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Tikka vs Bergara


New member
Sep 24, 2022
Hi all, I’m looking to put together a semi custom rifle and I’m having a tough time deciding. Should I go with a tikka action+proof research barrel. Or a Bergara b-14 with carbon barrel? Both would be put into the same aftermarket stock. Mainly I am just concerned with the Bergara barrel accuracy. The Bergara would save me several hundred dollars. Thanks
I would go with a Tikka, but would use one of the other prefits like Preferred or OMR.
Just say no to Bergarbage. Ironically, a lemon Bergara that they wouldn't stand behind for their sub MOA "gurantee" is what drove me to buy my first Tikka. 6 Tikkas later and I'm loving the drama-free Tikka lifestyle.

Plenty of others with experiences similar to mine here:

I really like bergara premier actions and tikkas. Both are smooth, both have really good factory triggers and both are very accurate. I have multiples of each - can’t go wrong with either.
Never owned a Bergara (come close a few times) but I've owned five Tikkas and they never let me down. Every single one was extremely accurate with the stock factory barrel. I have a target that has hung in my workshop for years of a 1.8" group I shot at 400 yards at a public range in Colorado, shooting off my pack on a bench. That was a Tikka 7mm-08 with 162 ELD-X's. Buddy has that rifle now and claims he will never sell it. He's sent me pics of cloverleafs at 200. If I went the Bergara route, it would only be for their action, which I really like. The option to have so many aftermarket stocks available is very appealing.
I own two Tikkas and two Bergara. They are all awesome rifles. The Tikkas I’ve tricked out, but I wanted a plug and play rifle for coyote hunting the last time. I have a Bergara Squared Crest in 22-250 and it is immaculately built and shoots tmk’s at between 3/4 and 1/2 inch groups at 100. The stock is amazing. The other Bergara is a 17 hmr and shoots great. I didn’t like the Tikka 17 when I held it. It felt tiny and cheap.

As Larry Potterfield says,...Only accurate rifles are interesting. I wouldn't care what it looked like, give me the one you think will be the most accurate out of the gate. I bought a pretty high priced stock gun thinking it would be more accurate. It was not. A chit ton of ammo later and a trip back to the manufacturer I finally found the load that will shoot a cloverleaf. After all that misery I'm still pissed at a great shooting gun. A couple hundred bucks worth of ammo will disappear in a hurry if you have to chase loads.
I don't think you could go wrong with either. They both seem to be pretty consistently accurate from the factory. I have a Bergara with the carbon barrel and it shoots less than MOA. I've also never heard of a Tikka that wasn't accurate. Bergara is a Rem 700 clone, so you may have more aftermarket support, but Tikka isn't lacking in that department.
I've got a Tikka in .308 that shoots better than I can. My dad has two Bergara, one in 7MM Mag and one in .308 and both shoot better than I can.
I don't think you are going to swing and miss on either. I like the feel of the Tikka action a little more than the Bergara action, but that is personal.
Another vote for Tikka. I have two semi-customs built off Tikka actions and a third in progress. Unless you are just absolutely determined to go carbon fiber, I wouldn't hesitate to keep the OEM steel barrel on board. Tikka barrels are some of the most consistent, accurate factory barrels on the market. Lilja is also rolling out CF-wrapped barrels. I have three rifles sporting Lilja steel barrels and they are boringly accurate.
My Goodness, Hammy I love this! So beautiful!

To @Chingon did you follow the break-in directions? My dad got the same 300 WM and I went with him to the range to break it in. I would be very happy with that bergara rifle, minus the customer service of course. That part definitely hinders the choice.

It’s a Kampfeld Kustom from Sandpoint. Karl did an amazing job on it. I still need to shoot an elk with it… The planets haven’t aligned.
Proof R. Barrels/ carbon wrapped barrels have a totally different feel and balance compared to a traditional barrel... see if you can shoulder a carbon wrapped barrel and feel the balance for yourself before you buy one sight unseen. I'm sure one would get used to it but they aren't for me...then again I'm a walnut and blued guy and not looking for the lightest weight rifle I can russel up.
Tikka but I’d validate there is a reason for a proof before wasting $ on one.

Have a buddy who wanted a proof for his tikka so he sold me the factory tikka barrel for cheap. That factory barrel shoots 100 yd groups like this on my action with factory ammo.

7 rds I think with $1/rd ammo

10 rds

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