Yeti GOBOX Collection

The War on Feral Cats

Thought about having a couple dozen cats around to just breed cats of all shapes and sizes and especially colors. Then ride the town's finding lost cat posters and try to match up cats with descriptions to collect reward money. Just need some investors in my new business.
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Which are worse feral songbird eating cats or chicken eating skunks?? I have had to deal with both.
Man I forgot all about that ME article. I haven't seen any of the ferals around our house the last year or so. None of it was my doing, and I can't say I've heard or seen anymore predators around.
Haha 😂 I meant skunks that eat chickens lol haha. I should be sleeping instead of posting on hunt talk lol
Lot of projectiles flying in this thread. Seems to me a sure way to get private lands closed to hunting would be to shoot the owners pets. If I was you clowns I would err on the side of caution when smoking domestics. Haha. Alright let me have it!
Lot of projectiles flying in this thread. Seems to me a sure way to get private lands closed to hunting would be to shoot the owners pets. If I was you clowns I would err on the side of caution when smoking domestics. Haha. Alright let me have it!
The idea of shooting a "feral" cat on someone else's private property seems like a bad idea.
My private property? Sure, though I may have to deal with a pissed off neighbor.
Public land? Probably.
When I was growing up our barn cat population exploded. Our cats would travel far and wide usually returning to the barn. Now I know what probably happened to some of the ones that never made it home. Old age for our barn cats was like 3. Lots of ways to go as a barn cat but I think that’s a topic for its own thread.
In college, my dad's roommate dissected a cat in biology class. He brought it back to the dorm and tanned the hide. Let it hang out their window to dry. He ran a trap line before class too.
In college, my dad's roommate dissected a cat in biology class. He brought it back to the dorm and tanned the hide. Let it hang out their window to dry. He ran a trap line before class too.
I bet the chicks digged that! On par with my game in college
Cat pelt has to be better than some of the hides I have. Worst ones have to be the Javelina hides. I can’t think of a worse hide than Javelina. Maybe rhino or something. I wonder if cat hides are popular anywhere in the world. Just not my cat....

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