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This is why we can't have nice things

Yes their are some bone heads on here but as per other forums that I know of this one is first class. Thanks to Big fin n Mrs fin to keeping it that way
Their are local sites for me that I dont use any more due to the BS and im on here more than I thought I would be when signing up, Helping if I can I live in Pa but am an archery hunter for 40 plus yrs
Their is a treasure trove of info and the comedy value of January Posts of Hi new here where do I go to shoot and elk ,find elk, see elk is worth the price of a ticket lol
Appreciate what you do. That’s a job I think everyone has an opinion on until they are the ones doing it !!
As an example, 15 minutes after being banned, HighFastFlyer just now attempted to register under a new alias. Folks just can't help themselves.
IP banning. kind of a blunt instrument and doesn't work if someone knows how to force an IP change but most forum software has the feature.
Dynamic IP is the common theme for typical internet providers, now-a-days. Used to be assigned Static IP addresses in the earlier years.
Dynamic IP is the common theme for typical internet providers, now-a-days. Used to be assigned Static IP addresses in the earlier years.
Well speaking from the perspective of someone who works in the profession, while dynamic IP assignment (DHCP) is how probably 90+% of public facing IP addresses are assigned the reality is that it is exceedingly rare for your dynamic IP address to change. For my work I maintain and IPSEC VPN into My employers network from My home. MY IP address Is dynamic and in 6 years it has only changed once and that was after a 16 hr service outage. DHCP servers are typically configured to offer your currently assigned IP address back to the same MAC address when the lease expires before putting it back into the pool of available addresses. The only time it will not be reassigned to you automatically is if your device is unavailable to accept the assignment When the lease expires or you force a change by spoofing a new hardware mac address making you look like a different device. Like I said IP blocking is a bit of a blunt instrument and not foolproof. It is just another tool in the administrators toolbox to control the stupid.
Ya, @Toldyaso . I believe he told me so. His comment is the technical equivalent to @noharleyyet linguistic internet finesse. Thank God for Google Thesaurus / Definition search.

Yup. Expect a lot of deleted accounts in the next week.

When some of our most valuable members write me and ask to be removed from the forum, it is a wake up call for me. I think my effort to be tolerant has reached the point of being a detriment to the value the forum could have.

The topics being started, the multi-registrations I can't catch when I'm on the road, the infiltration of the Facebook-esque political bitching and moaning that results in completely unacceptable behavior is enough.

It's been seven tough months for me. I'm at the crossroads where I either close this forum or I just start deleting threads and banning the habitual offenders, no matter if they're my family, my neighbor, my hunting friends, or a complete stranger.

That's where it's at. I fund this forum with other sources of income, as I had always hoped it had value, and it has over the years. Sitting in the SLC airport this morning, reading the mountains of reported threads and posts, then going back to the recent trends of that in the last year, was more than I cared to deal with.

I sent some PMs asking folks to behave and interact according the rules in post #1 above. So far today the replies were GFY, to I might be headed for an ass kicking, to a bunch of defensive complaints about me and how I run a forum. I've had enough.

To get an email from a friend who has contributed great value to this forum for many years, stating that he no longer has any use for the topics discussed and the level of juvenile behavior, is the wake up for me.

Expect a lot of closed threads and a lot of banned members. No warnings, no reasons, just hitting the reset button. The forum interactions and the topics have slowly moved to a place that does not reflect who I am and what our goals are for this forum.
There are a lot of "internet experts" out there. I used to get on TheHullTruth, a boating and saltwater fishing forum covering the gulf and east coasts. But I find it is getting like Youtube, which I call stream of consciousness! I can't take it anymore. Like a bunch of fighting old women. Drama drama drama. One would like to ask some of these trolls "Do you use the top part of the phone?"
I luckily stumbled onto Randy’s unfiltered podcast that led me to signing up to HT Forum. I hope it sticks around because I’ve learned a lot about public land importance and where conservation help is needed. I live in Florida, but I try to hunt in the western states as much as possible. I want to help make a difference and protect our treasured public lands as much as possible.

As an example, 15 minutes after being banned, HighFastFlyer just now attempted to register under a new alias. Folks just can't help themselves.
I believe he was banned from another forum I frequent so maybe he’s just not made for it 🤣 Some people !!!
I just came cross this thread and I have to laugh....there are MANY long time members that act this way, yet, hm...they are still here. I have learned it is what it is these days....
I just came cross this thread and I have to laugh....there are MANY long time members that act this way, yet, hm...they are still here. I have learned it is what it is these days....
And the old timers who get out of bounds receive the same warnings and get some deleted posts the same as newcomers.

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