
Trouble with GoHunt Maps and Apple Mouse


Active member
Nov 27, 2019
Longmont, CO
Has anyone figured out the secret to using Gohunt maps with the Apple Magic Mouse. I asked this question about 18 months ago in the Gohunt Explorer thread specifically to Gohunt. They responded with some suggestions but didn't fix it. I have been trying to use Gohunt maps for 18 months now for all my e-scouting but everytime I try the zoom in/out faction makes me give up and go back to Onx. When using the Magic Mouse if I scroll to zoom in or out it is both very jumpy and always zooms two to three times farther than what my actual input is. It is miserable and is literally the only thing keeping me from canceling my Onx membership. I don't have this problem with Onx, Google maps, or even the map that is on the Gohunt filtering 2.0. It is only the explorer map. I know I'm not the only Mac user using a Magic Mouse. And I can't think others are just dealing with it so I'm going to assume it's something I can adjust. Gohunt or someone else have any suggestions?
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I use a trackpad on my Macs so I tested it on my Wife's as she uses the mouse. The both react the same. The zoom has stages or steps rather than being just a smooth zoom. I would prefer a smooth zoom experience. It is not really hard to use but it makes it so that one step could be too much and the next is too little zoom. I am not sure it has ever really been an issue but it is a distraction from a friendly user experience. Certainly not a deal breaker but it is something I would change if I had the power.

I will say I have used Gohunt a long time on several different models of Macs from MacBooks to iMacs to Studio and they are all the same.
I use a trackpad on my Macs so I tested it on my Wife's as she uses the mouse. The both react the same. The zoom has stages or steps rather than being just a smooth zoom. I would prefer a smooth zoom experience. It is not really hard to use but it makes it so that one step could be too much and the next is too little zoom. I am not sure it has ever really been an issue but it is a distraction from a friendly user experience. Certainly not a deal breaker but it is something I would change if I had the power.

I will say I have used Gohunt a long time on several different models of Macs from MacBooks to iMacs to Studio and they are all the same.
I use a trackpad on my Macs so I tested it on my Wife's as she uses the mouse. The both react the same. The zoom has stages or steps rather than being just a smooth zoom. I would prefer a smooth zoom experience. It is not really hard to use but it makes it so that one step could be too much and the next is too little zoom. I am not sure it has ever really been an issue but it is a distraction from a friendly user experience. Certainly not a deal breaker but it is something I would change if I had the power.

I will say I have used Gohunt a long time on several different models of Macs from MacBooks to iMacs to Studio and they are all the same.
Ok. That is how mine works but mine jumps several stages with one tiny flick. Like sometimes I can’t get the the zoom level I want no matter how many times I go in and out.

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