This is why we can't have nice things

I have only been a member for a few months and have already met some wonderful folks on here. Sure some were, as Randy likes to say, "ass hats", but far more people have been helpful and informative than have been the latter. My son and I will soon be on our first elk hunt and, thanks to this forum, Randy's podcast and Randys videos, we are much more prepared. Sure hope it stays up. This forum has been a crucial part of knowledge building for a guy from the southeast as well as being very entertaining.
The bold lettering sums up what Big Fin's "Hunt-Talk" should be all about.

I am not a regular here but have contributed when I felt that I had something useful to add to the conversation. For me, I really enjoy the "Outdoor" content, shared adventures, photos and try to steer clear of the BS.

Right now, I am working in the upper Mid-Western part of our great country. When people find out that I am from Montana, or notice my MT plates, the conversation turns "Outdoor" related very quickly. The longing to experience the Rocky Mtn states is fierce and I feel that is what drives this forum. Adding to the ranks of people interested in the outdoors and conservation, well, that is never a bad thing. The other BS is just that and should be skipped, deleted....etc.

My very first post here was rallying against the MT FWPs game management on our public lands with a side-bar gripe about this information age, this forum included. I came to realize that getting additional people hyped up about the conservation of our out-of-doors was a good thing, even though I will bitch about the added pressure this will create.

Thanks Big-Fin and all of the HT crew for providing a place for me to view, and contribute, on the subjects that really matter to me.


[ kahr-buh-ruhn-duhm ]SHOW IPA

any of various abrasives or refractories of silicon carbide, fused alumina, and other materials.

I think some of you just got call abrasive...

And your welcome.


[ kahr-buh-ruhn-duhm ]SHOW IPA

any of various abrasives or refractories of silicon carbide, fused alumina, and other materials.

I think some of you just got call abrasive...

And your welcome.
The art of an insult, Jabber. You say it with such artistic, oratorical grace that it kind of sounds good
Seems I was out of the loop when the poop hit the fan ... this time. Whew! Thanks for the wakeup call.

We can have fun without being crude or bullying.
I love ya Randy. Not enough to have your baby, but quite a bit so please don't close Hunt Talk. That will leave me with Facebook (if I can remember my login and password), or going back to annoying my wife.
Hi Cornell 2012
Kinda sad you had to post this..
I’m new here, many people have years more experience in all
aspects of hunting fishing shooting reloading etc.

Just recently there was quite a few responses on a post that if you can’t shoot a
rifle...your “ less than a man”... or your “ Masculinity“ was more or less put in

I don't remember that thread but poking fun at little men with big guns is an old joke.

I remember once many years ago when I was riding the bus home after a late day at the office an older native guy, obviously inebriated, was sitting behind me with his grown son and rattling off one Indian joke after another. His son was clearly embarrassed. Finally I asked the old boy if he wasn't bothered by white folks who tell Indian jokes. Oh, not at all. "It's about stereotypes, which are the joke. Only thing more laughable is stupid people who believe stereotypes." He may have been a drunk but he wasn't stupid. Don't take offense at people who are having fun ridiculing themselves as stereotypers ... when really they aren't. Tongue in cheek. A lot of that goes on here. (Insert emoji.)
I’m going on my very first elk hunt this year with someone met through this forum. I don’t know if I would have had the “masculinity reference” to do it without the help of this forum member. This place has been instrumental to me finding information for western hunting. Would be sad that no one else would get to experience the help and information this forum has provided me.
Whom v who. A Lamb special. Android unable to keep up with the HT dialect.


Like others, I've met some incredible individuals on this forum who (for Charles) have become dear friends, and I've seen members of this forum change the direction of policies & legislation through their hard work, and using HT as the catalyst for it.

I resolve myself to be less snarky, and more helpful. Except to @wllm1313. He knows what he did.

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