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Thoughts on the anti-hunting movement

Does anyone really think that these people give a rat's patootie about hunters' ethics or image? Do you think they are willing to make any concessions or negotiate? What good is public land if you can't hunt there?

Thanks jr. But why is it my responsibility to defend something my family has done for generations? Almost feels like some guys here are somewhat ashamed they hunt and have to validate it to those that don't. Sorry, I don't feel that way. That being said, I'm betting the circles we run in are miles apart. mtmuley

Tough talk muley.
I never attempt to defend hunting, either. That being said, our reasons for feeling no need to do such may be miles apart.
That being said............

Do you suppose "we" may be the next to suffer his and his (many more generations than you speak of) generations fate??
Hunting meant a little more to him than it does to the posters in this thread. Don't forget, they had the LAND - and the hunt taken - away at the hands of that time's majority.
Partially because they wouldn't and actually couldn't change with the times. Any parallels here???
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Little dramatic but somewhat applicable.
But, WTFC, the precarious futures of Public Land hunting and the NAM most likely won't happen in your and/or my lifetime(s), right?.....................................

Apologies all, carry on with the Anti bullshit.............................................................................................................
Where do you think the disconnect came from? When?. I still don't feel I need to explain myself to non hunters. I used to keep my killing of a wolf amongst people I trusted. No more. And it is a defense, at least how I see it. mtmuley

Just the evolution of modern society, in general we're disconnected from the natural world, our food supply, our communities, neighbors and families.

It's just one piece of a much larger puzzle. You dont need to explain yourself, no one is forcing you to and it's cool if you dont want to. But, Roosevelt mentioned talked about those in the womb of time. That is why I choose to be an advocate, I hope to be there when a (hopefully) a future grandchild catches their first fish, or short their first bird or big game animal.
hunters tend to forget that most none hunters are not so much against hunting, it is just human nature top be willing to ban anything you don't personally care about.

putting those who don't hunt in the same category as the antis just drives the wedge that much deeper .

I AM and have been guilty of this as I think most hunters are . mostly because most of us haven't ever given it much thought beyond the them or us mentality. WHICH IS EXACTLY THE MINDSET THE ANTIS LOVE US TO HAVE.

while I do agree , hunters shouldn't act like they are guilty and ashamed of some sort of crime for hunting , it costs us nothing to try and be reasonable with those who don't already actually hate us.
exerting reason is not the same as compromising ones principles . it is only by reason that we will avoid more compromise.

when one suggests banning so called "assault guns ",... instead of screaming "from my cold dead hands", it might just be, a wee more effective to point out that we already have laws on the books to punish those who have no regard for the law .
when one asks why we shoot bambi, instead of screamin FU , perhaps it might be more productive to just answer , "because I like to eat."

I think this is the point most are trying to make . it's not about being ashamed . it's about what is the better route to take.

onpoint, why is it tough talk? I hunt, I kill things. If others don't understand, it's suddenly my problem? mtmuley
Thanks jr. But why is it my responsibility to defend something my family has done for generations? Almost feels like some guys here are somewhat ashamed they hunt and have to validate it to those that don't. Sorry, I don't feel that way. That being said, I'm betting the circles we run in are miles apart. mtmuley

It's not a responsibility. I enjoy sharing it with people who haven't had the opportunities that I have had, the people who didn't grow up doing it for generations. Sometimes it piques their interest, and they want to know more, sometimes not, but it almost universally serves to at least demonstrate what is at least my end goal of hunting. It's not really about validating, as much as it is about just showing who we are, and maybe more importantly who we are not. Not everyone wants that engagement, and that's perfectly fine, but it is a good way to introduce people who may see things differently to our perspectives.
Does anyone really think that these people give a rat's patootie about hunters' ethics or image? Do you think they are willing to make any concessions or negotiate? What good is public land if you can't hunt there?

it's not about those who already hate us making concessions. it's about gaining support from those who don't already hate us.
onpoint, why is it tough talk? I hunt, I kill things. If others don't understand, it's suddenly my problem? mtmuley
it is when they wish to strip that right from you. I believe the point is, there might be a better , or more productive coarse to take.
The sad reality is myself and especially my kids have to deal with the anti shit in the first place. Compounds my frustration when the anti movement originates in places outside of traditionally strong hunting communities. mtmuley
The sad reality is myself and especially my kids have to deal with the anti shit in the first place. Compounds my frustration when the anti movement originates in places outside of traditionally strong hunting communities. mtmuley
I get that. in fact I believe pretty much all here do. believe me , it pisses me off to no end .
but we need to get past that anger and use reason if what we love is to survive.
The sad reality is myself and especially my kids have to deal with the anti shit in the first place. Compounds my frustration when the anti movement originates in places outside of traditionally strong hunting communities. mtmuley

i agree, but it's a reality we all should try to come to grips with. I'm not going to fault someone if they don't want to take on an ambassador role of some or any sort, but at the minimum please don't dig the hole deeper (not referring to you).
Thanks jr. But why is it my responsibility to defend something my family has done for generations? Almost feels like some guys here are somewhat ashamed they hunt and have to validate it to those that don't. Sorry, I don't feel that way. That being said, I'm betting the circles we run in are miles apart. mtmuley

Because you live in the United States, the social contract that 300 million of us are a part of says that everyone gets a vote about is or is not acceptable practice. I think defend is an overstep, I think it’s important for any group that is a minority of the population, we are less than 10% it’s in our best interest to help others understand our lifestyle, so they can make an informed decision when other minority groups, like PETA, propose legislation. We don’t need everyone to hunt to be ok with the fact that we want to hunt. In today’s pluralistic society I think it’s easier than ever for people to realize that multiple ways of life and exist and should be allowed to.

Where at @88man I think is missing the boat is that PETA (which I will uses as a catch all for all anti hunters) does not represent the beliefs of Democrats, Big D, ie, the party, rather they are a small interest group that in our two party system caucuses with that Democratic Party. If we had a parliamentary system with 6 parties they would probably caucus with the most far left party. To my knowledge the Democrats have never been opposed to hunting, guns are a separate issue and yes the party has opposed certain types of firearm ownership. I’m sorry but we’re you all unable to hunt between 1994 and 2004? Guns<> hunting. Similarly the Republican Party has not gone after hunting although they are anti public lands, it’s literally a plank in the national party platform, but it’s not anti hunting.

The point is most people are moderate, hunters goal should just be to demonstrate that our lifestyle has a place in our society going forward. Both major political parties have positions on issues that negatively impact hunters. This doesn’t not mean that someone who votes for either party is anti hunting. Bucketing people into one of two groups simply because they caucus with one party over another does a disservice to everyone.

Pretty please stop watching Fox, CNN, and MSNBC. Stick with NBC,CBS, NPR, the BBC, the Christian Science Monitor or the AP.
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