Hunttalk and how it works...
We dont get mad if someone doesnt agree with someone else.
we dont lock topics unless there is a serious problem.
We have no rules are far as what you can post(nakid stuff has to go into the adult forum) but other than that if you want post post a pic of a dead animal with its guts hanging out more power to you.....
We dont ban people(well I have but 99% of you couldnt even come close to getting banned)
Dont get worried about disagreeing with somwone Just because they are an Administrator or moderator. in all honesty we are people just like you. even though we disagree...
This board unlike most others is kinda like real life. your dont need to kiss anyones ass to be on thier good side or get on the good side of someone cause they are an admin moderator(although ass kissing works on moosie and he owns the board
Basically what I am trying to say is you dont have to be intiminated because some is a moderator or admin or even owner. you will find hunttalk is about the most non bias board on the net.
But on the same token dont go crying cuase you want a topic locked cause you dont agree with it, or someone banned cause you dont like them. We have 6 admins here that read the board all the time, they are people just like you and if they find something that needs to be banned or locked they will do it. In the last 2 years I bet I can count on one hand how many topics were locked(it just doesnt happen)..
So just because I disagree with some of you dont think your going to have problems on this board, I dont get made and bann people no one on hunttalk does, thats why its a great board.
We dont get mad if someone doesnt agree with someone else.
we dont lock topics unless there is a serious problem.
We have no rules are far as what you can post(nakid stuff has to go into the adult forum) but other than that if you want post post a pic of a dead animal with its guts hanging out more power to you.....
We dont ban people(well I have but 99% of you couldnt even come close to getting banned)
Dont get worried about disagreeing with somwone Just because they are an Administrator or moderator. in all honesty we are people just like you. even though we disagree...
This board unlike most others is kinda like real life. your dont need to kiss anyones ass to be on thier good side or get on the good side of someone cause they are an admin moderator(although ass kissing works on moosie and he owns the board
Basically what I am trying to say is you dont have to be intiminated because some is a moderator or admin or even owner. you will find hunttalk is about the most non bias board on the net.
But on the same token dont go crying cuase you want a topic locked cause you dont agree with it, or someone banned cause you dont like them. We have 6 admins here that read the board all the time, they are people just like you and if they find something that needs to be banned or locked they will do it. In the last 2 years I bet I can count on one hand how many topics were locked(it just doesnt happen)..
So just because I disagree with some of you dont think your going to have problems on this board, I dont get made and bann people no one on hunttalk does, thats why its a great board.