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Timeout Time

I personally find the passive aggressive comments/commenters are a bigger issue to the HT community than Ole green cans ever could be. You also have to weigh all their content on the scale. For example Buzz can be a dick to people (sorry buzz, but it's true), but he's incredibly knowledgeable about public land management, is a helluva an activist for public land hunting, and he contributes several great hunting stories every year. Versus, we have a crap ton of posters than I swear don't spend 3 days a year doing anything productive, only login in to stir the shitpot, and damn sure never seem to do anything to support Randy's comments, that the reason we have this place is to support conservation efforts and information. They should be on the short leash.

Where do I get the #freeGreenhorn sticker?
I don't understand the few that don't ever contribute to anything hunting related...mainly just sports and politics.
I’ll start my post with this.

Randy has his rules and requirements and they are pretty clear. Each one of you legacy users are very familiar with these posts as I see your likes, comments, and support in these posts.

I’ve said it before, but 20% of the posters here are why 80% of people don’t want to sign up here or stay here. The 20% has developed this interesting complex as if they are invincible and rules don’t apply to them.

Each one of you can probably name 1-5 posters who are line pushers, trolls, or to Irrelevant’s point - buttheads.

That stuff is slowly and surely being cleaned up.

I’m going down a rabbit hole so I’ll get back on track with facts….

We (mods) will not ban people permanently, that is for Randy to decide and execute. So if you or any of your friends have been removed, know it’s from the boss man himself. Not some caffeine addict (me).

We have various methods to mitigate issues. Think progressive discipline I.E - deleting the post, adding a warning, reaching out with a PM, etc. No one’s intent is to get all Johnny Ringo and start deleting accounts.

Now for the fun part (do you have your pitchforks ready?)

Do you want to know why the person on vacation even came to light? Numerous users reporting his posts because they can actually read rules, they want this place to be better, and they don’t have time for people’s crap. I say this because sometimes it’s really easy to pick mods as your scapegoats, when really it’s the users actions and the community highlighting them.

To be clear - the person who is on vacation had four posts deleted that day before they were given a two week break. They have also had other posts deleted where they went too far or was “that guy”. They have been given a lot of grace before and to my knowledge has had a talk or two with Randy.

Bottom line - if you like this place, you like Randy, you like hunting, and you want to promote all the right things - then add value.

If you want a platform to be a troll or be a dink; I suggest posting on your own social media or go explore Reddit. It’s not going to last here.

Randy has more things to going on in a day, week, month, or year than most of us combined. The few other mods also work full time, have families, and lives.
We have much better things to do than pick specific users to target….. shoot I’m trying to hunt right now, but I’m typing this out. (We are volunteers)

I’ll end with this.
I was originally going to just delete this post because I know it’s a trap. There are a few of you just ready to tear this response apart verse actually just appreciating the overall context. I mean like ready to dig into each paragraph and give your two cents or try to debunk it. Those of you ready to do that are probably also part of that 20%……..
Add value and make this place better - easy

Also just so green can man or whatever you want to call him can have someone to be mad at because what happened.


In before:

Johnny posted the same thing and he’s still here.
Jeff called Julie a butt and he’s still here.
Jenny made a borderline bad post too and nothing happened.

As mentioned before, slowly and surely we will continue to improve this place and make it enjoyable.

The real in before is….
In before Randy comes back and removes my admin account ;)
You’d be surprised. We get a lot.

90% of the time this forum would be better off if the folks doing the reporting got the timeout.

This community is resilient enough to handle the character of legacy members who add a net positive value with their knowledge, interaction a quality of posting even if they provoke some folks in the process.
90% of the time this forum would be better off if the folks doing the reporting got the timeout.

This community is resilient enough to handle the character of legacy members who add a net positive value with their knowledge, interaction a quality of posting even if they provoke some folks in the process.
Totally agree. mtmuley
90% of the time this forum would be better off if the folks doing the reporting got the timeout.

This community is resilient enough to handle the character of legacy members who add a net positive value with their knowledge, interaction a quality of posting even if they provoke some folks in the process.
I kinda miss old times of this site when people with terrible viewpoints and nothing but junk contributions were basically hazed out
90% of the time this forum would be better off if the folks doing the reporting got the timeout.

This community is resilient enough to handle the character of legacy members who add a net positive value with their knowledge, interaction a quality of posting even if they provoke some folks in the process.

Just to give some confidence. I’ve watched BigFin set people straight in reports who were being “extra” thin skinned or just stoking a fire.
He’s nice and direct which some people need.
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