Timeout Time


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2015
With the recent time out being handed out to our famous green can drinking orange man posting member, I’m just curious if the mods don’t mind laying out the options they wield as options to members for breaking the rules. The timeout is a new one to me. I also know they can effectively boot us. Does that delete your profile or is that a separate action? I also know a member that swears his access gets throttled such as he can log in and read but posting becomes impossible or laborious. Mods, care to disclose all the ways you can punish us for being naughty? I’m just curious how this stuff all works. Thanks!
With the recent time out being handed out to our famous green can drinking orange man posting member, I’m just curious if the mods don’t mind laying out the options they wield as options to members for breaking the rules. The timeout is a new one to me. I also know they can effectively boot us. Does that delete your profile or is that a separate action? I also know a member that swears his access gets throttled such as he can log in and read but posting becomes impossible or laborious. Mods, care to disclose all the ways you can punish us for being naughty? I’m just curious how this stuff all works. Thanks!

Demerit issued...
With the recent time out being handed out to our famous green can drinking orange man posting member, I’m just curious if the mods don’t mind laying out the options they wield as options to members for breaking the rules. The timeout is a new one to me. I also know they can effectively boot us. Does that delete your profile or is that a separate action? I also know a member that swears his access gets throttled such as he can log in and read but posting becomes impossible or laborious. Mods, care to disclose all the ways you can punish us for being naughty? I’m just curious how this stuff all works. Thanks!
worried you're gonna end up there?!
I know a couple folks that have alternate accounts now because they think they’re other account was being monitored it some fashion. What’d Kurt do? 🤣🤣🤣 link me !? 🤣

Is it totally subjective? Like if a new guy did the same thing would he be banned entirely? Is it only because ol Bozone has been here for 15 years that he gets a temporary action?
Posting a picture of trump when he won the presidential election is not grounds for a ban and i KNOW Randy wouldn’t ban him for a photograph of a person. He’s too big on free speech and stuff. Surely he said something off the richter…. lol
Your username and posts don't go away if you get banned. You just end up with "banned" under your name instead of "Well-known member".

The guys with "Deleted userXXXX" are people that requested to be deleted. Not people that were banned.

Generally even new members get a warning or two before being banned. Unless they have some super software features that other forums don't there is no way they are throttling guys so they can't post. If they are banned they could actually view threads without being logged in but they can't post.
Never met the man with the green can in person but I hope he ends up back on here. It'll be way less fun without him.
I personally find the passive aggressive comments/commenters are a bigger issue to the HT community than Ole green cans ever could be. You also have to weigh all their content on the scale. For example Buzz can be a dick to people (sorry buzz, but it's true), but he's incredibly knowledgeable about public land management, is a helluva an activist for public land hunting, and he contributes several great hunting stories every year. Versus, we have a crap ton of posters than I swear don't spend 3 days a year doing anything productive, only login in to stir the shitpot, and damn sure never seem to do anything to support Randy's comments, that the reason we have this place is to support conservation efforts and information. They should be on the short leash.

Where do I get the #freeGreenhorn sticker?
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With the recent time out being handed out to our famous green can drinking orange man posting member, I’m just curious if the mods don’t mind laying out the options they wield as options to members for breaking the rules. The timeout is a new one to me. I also know they can effectively boot us. Does that delete your profile or is that a separate action? I also know a member that swears his access gets throttled such as he can log in and read but posting becomes impossible or laborious. Mods, care to disclose all the ways you can punish us for being naughty? I’m just curious how this stuff all works. Thanks!

I can start with the tinfoil hat wearing member.
As an admin I don’t have any function to throttle a member’s post abilities or create a labor intensive process just to enjoy the forum.

I’d advise said member to reach out to us behind the scenes and see if we can put someone technical on it to help troubleshoot it.

I’ve seen cases where certain networks have their own hurdles to get through.

My best example would be someone posting on let’s say a DoD computer. They might have certain pages blocked, certain functions or buttons disabled, or some form of “wall” that prevents them from enjoying all of the sites functions.
Other companies implement their own “hurdles”.

I’ve also seen people have issues when it comes to weak networks, think super rural or out in the mountains type networks. For some reasons we’ve seen degraded operations for them because of that reason.

So in short - for that specific piece of your question…. we don’t have the capability to throttle or degrade people.

Now for part II….
I’ll let you grab your pitchforks while I type it out.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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