GoHunt vs. OnX

Interesting and great conversation. I've had OnX for years and love it. I also got GoHunt 2 weeks ago to truly compare and see if worth the research options. Gives me a year to figure out. Interesting dichotomy - you need the research to figure out what unit(s) to hunt (point GoHunt) but you need the map in hand when actually there (point OnX). Seems like the map in-hand probably wins based on the discussion...
@Dave@gohunt happy to see that you are watching this thread. I posted on the OnX question thread the following post, and I would put the question to you….could GOHUNT maps show the recreation areas on Ft Riley?

Hello @onX Hunt I’ve drawn a very low odds tag to hunt elk on Ft Riley (Kansas). To access the post I must check in with the iSportsman website to determine which area/s on post are temporarily closed due to training requirements for the soldiers. There are permanent no-go areas (weapons targeting areas) as well as weapons restricted area (archery only, muzzleloader/shotgun and non restricted areas)

There are also deer, fishing, upland birds and other recreational activities open to active duty, families of active duty as well as non military folks like myself. Please take a look at the zone systems and get these zones to show up on my OnX system, it will make it easier and safer for all recreationists on the post.

(I presume that multiple other military facilities have this same opportunity for more accurately showing map related issues on my mapping system)

PS: I like the GOHUNT satellite view of the post better than OnX. I have both and use both

@Dave@gohunt happy to see that you are watching this thread. I posted on the OnX question thread the following post, and I would put the question to you….could GOHUNT maps show the recreation areas on Ft Riley?

Hello @onX Hunt I’ve drawn a very low odds tag to hunt elk on Ft Riley (Kansas). To access the post I must check in with the iSportsman website to determine which area/s on post are temporarily closed due to training requirements for the soldiers. There are permanent no-go areas (weapons targeting areas) as well as weapons restricted area (archery only, muzzleloader/shotgun and non restricted areas)

There are also deer, fishing, upland birds and other recreational activities open to active duty, families of active duty as well as non military folks like myself. Please take a look at the zone systems and get these zones to show up on my OnX system, it will make it easier and safer for all recreationists on the post.

(I presume that multiple other military facilities have this same opportunity for more accurately showing map related issues on my mapping system)

PS: I like the GOHUNT satellite view of the post better than OnX. I have both and use both

Thank you for reaching out with this! I will definitely pose this question to our GIS team and see what options we might have.

Best of luck with that tag! What a cool experience.
I currently use both mapping tools. I have had OnX for a lot longer so its just taking some time to get used to the GoHunt mapping. I think I will keep both resources for a while.
I personally hope both companies continue to push and stay up with each other. That pays dividends for all of us to make sure we get a product that continues to innovate at a high level and stay competitively priced.
OnX is pretty AWESOME for western hunting!!! The layers are what make it great plus the ability to D/L all your HIGH resolution maps to your device for offline usage... It has always been spot on for all my devices...
I too struggled with gohunt maps even hunting antelope in areas with service last year. Huge lags in gps locations on a map. I wouldnt trust it.
Interesting discussion. For me it is a bit personal. I use OnX and will never go with GoHunt as I applied for a position there as a BI Engineer and didn't even get the courtesy of a phone screen. Now I will be arrogant about this but I am damn good at what I do. So yeah felt burned and said to myself I would not use GoHunt. That said I do really like using OnX. The features and speed work well for me and I have never had an issue with the app not doing what I wanted it to do.
OnX is by far the superior tool in my opinion. GoHunt was challenging to use on the mobile version and OnX has caught up on all the features only GoHunt originally brought to the table.
I'm on board with the overall consensus of OnX map superiority and GoHunt research superiority. That said, I will always remain loyal to OnX because (a) they're the first ones "to put mapping on the map" ... and our hand-held devices and (b) they've remained dedicated to improving and expanding public land access. Now, if one of the two would only figure out how to accurately identify and highlight public road access through private.
I recently subscribed to GoHunt. So far, as an all around tool, gohunt is superior in my opinion. I haven't had much time in the field with it, so I will report back once I've spent some time out there!
I'm on board with the overall consensus of OnX map superiority and GoHunt research superiority.
Love GoHunt at home and resent the app in the field. I have resubbed with GoHunt so I put my money where my mouth is and say that I prefer it overall. I do keep BLM quad maps in my pack just in case it goes dark mode on me
By overall product/subscription GoHunt
On my phone I find OnX maps a little easier to use but not a big deal. The OnX maps have just a little better resolution when you zoom WAY in.
On desktop/laptop GoHunt
Everything other than maps GoHunt
If I had to choose one it would be GoHunt
I'm a huge fan of GoHunt and use their research tools/read their website articles daily. That said, their map app was a disaster last year. I tried it after getting it free with my Insider subscription. In one video announcing the release, one of the guys (Brody maybe?) touts the ability to download maps that will cover entire units without the need to patchwork maps together. That simply isn't the case. I would try to download several maps, one at a time, and invariably the download would freeze and fail. I'd have to delete everything and start back fresh. When I finally did get some of the maps to download, they often wouldn't show up when operating offline. Finally, the location services were sporadically wildly off-- at times up to a mile from the landmark I was standing at. That could really get someone sideways if relying on it to pick up an unmarked public/private boundary. OnX's location was spot on.

I'm inclined to give GoHunt one more try this year but I foresee myself switching back to OnX eventually. Would be nice to see someone at GoHunt address the concerns made known on this thread. I know @Dave@gohunt is frequently on these boards, hopefully he will chime in.

Postscript: I should add that Nate Bare on the GoHunt staff went above and beyond trying to help me through the sticking download issue. He even returned a call to me *while on a mule deer hunt*. GoHunt's customer service is world class... their map app, not so much.

Postseason Recap: The GoHunt mapping app was much more serviceable this season than last. Maps actually downloaded and were available for offline use, locations were generally accurate (although there was an occasional hiccup placing me miles away from my physical location). I'll likely keep using GoHunt's app moving forward but primarily because I'm already committed to using their research tools.
I had gohunt fail me while hunting this year. All of my offline maps disappeared, and I had to navigate out with my compass and flashlight.

To say I was miffed would be the understatement of 2023....

Somehow there was a flash and all of my layers had gotten turned off, but I couldn't figure it out while I was standing there in the dark. I re-started my phone when I got back to camp and turned all of my layers on, and it started working again. Very frustrating. I had this happen a couple of time now. I never had that happen with OnX but I don't want to pay for both and OnX doesn't have monthly giveaways, so I had to choose 1 or the other.
I agree there is a component of path dependence where each side is hoping for its horse to come out first. I have had both and am now with onX. Based on how rapidly each is developing, onX appears to be ahead.

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