker hunting pics.😉
I mean do that about any line on the federal budget.

Just think if all the DoD funding was doing this. We could have two hundred swat at the front door of every school! (Didn't actually bother with the math, but also note there's much more cost to employ someone than their raw salary)

Or what if we tried to solve poverty instead of funding the DoD? Think of all the lives of the minorities and poor we could save?

What if we stopped childhood hunger in America by paying for all student lunches and after school meals?

The list goes on, talk to your congressmen and women if you have issues how they spend the federal budget, but I don't see dropping money fixing this issue. Texas had plenty of "upgrades" for student safety....
we could save?

What if we stopped childhood hunger in America by paying for all student lunches
My step sons school does this now we arent offered the option to pay for lunch since covid. I'm almost positive it's a state thing not district I'd have to recheck. Either way portions are about half what they were when we paid. Great program! 👍
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My step sons school does this now we can't pay for lunch since covid. I'm almost positive it's a state thing not district I'd have to recheck. Either way portions are about half what they were when we paid. Great program! 👍
Dude, awesome! I had reduced cost lunches for a time growing up, I'm sure it reduced stress on my mom getting lunch for three kids for less than a dollar a day...
My wife actually started a co-op school with other moms at the church in town because there’s so many kids that bailed out. They go 3 times a week to that and 2 days at home. Best thing we ever did for them.
Yah quite a few families doing the exact same thing here.
People keep focusing on the tool.

Mental health.

That should be the focus. I think taking user responsibility of the user out of the equation is insulting to the problem.

The root concern should be the focus.
Age requirements for the purchase of an AR 15 has already been litigated and was determined that it's unconstitutional to raise the age requirement.

I'm actually shocked with the amount of people on here that have no problem giving up this type of gun or that type of gun just because they don't see the purpose of them. Well, there's a lot of people that don't see the purpose of any guns. The 2nd amendment wasn't established so people could hunt. It's there so we can protect ourselves from evil people and a tyrannical government.

You could remove every gun from the US. Evil people will still do evil things. How many guns did Timothy McVey have? How many did they use at the Boston Marathon? How many were used on 9/11?

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