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This has been bothering me for a while.

Sometimes it's funny though. Had a buddy I think was a bit dyslexic.

He referred to whitetails with perfect racks as having good "generics" rather than genetics, and WalMart as WaldMark.

So whenever we hear a politician say something totally insane, not exactly a Black Swan event, we say well, he probably just has bad generics.
To flog the equine further . . . (@Ben Lamb's garageband's comeback tour)

I'm getting tired of reminding you of this, it was Donkey Punch.

Not Flog the Equine. That name was taken by a 1980's Welsh New Wave Synth Pop Band made up of only people named Gruffudd. They sent us a cease and desist letter.

Also, e e cummings was a grammatical genius. Everyone else should play by the rules.

Sometimes it's funny though. Had a buddy I think was a bit dyslexic.

He referred to whitetails with perfect racks as having good "generics" rather than genetics, and WalMart as WaldMark.

So whenever we hear a politician say something totally insane, not exactly a Black Swan event, we say well, he probably just has bad generics.
My father-in-law always said “old timer’s disease” instead of Alzheimer’s. .
“Chomping” at the bit. Have you been around horses?? They champ at bits. I’ve yet to witness one “chomp” at their bit.

The absolute WORST:

“There’s two bulls on the second ridge.”

“Where at?”

You don’t end a sentence with a preposition. Some examples don’t sound too bad. Ex. “You don’t know what you’re talking about” is technically wrong, but it seems less awkward than “You don’t know about what you’re talking.”

But “Where at?” No. Just no. Say it with me: “Where?”, “Where is it?”, “Where are they?”

There is a strong second reason I quit watching hunting videos: not hearing the influencers talking with one another while glassing. “At at at at at at at at” Damn…just shoot something and be done with it!

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